Continue The Story / Two.

Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by Craig Wilson, Feb 20, 2023.

  1. Jessica Morgan

    Jessica Morgan Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2022
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    Molly could see the pearls, she wanted them herself.
    I'll have the pearls guys. She shouted to her gang, then walked over and scooped them up as soon as they were prised out.
    The silver and gold can be melted down. She added.
    The group started getting tipsy on the rum, Molly knew her guys could be a handful if they have too much to drink so she threw a pair of long Johns over the barrel to stop anyone helping themselves, her gang wouldn't dare to defy her orders

    Right guys, we need to get this lot melted down and shifted, Molly ordered her guys to bag up the melted metals and store them near the door for when they could shift it, they would have to wait for a dark night with limited moon.
    Terence Eames and Craig Wilson like this.
  2. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    The following Sunday Flasher was in full voice with his sermon to the regular and passionate parishioners that filled his tiny church at the end of Romley Town. After the service he distributed the stolen clothes that Molly had altered to the most needy of his flock.

    Later that week Sgt Dawson had gotten word to Molly that the Chief of Police Desmond Fancey was traveling back from London to their home outside of Romley Town with his wife and teenage daughter. Molly set to work to hatch a plan to give the troublesome Police Chief a welcome home he'd never forget.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2023
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  3. Jessica Morgan

    Jessica Morgan Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2022
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    Molly watched the sermon from the sidelines, she could see how much Flasher enjoyed preaching, she could also see the brown suede shoes on his feet that he kept from one of the holdups, he'd just added new laces and a few scuff marks to disguise them.

    Molly was taken aback when she'd heard that Desmond Fancey would be heading this way, she still had it in for him when he tried to charge her with prostitution when she'd spurned his advances, the charge was dropped due to lack of evidence but Molly had it in for him, she would fill one of her best silk stockings with rocks and stash it away for the night when Molly and her gang rob the Chief Of Police, she would gladly bash him over the head herself.....
    Terence Eames and Craig Wilson like this.
  4. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Flasher liked his new brown suede boots and his new breechers courtesy of one of their toff victims. Being a church pastor meant a life of meagre past times, always scrimping to save money to feed himself. Every morning he prayed to his Lord for his forgiveness for the other secret life he was now leading. He had never married, had no regrets as he was devoted to his religion, his church and to his loyal parishioners. He had taken in Molly five years earlier after her life changing run in with the ruthless Desmond Fancey. She looked after him, cooked his meals, cleaned his house, helped him with his sermons. The two had become inseparable companions.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2023
    Terence Eames and Jessica Morgan like this.
  5. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    Jake melted down the gold and silver in his forge and made them into small ingots with no markings. Easier to sell that way said Jake.

    Chief of Police Desmond Fancey was not a popular man in Romney but Jake was always polite and respectful and often got work from Fancey.
    Jake understood Molly's hatred of Fancey who was a cold and cruel man.

    At Rev Flasher's service Jake wore his best clothes and put three silver shillings into the collection plate, and gave pennies to his family members to put in too. All his own money.

    Later Jake gave molly a proper Cosh rather than see her wield her stocking filled with rocks. The cosh was weighted with lead and encased in a leather cover with a flexible handle.
    "That'd give Fancey a right royal headache!" he said.
    Jessica Morgan likes this.
  6. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    If we ambush Fancey we best disguise well and speak little. Don't give him any reason to suspect us, and certainly not flaunt any clothing or possessions or he'd jump on us. Coins we can spread about carefully but his fine boots with silver buckles would be a dead give away.
    I know you love those pearls Molly but don't flash them about, likewise Rev Flasher, please be careful what clothes you give to your needy parishioners.
    With a trip to London we could flog all our booty, fine clothes included, and then buy good study clothes and shoes for your flock Rev.

    I'm happy to travel to London to flog our booty discreetly. It'd be good if you Molly were to accompany me so I could introduce you to my discreet Jeweler and Gold n Silver Smith in Petticoat lane. Rose my wife comes with me at times to buy bolts of cloth and the odd petticoat in Petticoat Lane of all places. It's a small England.

    My wife Rose and crippled brother Moses can look after my Smithy while I'm gone. I have my apprentice George to take care of reshoeing horses and my 3 children will keep quiet in their classroom. "Dad's away looking at buying these fancy new bellows.... .. . " which is half true.

