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Anyone Watch Paranormal Caught On Camera?

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Steven Stanick, Feb 6, 2022.

  1. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I would not be able to resist letting those morons know that they are dishonoring my father's memory and I don't appreciate it. Disgusting, really.
    Don Alaska and Yvonne Smith like this.
  2. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    I agree 100% I've been watching it from the beginning also.
    Chris Ladewig likes this.
  3. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    I have seen a few "UFOs" myself, but cannot make any claims as to what they were. The Russians have claimed to have shot down a UFO but have not released info although they claim to have recovered the debris. There have been numerous claims of UFO sightings over Ukraine as well. The U.S. Navy recently released more photos of UFOs encountered by ships at sea.

    I have thought for a long time that there was an "entity" at our current house, but my wife has always tried to explain it away. I would hear car doors slamming shut in the driveway but there was nothing there. Sometimes even the dog would react by running to the window to see who was here. Our grandson spotted something on our security camera footage that almost made my wife a believer as a mist drifted around the house then slowly rose into the air and disappeared. The car door slamming has stopped now and has not returned.
  4. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    While I have no doubt that there are a lot of hoaxes out there, particularly in books, movies, and YouTube videos, ghostly entities have been reported for as long as there was a means of reporting anything, including the Old Testament. I don't doubt that there are phenomena that might be seen as ghosts or paranormal entities. I don't know that these are necessarily the spirits of dead people. When I hear about ghosts who are repeatedly seen descending a staircase in an old building, I'd hate to think that the spirit of this person is condemned to descend the same staircase over and over for eternity, unless that's another interpretation of hell. When ghosthunters find evidence of people haunting old buildings that no one uses anymore, like long-closed insane asylums or prisons, I have to wonder why anyone would want to do that, or even why anyone would want them to do that. It might be fun to haunt an inhabited building, though. Otherwise, that doesn't make sense to me but then, a part of the definition of the paranormal has to do with things that cannot be explained through normal means.

    After a friend of mine was killed in a car accident (a car that I was in at the time), I swear that I saw him standing outside his house/gas station a few days later. He had lived above the gas station his family owned, and I would drive by there on the way to school. Until I remembered that he was dead, I almost pulled over to give him a ride since I'd pick him up sometimes. Later, I thought that I suppose it was possible that he had a cousin or another relative who looked a lot like him, and it might make sense that relatives would visit at a time like that.

    Shortly after we moved here, I walked into one of the downstairs rooms one night and encountered a flash image of a woman wearing clothing that looked like it was from the 1930s or 1940s. I only saw her for a split second, but it was clear enough that I had started to say something to her. That was odd, but the best I have been able to determine, only one person has died in this house and he actually died outside after falling out of an upstairs window while drunk sometime in the 1960s. It was a three-unit apartment building since at least the 1950s, it seems. But, while some people say that it was built as an apartment building, the layout doesn't fit that idea since two of the bedrooms were clearly fit into what had originally been a porch. It doesn't even share the same foundation as the rest of the house. So, my best guess is that it was built as a single-family home in 1910 or shortly before that time, since I have a postcard from 1910 that shows it as one of only two completed homes on this part of the street, with others under construction.

    Other than that, I previously spoke of a couple of other paranormal experiences in this long post, one of them involving one of my cats.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2023
  5. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I have seen things that I thought were possibly UFO’s also, and also watched something bright and green come crashing down out of the sky in Idaho, with a huge boom that shook the ground beneath me. News reports said it was an asteroid, but probably would not have told us, if it were something else.

    I have a possible explanation for your entity , @Don Alaska .
    When I lived in western Washington near the Mount St. Helens wilderness, we would also hear car doors at night, and other strange things. Once morning, the CB was on in one of our vehicles, and another time, the keys disappeared and we found them hanging on a nail that was way higher than either myself or my husband could reach.

    It turned out that we were not the only ones with this mystery, and our neighbors reported their chickens being let out of the coop, and eggs taken from the nest.
    Apparently, the military has a wilderness survival training course that happens in that area, and people are dropped off during the night and sent into the forest to survive and be picked up after the course at a predetermined time and place.
    Since I lived at the end of the road, that was where the trainees were dropped off and sometimes picked up again.

    Rather than actually surviving in the mountains, they would raid the locals homes and take things like chickens and eggs to eat. One day, I discovered where someone had moved bales of hay around to make a cozy little bed in between the alfalfa bales.

    The military denied that this training was happening, even though local people could tell that it was going on.
    One day, Robin and I were riding horses in the hills nearby, and a guy just stepped out into the trail in front of us. Robin was in the military (home on leave) at the time, and he readily explained to her about the wilderness training, and that he could not find his way back out, which was why he stepped out where we could see him.
    We explained how to get out to his meeting place (our driveway area), and he happily went on his way.
    It seems possible to me that something like this could also be happening in Alaska.
  6. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    I believe there are true authentic paranormal experiences I believe some of the UFO, Bigfoot, and ghosts sightings are real, but I also believe the hoaxes are problematic leaving me with doubt about what sightings are real and what is a hoax.
  7. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Jake just brought something out from this film, I didn't notice how he put his glowing hands in his pocket and held his face down.
    I think its real and so does Jake. But er both had an angel catch us before we hit the ground while falling off a porch.
    Don Alaska and Tony Page like this.
  8. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Interesting idea, @Yvonne Smith. Whatever it was, it seems to have stopped.
    Tony Page and Yvonne Smith like this.

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