It means exactly what Shirley said, @Frank Sanoica .. it literally means I can't be bothered... it seems we still have many English words and phrases to teach you all..
I simply can't be arsed with learning all those Holly-isms. I'll just have to make a list so that I don't have to larn them.
@Holly Saunders I always thought the word was considered profane, whereas here use of the word "ass" is acceptable when attributed to a Jack-ass, but less so, maybe years back even profane, when applied anatomically. Frank
Of course it isn't offensive..unless you think that calling your backside by a slang name is offensive.. not at all... and equally if you call someone an arse.. then you're simply not being complementary about their brain cells..LOL ..An ''Ass'' here is a Donkey!!!
now look at you Shirleee.. bragging about being able to write... .. ...anyway you is one bright 'merican cookie... I'm sure you know more than most about the English language this side of the pond ...
In our neighborhood, “once a soldier, always a soldier” pays off. It’s not that I ever want anything to happen which may end up in a confrontation but I am continually at the ready should it be needed. I often have people who come up on the porch and just want to talk and seek some guidance in one form or another so in some regards I’m known as a peace keeper, or so I am told. That said, it’s often been proven in my neighborhood that there are some who confuse a peace loving person with a weak person and it generally ends up with someone getting their hat handed to them either verbally (which I definitely prefer) or physically. Here, there is no such thing as “steering clear” because there is no detour. It’s either, go with caution, or hide behind closed doors which, I am definitely not accustomed to doing.
Combative people scare me especially those who are constantly that way for no good reason. I tend to avoid them like the plague.
I learned a long time ago that I liked being happy in life much more than I liked being not happy, and there were already enough days back then that I had no choice about not being happy, so I made the most of any day that I could be happy. I hate drama, I hate arguments, verbal (or physical) abusiveness, and don’t know why on earth someone would CHOOSE to go through life miserable and looking at the bad side , instead of finding the bright spots when they come, and enjoying those. Like most of the rest of you, I avoid those kinds of people as much as possible, and let the drama be elsewhere.