Back In The Ussr

Discussion in 'Make Me Laugh' started by Boris Boddenov, Mar 7, 2021.

  1. Boris Boddenov

    Boris Boddenov Very Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    In SSR was crime to make fun of Party or Party official. Your children were brainwashed to – how you say – rat you out – if you tell joke about Party. Burden to prove you innocent is yours and they always believe child anyway. They send you to labor camp in north near where white bear live or to camp near Siberia where brown bear live and supply train always late.

    I scold son Vladimir for not doing chore and he – rat me out. They send me to labor camp in north near where white bear live to build roads. They fid itch of us one loaf of bread per day and three bowl of bin zoup which contain very little bins, mostly greasy water with fat bubbles on top. You are lucky if you find pis of fat or gristle in your zupe.

    After two wicks, you are no longer productive due to hard labor and poor diet, even when threatened with Caucasian Ovcharka shepherd dogs. They send you home and replace you with other pipple who make joke about Party.

    If you neffer in USSR, you not know how lucky you are.

  2. Mary Robi

    Mary Robi Veteran Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Stalin is flying across Russia in a helicopter with several of his underlings. He spies a peasant below working in a field and says, "I think I will throw a ruble out the window and make that peasant comrade happy."

    "Excellent idea!" says one of his toadies. "Perhaps the Exalted Leader should throw ten rubles out the window and make ten peasant comrads happy!"

    "Perhaps the Exalted Leader should throw himself out the window and make ALL the peasant comrades happy....." an aide named Nikolas was heard to say, under his breath.

    I assume you met Nikolas in the Gulag.
  3. Boris Boddenov

    Boris Boddenov Very Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    Nyet, Mariya, but his legend is alive-and-well in labor camp.

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