Blackmail (1929) A British thriller starring Anny Ondra and John Longden, featuring Cyril Ritchard. Originally filmed as a silent movie, later dubbed to create a talking version (briefly alluded to in Post #201 of this thread). Hitchcock uses a technique with mirrors to insert actors into a scene as miniatures in the climax of the film at the British Museum. The movie is 85 mins long. I got caught up watching the whole thing because I was curious as to who was blackmailing who. Didn't find out until the 53 minute mark. It was a bit slow moving for me, and the first 10 minutes could have been omitted. Other than that, it was very good. Colorized Movie on YouTube (good quality) Hitchcock's Cameo (in black and white)
Wow! Hope we never get that lighting with the bags I already have under my eyes...At least it makes the turkey look small
New Year's Eve Champagne Tips Courtesy of Alfred Hitchcock A few tips from the Master of Suspense to guide you through your champagne toast into 2012: MORE
"Jess Hitchcock and the Australian Chamber Orchestra perform Auld Lang Syne at the Sydney Opera House for the ABC New Year's Eve 2023 Concert." Jess Hitchcock - Auld Lang Syne | Sydney New Year's Eve 2023