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Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Martin Alonzo, Apr 12, 2021.

  1. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Who really knows what is happening except for the fact we've all known biden is a sick, deteriorating man who has had no business trying to change his own clothes, let alone be President of the United States. It's all been "for the love of money" and the last thing they've been out to do is help honest, hard-working Americans.

    Like Senator John N. Kennedy says "there aren't enough Hazmat suits to get this mess cleaned up"! And if biden's actually on our streets and highways in that Corvette, I am staying home o_O:eek: I guess they only let him pull it out and back it into his garage, we can hope.
  2. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Just when we think the democrats/liberals can't do anymore harm, whether intentional or not, they would really outdo themselves putting that laughing-stock in the highest office of the lando_O
  3. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Looks like a pile of "Depends" to me, but safe to say it's a place someone may not look for classified documents :D
    Teresa Levitt likes this.
  4. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Kamala is such a fool who would waste their time prosecuting her for anything, so she could probably make it to the top. I know, it's a horrific thought. Something tells me that this is going to be a literal draining of the swamp though. I think most of them are going down for the 3rd time, I hope, but it is so frustrating when I think of all they've gotten away with for this long :mad:
  5. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    I love seeing the half wit squirm and make excuses, it shows his true self. That guy has been in government almost a half a century and done not one thing other than stuff his and his families pockets with cash. I wonder why HBO never ran a documentary on him after he was out of the white house. What we all saw during the campaign with empty halls and parades is exactly what sheds the light on the election being severely tampered with. No one likes the half wit !!! When he finally croaks they will want to have a state funeral and caisson carry him to Arlington. If that happens I hope the horse drawing up the rear tosses a big ole pile right on top of him.
  6. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Sadly, our country is so divided that the Democrats will not admit that Biden is demented. In any online discussion group the "us versus them" name calling and hate just keeps on percolating, without any regard for the facts. So no, the Democrats won't do anything about Biden because they still blindly support him, just like many Republicans still blindly support Trump. More than ever before, Washington needs a clean sweep.
  7. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Bobby Cole likes this.
  8. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Since the foundation at Penn was funded largely by the Chinese, it is assumed by some that the CCP had access to whatever was contained in those documents. No idea if they accessed them, but it could have been a sophisticated "dead drop" that got left behind when Obama left office.
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  9. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    The Dems are as afraid of a Kamala presidency as much as the Republicans. That is what keep Biden where he is. Otherwise there would ahvwe been a 25th amendment process already put through.
  10. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I was speaking of people in general. Just divided along "party line" without regard for the truth.
    Don Alaska and Bobby Cole like this.
  11. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    As much as I want to, I really can’t blame Joe Biden for a lot of stuff. He’s a brain shot figurehead and nothing more. He’s so shot that he’s like a puppy following around whomever has a cookie in their hand no matter whose hand it is.

    He was a physical and mental mess when his name was put in the hat for the Presidency and everyone who backs or backed him knew it.
    His wife and friends knew it, every Dem in Congress knew it and I truthfully believe that a majority of those who voted for him voted out of their hatred for Trump as a person but that said, they knew the condition of the person they voted for.
    If Biden’s handlers could have put a trained monkey in office that would do their bidding, they would have but trained monkeys can’t hold office so Biden would have to do.

    Now, what I absolutely DO blame Joe for is based on the fact that 6-7 years ago and before, he was in decent shape and had a much sharper mind. It was some time during the Obama administration and when he was totally aware of what he was doing when he took those classified files.
    The problem now is that since everyone Does know that Biden can’t be mentally held responsible for what he does, he now has plausible deniability based on his lack of mental acuity.

    The only question now is whether Congress is going to go forth and put Biden out on an Art. 25 or let him ride it out to prevent Kamala from taking the catbird seat.
    Either way, a no confidence vote might be the answer to hamstringing both Joe and Kamala for a short period of time but I’m not really sure how that would be implemented.
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.
  12. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    There is a ray of hope left, I like that the new congress has already killed that IRS expansion. They have a bill that would replace the IRS totally by using a national sales tax. That is about as fair as it could possibly be to cover all sectors of American society and bring in far more tax dollars. Still the only tax dollars needed yearly remains the constitutional required taxes to actually fund the running of the nation, not supplying or feeding all the illegals and other under the table expenditures they are stealing from illegally already allocated taxes. The half wit is using money illegally and yet not one elected has said anything about it. I don't see how they cannot be removed for not upholding constitutional laws. They're like a bunch of third world puppets. It is really amusing to hear them crow about other people or citizens breaking our laws. They are the image of law breaking in everything the do daily.
    Mary Stetler and Bobby Cole like this.
  13. John West

    John West Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2021
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    Regarding that IRS expansion killer bill - I trust you know it is probably just theater since there's little chance it will get through the senate or get signed by Biden.
  14. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    That was not what the republicans said in the interview. According to them it would pass but another bill would not get signed. Not everyone even a democrat representative would vote yes to target all Americans. If they don't get it signed it can be a great campaign issue. If there ever was a bill that needed to be signed it was certainly that one.
  15. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I don't believe that will ever happen, and certainly not in our lifetimes. "They" have never worked on a method of equality in taxation; the middle class takes it in the shorts time after time. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.

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