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Anti Semitism

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Hal Pollner, Mar 8, 2019.

  1. Vada Bloom

    Vada Bloom Very Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2023
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    People have their own definitions of evil. I see terrorists as evil. Others see free Israel as evil.

    American mainstream media pretty much supports the left, chaos, Antifa, pro-Hamas groups, BLM marches, socialism, communism and anything that harms our country as far as I can tell.

    While I won’t agree with supporters of those organizations I would much rather know where people stand than be left in the dark. I’m still figuring out the group on this site but I’m learning.

    I’ll just throw out this one thing to think about. If the conversation was about black or Hispanic people it would be considered racist to lump them into a group as some people do when discussing Jews. Mary asked why does everyone hate Jews? I think that’s a good question. Why, indeed?
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  2. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I don't think there has ever been a war in which noncombatants were spared, and this would be particularly difficult when it comes to Hamas, who are not soldiers in uniform, operating from military bases.
  3. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Americans don't hate Jews, but according to the voting polls, and who democrats choose, almost 80% of Jews don't agree with American culture of laws unless it suits them.
    Too many Americans died in wars protecting Jews right to exist to say we hate jews.

    Scroll down and look at the Jews in Bidens cabinet alone,

    US President Joe Biden has appointed a strong, experienced team for his new administration. Among them are a minyan and a half of Jews. Indeed, I wonder if there has ever been a more Jewish US administration – and as well, a full minyan of strongly liberal Catholics, including Biden himself. Here are the 15 Jews who comprise Biden’s Jewish A-Team. I strongly believe that a vigorous American presence in world affairs, spearheaded by the Jewish A-Team, is in Israel’s long-term interest, more than an “America first” administration that made the US largely irrelevant in global affairs.

  4. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I'm a defender of Israel right to exist, but not the right to destroy Americas existence, Jews are voting more for HOP these days.
    Trump is definably a friend to Israel as are most Christians like me, just not for any who don't appreciate our sacrifices for any race, religion or group who jeopardizes our liberty.
    @Vada Bloom what do you think about some of the Jews voting democrat?

    Last edited: Apr 25, 2024
  5. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I'd be an awful antisemite because I couldn't tell a Jewish person apart from anyone else, and I've always believed that anyone who judges another person based on a large group to which they involuntarily belong is an idiot. As a nation, Israel is an ally, and, unlike many of our other "allies," Israel has come through for us more than once, so I think we should support them as far as it comes to selling them arms and anything else that they might need, but we shouldn't be paying for it because, as far as I am aware, Israel isn't as far in debt as we are. Allies do send troops in support of their allies when necessary, but I don't see that as a necessity when it comes to Israel's conflict with Gaza. Israel was attacked, and we should allow them to respond to that attack as they see fit. Israel can handle it if we let them. They are fighting an enemy that does not operate from military bases and who are not in uniform. Since the enemy is among the civilian population, it's ridiculous to expect that there won't be civilian casualties. Whenever they die, they will be proclaimed civilians. You would have to be able to read their minds in order to know if a Palestinian is Hamas or not. If the civilian population of Gaza were not in support of Hamas, they would rise up against them.

    While Israel has fulfilled its obligations as an ally of the United States, the residents of Gaza, overall, have fulfilled the conditions to be considered enemies of the United States. They were literally dancing in the streets after 9/11.

    As it is, we pretend that we are allied with Israel while, in practice, we criticize Israel whenever they respond to aggression with aggression, and, at the same time, we support both sides in the conflict, even as we pretend that our objective is an end to the conflict. That's nuts. You don't end a war by supporting both sides in the conflict.

    As for Jewish people in the United States, it doesn't make any more sense to equate their political leanings with Israel than it would to blame me for whatever Sweden does or doesn't do. I've never been to Sweden and I don't know more than a few words of Swedish. Many Jewish people were opposed to the creation of modern Israel, and some of them remain opposed to Israel.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2024
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  6. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I think the radical elements of Islam are a danger to any free society, so I too am all for Israel in this war, but also don't think we should give to nations better off than we are, ally or not.
    Hamos started this war and if others join in, then I would think we should too, so far that's not happened, although Iran is threatening.
    I don't agree with any nations plan to change America, including some of the most radical elements of Judaism, like this nut in video below,
    My favorite most recent philosopher was Jewish, Ayn Rand.

    Last edited: Apr 25, 2024
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  7. Vada Bloom

    Vada Bloom Very Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2023
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    If someone said all or even most Americans hate Jews I missed it. Mary's question said "everyone". I see "everyone" as a generalization. Of course not every person in the world hates Jews and certainly not all Americans do. I will say that while most Americans see them favorably, still many do not. That is their right, it's personal choice, hate, dislike, love or whatever. I still think it's ok to wonder why, as well.

    Jews in Biden's cabinet do not impress me. Anyone who would join Biden's cabinet is someone I would not trust whatever their heritage.

    That said, I doubt that Biden hates Jews or even hates Israel. Joe Biden just wants to be elected again and he's having a devil of a time deciding which rear ends he should be kissing. It's the one part of this awful situation that I've enjoyed. I realized right away once this war was underway that he had a problem because two of his biggest support groups were going to be pitted against one another. Does he do what most Americans want and support Israel or does he throw Israel to the wolves so he can get Muslim votes? Can he walk the line until the election is over?

