The motive doesn't make sense, and the times are speculative, at best. I think he's guilty but I don't think they've come close to proving it.
I have to say, the "SLED" police work is about the shoddiest I have ever seen. They left the house on the murder scene wide open so that when the housekeeper arrived the next morning she saw that Murdaugh had taken a shower and left clothes and a towel in the bathroom floor. She subsequently washed the clothes and rinsed down the shower!! What?!? (I am not a crime scene investigator but I have watched enough of them on TV. ) Also, from the bodycam video there appeared to be everyone and his brother trampling over the crime scene the night of the murder, looking at the corpses and milling around. Good grief.
I follow a news podcast called Queen City News, which does some hard-hitting investigative news, and SLED rarely comes out as being either capable or above-board.
Unless recent developments have changed her mind, she thought he might be innocent of the murders. She's watched more of it than I have, but I think he probably killed them but I don't know that the evidence was there for a conviction.
For me, it's the dogs not barking, the clothes disappearing, the guns disappearing and his own response about the dogs not barking because no one was there, when he admitted about the lies and things he did to everyone and then apologized to them all he apologized to Maggie and Paul too, and telling the caretaker to say a certain length of time he was there and she even started crying because she hated to say it and knew it was incriminating as well as saying it was unusual for him to visit at that time... who visits a senile mother at 9 PM, so many things. I wish the state emphasized these things more than the financial stuff over and over. As for a motive, that's harder and I wish they spent more time on personality traits of someone like him (which I think is hard for most of us common folk to understand the family dynamics of a dynasty like that) I think more fine details of how addiction really affects people and their brains/personality. You could even see on the witness stand that although he kind of fell into the many faces of Eve and played up the sweet old country boy that he also has a short fuse and could be easily agitated and that's after probably a long time of sobriety now. So when you take all the plates that he had in the air at that time, his mental state for several different reasons, and the fact that Maggie and Paul I think were United especially against his drug use which they were about to expose, Paul's trial that was also going to expose a lot and whatever was going on with Maggie and a supposed separation and or divorce and what that was going to bring and I think he just snapped.
I think for the shirt to be white was deliberate. What a neon sign to police looking for signs of blood. He's a con man by nature and lawyers are good at theatrics and staging.
The case has only to be proven beyond any reasonable doubt. So far any doubt I have read about or watched live isn't reasonable. There was not one shred of evidence that anyone else but Alex was there with Maggie and Paul. It is unreasonable to believe otherwise. I hope Waters drives this point home in his rebuttal. I think Waters missed several opportunities to drive this point home with the jurors. Let them know that they may have doubts, but those doubts aren't reasonable.
I can't stand her personally and only watched her shows on the Murdaugh murders because of the panel of attornies she had on. They all had different takes on the trial and they made some points I hadn't heard before or thought of. The point that most agree on is that Murdaugh had no reason to ever take the stand since the state's case was weak and the lack of evidence of anyone else being there could be dismissed with sloppy police work, etc. It would have been easy for the defense to create reasonable doubt and the trial might have lasted two weeks with Murdaugh found not guilty. That is not what Murdaugh wanted. He wanted to try this case and become a legend like OJ. He succeeded whether he is convicted, retried, or found not guilty. It is a win-win for this sicko whatever the verdict.
Actually, the financial motive makes perfect sense for a jerk like Murdaugh. He couldn't stand being brought down and his crimes exposed. The civil lawsuit in the boat case was compelling him to produce all his financial records and Maggie was talking divorce. Paul dead = no civil lawsuit. Maggie dead = no community property. Unfortunately his firm uncovered his shady embezzling and his world was already crumbling. (Why it took them over 10 years to notice is beyond me.)
Waters should have made the financial points and moved on. He needed to focus more on Murdaugh "coaching" both housekeeper and caretaker about the timeline and what happened to those CLOTHES.
What about the juror who was removed today??? Sheesh. What a maroon. "One of the 12 jurors in the double murder trial of Alex Murdaugh was removed Thursday morning and replaced with an alternate prior to the defense team's start of its closing arguments. Circuit Court Judge Clifton Newman said the juror — identified as No. 785 — had engaged in improper conversations outside the courtroom. She denied having discussed the case when he spoke with her, but said two other people were interviewed about their contact with the juror and they "waffled on the nature and the extent of the contact." The juror ultimately spoke with at least three people about the case but not extensively, Newman said he learned, although it involved "giving her opinion regarding evidence received."
Just watched the defense closing. As expected it was based on emotion and ludicrous speculation that doesn't exist in the real world. The jury wasn't sequestered. That troubles me in such a high-profile trial. I have a bad feeling he will get off as not guilty which will leave him free to make millions off his story.
I think probably a hung jury; no way 12 people believe he's not guilty. Besides that, the 80+ felony charges he still faces, and those aren't based on emotion but actual facts. Oh, and I can't stand that guy giving the final prosecutorial closing. Ugh. I think the other guy should be speaking last.