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Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Martin Alonzo, Apr 12, 2021.

  1. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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  2. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    I don't think it would be smart to target our generals. These morons will continue until they are finally all arrested and charged for the criminality we see everyday they have been in office. Dictatorship will get you a permanent sleepy time nap in most civilized nations. All of them should be forced to read and watch the history of all world tyrants over the past 150 years. There are more than enough morons to keep voting for these slugs. No matter how bad they all become few will ever stop supporting the worst people in American politics. I've watched this for over 50 years and it just keeps getting worse and worse for America. All of them think that they're untouchable !
    John Brunner likes this.
  3. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Hillary recently came out and said that she is "the most investigated innocent person ever."
  4. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Ha, glad I wasn't eating my breakfast or I would have choked. It does show the level of contempt from her and she of all people should have already been hung for a coup de tat. That's the problem, no Republicans have the guts to insist on following the laws or carrying out their sworn oath of office. Now if there was no proof and it was all hear say that would be different. That is not the case and there is enough evidence to hang her and all her minions who actually participated including piglosi, the FBI and others. The Republicans continue to down play the true nature of what she actually did and they just use it for campaigning. I don't like any of these people in the Republican party for them ignoring their duties. The coup de tat continues, this time using that Jan 6th BS that would make a large roll of toilet paper. They're all a bunch of gutless losers and if Trump decides not to run then I won't vote for any of those other slugs. We know there was massive fraud with mail in ballots and anyone that refuses to believe there wasn't might as well stop voting because there will never be another conservative elected again until people finally take down the criminals involved tampering with or stuffing ballot boxes. As far as hillary is concerned someone just needs to lead her to a long flight of stairs and let her walk down by herself without any help. I wonder if she has paid food tasters ?
  5. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I was at an event hosted by my state representative last night. He showed "2000 Mules." There were protesters outside (here in my sleepy rural county) trying to disrupt the event. One of them was inside filming everyone with his Smartphone making a scene, and the cops kicked him out.

    It's depressing to see video evidence of people pull up to a ballot box, get out of their car wearing latex gloves (to conceal fingerprints), pull out a bag of ballots, shove them in the box, take off the gloves, throw them in the nearby trash can, get back in their car, and then get tracked (cell phone pings) going between various "organizations" and a dozen other ballot boxes on election night, still dropping off illegal ballots hours after the cutoff time for any ballot...and it's on tape!!!! There are videos of the mules using their cell phones to take pictures of the ballot boxes to prove they actually made the trip (there is no honor among thieves) so that they could get paid for making the drops. Heck, some local governments did not install the legally required monitoring cameras, or they decided to just turn of "select" locations.

    I, too, beat the Republicans up. But what are they supposed to do? They could put forth the evidence of the mules, and the [corrupt] media will claim that the Republicans are "spying on the little guy," or "disenfranchising minorities," while the truth is you have the Mexican mafia in Latino communities threatening people to vote a certain way. In the film, there were clips of multiple talking heads repeating the mantra "most secure election ever." It's the corrupt courts and law enforcement that infuriate (and frighten) me...but Mitch McConnell does come in a close second.

    Trump won bigly, and look at what the thief in the White House is doing to us.
  6. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    In the end people will finally get enough and take the law into their own hands. You can't trust our own FBI or the Intelligence community, just like the department of no justice they have all been replaced with political hacks and paid by the democrat party, you know it isn't the clintons or bidens or any other crooked phony using their own money. Just as with hillary and her coup attempt, she was so sorry she used donated election money to pay the slugs who did the dirty work, that alone should get her indicted for stealing campaign funds to do dirty work. With slick willy that was to be expected, he was already a draft dodger. That one Florida county clerk that was supposed to be in charge of certifying the votes and she was always dragging her feet until enough stuffed ballots would come in before making any statements on the final count. Well she wasted no time retiring when she became the center of attention. I forget her name but it just shows none of them should be trusted. I look at all the pre election gatherings for Trump and slo joe and joe had no one showing at his little get together s, they had no crowds at all. I ask myself how did he win when everyone stayed home, did they all magically decide to run out to the voting stations so they could vote for him. No matter, I just hope all the crooked ones that did interfere with the election starve to death, and spend their life's savings for food and gas.
  7. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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  8. Tom Galty

    Tom Galty Veteran Member

    Jan 31, 2018
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  9. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    During a joint conference with Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid in Jerusalem, Biden admitted he was “given a list” of reporters to call on for questions. After being prompted to take more reporter questions, he said "Um, sure. Uh, I was given a list here,” before reading the name of a reporter he called on (a Reuters reporter.)

    Several times throughout the conference, Biden was seen looking at his list of approved reporters he was given the green light to call on. “The next person to ask us a question, I guess, is Nadia [Bilbassy],” Biden said, again referring to his list


    link2 w/vid
  10. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Many people feel sorry for the guy but not me, he is a vindictive buffoon who enjoys talking loud to citizens who have been paying his salary for a half a century. A real shame he wasn't Emperor of Rome a long time ago. At any rate if conservatives do take the senate and house back he is not long before being retired. I just hope they get rid of that other worthless buffoon at the same time and save us a lot of misery. The court would be very busy undoing what ever she would just willy nilly decree. Someone already said America just got a good dose of what communism really is, maybe they might think about how stupid they have been the past 13 years. Ignoring the law, targeting other citizens simply because they won't allow them to be kings and queens when they can't even uphold or protect all citizens rights, they don't even care about the stupid people that still vote for them. I also hope media is cleaned up to stop the lying and pandering, they are not adhering to FCC regulations and are actively interfering with our elections, not reporting news but making up total lies to help swing a leftist candidate. Our forefathers would be ashamed of us for allowing them to take down our country.
  11. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    On the contrary, I hope the Democrats do run Biden and whats-her-name on the ticket again in 2024, or at least let that nutso, Kamala, try her hand at the front of the ticket. The only way that either of them could ever win would be from another cheat fest.
  12. James Hintze

    James Hintze Very Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2020
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    I's be interested in a few examples of the lying and pandering. Also, the word "communism" is thrown about often. What is your definition of it? Hint: The Soviet Union dictatorship had nothing to do with 'communism,' as Karl Marx developed it in his manifesto. Please do that, and then we can argue about which party is pushing us more toward a dictatorship.
  13. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I imagine Al Capone felt that way.
  14. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Maybe Geraldo can take us through her vault.
  15. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Biden is standing there this morning leaning on his elbows giving a speech with his hands in his mouth. He has to hold himself up at the podium using his elbows. Taking credit for everything Donald Trump accomplished in the mideast. If biden's lips are moving he's lying. The way he looks he might not make it back home, he might croak on AF-1 on the return flight.

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