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Camping & Hiking Alone

Discussion in 'Retirement & Leisure' started by Ken Anderson, May 9, 2022.

  1. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Addressing the title, Camping or hiking alone; alone describes the majority of my camping and hiking experiences. The years I lived alone in the mountains, off the grid, would be considered rustic camping by many. I don't do camping anymore but do get my outdoor solitude on my daily rural walks.

    I have been on many survival trips where I dressed in homemade buckskins, tall mocassins, and beaver pelt hat, and carried only a homemade Bowie style knife.

    Why a Bowie? A large heavy knife like a Bowie can serve to fall small trees, as a weapon and can be thrown if made with the right tang and handle to blade balance. Skinning and butchering even small animals, a Bowie will perform great if one has learned how to use it. A Bowie can help with shelter, address dietary concerns, and either be a defense weapon or be used to make such weapons.

    Why a pure beaver hat? Pure beaver pelt or even processed into 100X felt, sheds water better than a silicone treated Mallard ducks back. It is an all-season hat that helps regulates body temperture and protect against the sun, hail, snow, and rain. It also serves as a holder for water and naturally repels insects.

    Why buckskins? Because they protect better than any fabric known and can last a lifetime. Sylvan Hart, alias Buckskin Bill, my friend, and my mentor that lived very basic in solitude in a remote area on the Salmon River in Idaho, wore the same homemade buckskins every day for over 30 years and he said they were just getting broken in. He made nearly everything including his own rife and mined copper and made his own cooking vessels. @Ken Anderson If you haven't read "The Last of the Mountain Men" by Harold Peterson get it ordered today. It is a must-read for you. I recently donated my letters written using homemade green ink and quill from Sylvan or BB as I called him to a museum in Idaho.


    Since I have posted about it before, I won't bore everyone with my stories about teaching wilderness survival in Western Montana one summer for a guest ranch. The women's only groups were my favorite and the city hippie-type gals that came to have a spiritual experience were such a hoot. Their enthusiasm while gathered around the ranch campfire pit as they ate all the great food prepared cowboy chuckwagon style, was soon doused.

    Even though they were instructed not to book their excursion during a certain time of the month, even with the best planning unexpected things occur. Eyes widened and jaws dropped when they were given the option of how primitive they wanted their experience. Only one woman opted to take the knife only 3-day excursion that entire summer since no feminine supplies were allowed and something about using tree moss and the possibility of attracting bears and/or wolves didn't fit into their Wonderwoman dreams.

    The idea of making a snare and killing a bunny rabbit or making a spear and trying to spear a fish in the stream was a bit too much for these stereotypical admirers of the American Indians. An entree of camas roots with a side of dandelion and desert of bitterroot somehow lost its natural vegan appeal once sampled. The camomile tea made in a sweaty beaver hat was a favorite. Nothing like real solar tea prepared in a salted from sweat beaver felt hat. The natural salt was the secret.

    Yes, I have done the solitude hiking and primitive camping, and must say, I have no desire to do it again.
    Last edited: May 11, 2022
    Hedi Mitchell likes this.
  2. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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  3. Trevalius Guyus

    Trevalius Guyus Veteran Member

    Jan 22, 2020
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    I just copied this, and told Janet she needs it as a poster! We both cracked up. No matter how excited I get, when it comes to camping, she always rains on my parade.
  4. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I'm in the woods alone all the time in winter and fall. So I always carry this little two way radio and hubby keeps his on when I'm working in the woods, we jusy have a little over 10 areas though.

    I should have just tagged you but its late and I'm sleepy so didn't think.

  5. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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  6. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Still brings me back the the women who commented to my daughter that we were cruel. We should buy our meat at the grocery store where no animals are harmed. I can and have been as primative as I like at my little barnhouse. We eat lots of weeds for their nutrition. And I appreciate my skills that I have gathered over the years. And I chuckle at and appreciate your reminiscences often.
  7. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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  8. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Last edited: May 13, 2022

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