    Additionally, I'm not sure how much good America will be to anyone if we don't get back to putting America First.

    What do I think about Jews voting Democrat? The same thing I think about anyone else voting Democrat. I think they are making a mistake. Not all Jews support Israel so maybe they don't care if it ceases to exist. There are several ways of being a Jew. By ethnic heritage, by religious conversion, by citizenship. Not every citizen of Israel was born a Jew, not every Jew is religious, not every citizen is a Jew. Arabs are Israel's largest ethnic minority and citizens.

    For those American Jews that do support Israel they made an idiotic decision if they voted for Biden. Maybe they are just behind the times because more elected Democrats used to support Israel.

    Israel would be in a much stronger position now if Trump or any Republican was president, if for no other reason than Republicans don't count on Muslims for votes. Remember, it is Biden putting our troops in the line of fire. Have all those military decisions been good ones? There are military people who don't think so.

    It's possible everyone here will disagree with me but I don't think Hamas would have dared to attack Israel in October had Trump still been president. For one thing Iran would not have had the money to put into it without Biden giving them access to it as well as allowing them to sell their oil.

    I'm not too concerned about the radical elements of Judaism. I'm much more concerned about the radicals on the streets and in the colleges making ordinary American's lives miserable while supporting terrorism. IMO if we are attacked it is much more likely that it will be by Islamic terrorists that either crossed Biden's open border or were brought here legally than it will be by radical Jews, although it's certainly possible that there can be an isolated exception.

    One last thing, not every Muslim in the US voted for Biden although it is likely that most who voted did. Not every Muslim in the US would support an attack on this country, I believe most would not. Am I wrong?

    The video is interesting, Marie. I haven't given a lot of thought to Europe's opinions of Jews or of much else, quite honestly. I do like Ayn Rand.

    If I'm ruffling feathers here, sorry. I realize this forum has been a small group of friends for a long time. I also realize it wasn't always small and accommodating different opinions can be hard. I thank you for allowing me to join in as an outsider with a full set of opinions.
    Beth Gallagher and Ken Anderson like this.
  8. Ed Marsh

    Ed Marsh Veteran Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Ms. Martin- I am truly glad you liked my response in support of Israel. I do expect that we all have much more in common than it might appear at first glance.
    But if you are waiting on me to ever say anything good about the former occupant- either as a business man, or a politician, or as a man- you've got a looooonnnngggg wait coming. He is simply a very bad individual in every possible way.

    And I do hope I am changing for the better- every day in every way.

    You all be safe and keep well- Ed
  9. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    It seems to me that these subjects are never debated or discussed, people bring them up then shut down or insinuate any disagreement means hate, be it political, racial or religious.
    Maybe I'm stupid, since I like debates of all kinds and forgot they are out of style, for better words.
    Vada thank you for answering my post, not many do, but who can blame them, I do tend to be opinionated, often, too much so.
    Plus, we live in interesting times and most of us are on our last nerves.:eek: where politics and alliance's go.:confused:.
    Like reading your in delph well organized reply is appreciated. I just want all to know I'm with Israel and nowhere near antisemitic. I'm just a frustrated nationalist without a nation and anyone who does harm to the memory of this lost empire gets my opinion.
    I don't think the small Jewish citizenry here made a difference in Trumps election one way or the other. I do think the money donated to liberal anti American causes do.
    I feel bad my family will not enjoy the American nation or culture I did. I know we were not perfect but compared to many we were not that bad either.
    Glad you like Ayn, she makes more sense than most so called charity organizations.
    Far as the teach a man to fish philosophy, instead of giving a fish while he sits on his ass, when you worked yours off to get the fish you so foolishly give away. Last part of quote is mine of course.
    Below is one of my favorite quotes from Ayn,

    " You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality."
    Jewish law is charity begins at home, I still stick with many Jewish customs, like only God can make a day Holy, so we don't celebrate Roman ordained holidays. Yet don't care if others do, long as they don't care if we don't.
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  10. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Very well said.
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  11. Vada Bloom

    Vada Bloom Very Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2023
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    Hmm...I thought it was just me being ignored. :D Seriously, most of the conversation here is not about news or politics.

    Just so you know, Marie, it wasn't any of your comments that I reacted to.

    I still remember learning about the holocaust in school and have done some reading about WWII, Hitler and the resettlement of the surviving European Jews into the Middle East. I also remember 9/11 in this country so my for-or-against choices are easy. One of my relatives was stationed in Germany after WWII. He toured some of the camps and brought home some information about what happened there complete with pictures.

    I agree with you that we are in big trouble in this country and things will be different for our children and grands but then I also remember that they have also made choices and many times they've chosen the left. I hate it but they are very likely to reap the consequences of reality. If this election goes wrong we all will.

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  12. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I think we are just like all empires who usually end the same and for the same reasons.
    I have to remember the roaring 20s were just as wild as the 60s. and lets not forget Sodom and Gomorrah, so it is just what mankind seems to never learn, especially from history.
    Nice having this discussion with you folks.

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