Cognizin Really Worked For Us-we Are Grateful

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Monica Rich, Jan 10, 2020.

  1. Monica Rich

    Monica Rich Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    I was having substantial problems with my thinking speed, concentration/focus, fluid thinking, and more. And it was just getting worse, scary worse. We were looking into possibly hiring in home care for me. My spouse was experiencing all the problems too, but to a lesser degree.

    We searched high and low and found the science based product, Cognizin and looked for a supplement brand that we hopefully could trust.

    We eliminated any brand that stated CONTAINS or WITH Cognizin or they didn't have the trademarked registered symbol on the bottle. Or had other ingredients. We only wanted the real thing in the effective dose..

    I don't want to buy if it has other ingredients and just a dash or squirt of it, just so they can legally say Cognizin in their advertising.

    After just a week I was soooooo much better that it is like being 15 or more years younger mentally. I am returning back to my old self.

    Short version on why it works: Our bodies stop creating much needed neurotransmitters when we age. This formula supplies some of the neurotransmitters for us. And it is able to get through the blood brain barrier. Not all brands or forms of these substances can. The knock-offs don't.

    Here is just some of the science and description of what Cognizin is and what it does.. stabilized CDP Choline (cytidine 5’-diphosphocholine and phosphatidylcholine)

    Citicoline [stabilized CDP Choline(cytidine 5’-diphosphocholine)] is a naturally-occurring intermediate involved in the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, a major constituent of the grey matter of brain tissue (30%).* Citicoline consumption promotes brain metabolism by enhancing the synthesis of acetylcholine and restoring phospholipid content in the brain, both of which positively affect memory and other brain activity.*

    Cognizin is a patented and tested form of citicoline (CDP-choline, phosphatidylcholine ), shown in a clinical study to help support cognitive health, focus, attention, and mental energy. A recent study compared the effects of 250 mg of Cognizin vs. a placebo. After 28 days, those taking 250 mg produced more than 50% fewer errors on a commission test, showing that Cognizin helps support attention.1

    Phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylcholine boost acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter required for memory and learning. Struggling brains have been shown to have depleted levels.
    Both of these are also part of the prevention and treatment for Parkinson's disease.
    This post is to long already so wont include research or links here.

    In one study, 149 patients, ages 50 to 70, were given 300 mg of phosphatidylserine for 12 weeks and tested periodically during that time. All of the patients noticed some improvement, but 57 of the patients—those with the most memory impairment at the onset of the study—showed the greatest results. This sub-group had significant improvements in learning and recalling names and faces; recalling telephone numbers, misplaced objects, and paragraphs; and concentrating while reading, conversing, and performing tasks.

    Other reported benefits of phosphatidylserine include lowering levels of stress hormones and improving sense of well-being, increases levels of several important neurotransmitters including dopamine, noradrenaline and aetylcholine (crucial for memory and cognitive function); and helps maintain the integrity of neuronal cell membranes.*

    1. McGlade E et al. Food and Nutrition Sciences 2012;(3):769-73

    We used Jarrow Formulas because it is a brand we have used numerous time in the past for decades and it was one of the brands provided to use by our Allopathic and Naturopath doctors. It has been a brand that we could trust the quality, purity and potency. Hopefully we still can. So we went with it. I am not advertising for this brand. There are also other Clinical grade brands with the real Cognizin, in effective dosages, available.
    Patsy Faye likes this.

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