    Or do all that later now we're on a roll Molly? The loot is safe in Flasher's hidden room so in for a penny, in for a pound. If you come to London with me then I reckon you could get those pearl's you love made into earings, or a necklace. Petticoat Lane again. Lots of rich Jews there as you know.
    Here's the nicely weighted Cosh I made for you. It's weighted just for you. The Cosh sends its bloodless victems unconscious, if struck nicely. I'd hold Fancey to better your aim if needs be!
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2023
    Jessica Morgan likes this.
  7. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    Dear Reverend Flasher,

    you are a good and holy man who follows the tenants of Jesus so very well.
    I know that, and I will happily follow Molly and your good self to whatever end we may find..
    But it worries me that we might get caught if we're not more circumspect.
    Molly and I have connections in London who can turn rich clothes, gold ignots, silver ignots, gems and the like into gold and silver coins.
    So sorry for being so cautious, but if I fall then so does my whole family: my wife Rose, my crippled brother Moses, my three children, Rose's old mother, ... my loyal workers .., its all linked for me and I know how men and women scream out so when on the rack.

    That old Cross of yours needs a good clean and polish too. As for your new blue suede shoes, I have a big tub of Lard oil you could use to further disguise them. No charge Rev.
    Jessica Morgan likes this.
  8. Jessica Morgan

    Jessica Morgan Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2022
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    Molly could see the pearls in the handle of her new cosh, it looked almost too nice to use but use it she will.
    It's only a matter of days now before Fancey comes riding by, everything has to be ready for the ambush, masks, weapons, sacks to carry the loot, and a clear path to aide their swift getaway.

    Molly was on her way to meet up with Flasher and Jake to finalise their plans, she headed to the stables first to check the horses, she loved to be around them, she groomed her own horse and often plaited his mane, but the plait had to come out now so no one would recognise her or her horse...
    Terence Eames likes this.
  9. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    Good thinking Molly to disguise your horse.
    I'm glad you like the Cosh, especially with your pearls inlaid in its handle. Very Fancy!
    Craig Wilson and Jessica Morgan like this.
  10. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    With horses groomed, the final meticulous plans for the Fancey ambush discussed the three rode off to where Sargent Dawson had told Molly their carriage was to be at 8pm, five miles along the West Romley Rd. Flasher was to do all the talking in his best trained Welsh accent. They arrived at the spot and waited briefly when they saw a carriage approaching. With masks now pulled over their faces they rode out onto the road pistols drawn and waving, forcing the startled driver to pull his two horses to a stop. Jake tethered the driver to a nearby tree then he and the pastor, who cheekily asked the Desmond Fancey "how was he enjoying his day" before telling him in his best Welsh to remove his clothes while Molly kindly asked the wife and daughter for their valuables which she placed in a draw stringed red sachet. She then slipped the incriminating letter into Mrs Fancey's hand, saying quietly, "this is the sort of man you are married to madam".That was the signal for Jake to slap the two horses hard on their rumps which spooked them and they bolted off .The smithy turned thief then went into the bush returning with his secreted stash of mollases and duck down, grinning at an embarrassed Desmond Fancey as he tried covering his unmentionables. ...
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2023
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  11. Jessica Morgan

    Jessica Morgan Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2022
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    WHACK!!! Molly had finally used her pearl handled cosh on the lowlife that had tried to set her up on fictitious prostitution charges, Fancey was bleeding and out cold, Molly was pleased with herself and laughing at the thought of him about to get covered in duck down, she'd let her boys see to that as she didn't want to see his scrawny naked body.
    Molly stuffed her draw stringed bag into her corset, she'd look at the contents later, she then ordered the two females to hand over their laced ankle boots and hairpins, she could disguise the boots and keep them for herself, the hairpins looked like silver so would be valuable.
    Terence Eames and Craig Wilson like this.
  12. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    Jake never said a word throughout the robbery and smeared Fancey in molasses and then the sack of duck down. He was weeping and howling at the end like a baby.
    Jessica Morgan likes this.
  13. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Fancey did reclaim his resolve to say not all that clearly due to his having to spit out feathers "you three will be sorry when the Bow Street Runners track you down". To which Flasher replied still in his best Welsh accent, "not as sorry as someone by the time his wife has finished with him. Now start running before we fill your bare arse with pistol shot boyo"....
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2023
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  14. Jessica Morgan

    Jessica Morgan Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2022
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    As Fancey started running Molly whacked him again, this time on his feathered backside, she howled with laughter then regained her composure, she handed each of her men a new mask to wear, they weren't taking any chances in being recognised when they left the scene.

    Back at the chapel the gang emptied their bags onto a large oak table, they had clothes, coins, jewels, boots, they were pleased with their booty. They wouldn't stop there though, Molly had heard on the grapevine that a group of women, led by their madam, would be passing through this way in a few days, just enough time to stash this lot and plan the next robbery.......
    Terence Eames and Craig Wilson like this.
  15. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Jake and Flasher tar and feathering Fancey.
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