Continue The Story / Two.

Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by Craig Wilson, Feb 20, 2023.

  1. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    Jake said "I didn't shave Fancey's head as he was wearing a fancy wig that looked like his own hair, but almost totally bald under it. Nothing much to shave but I did take his expensive wig. They cost many pounds in London."

    Jessica Morgan and Craig Wilson like this.
  2. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Jake can wear his fancEy new wig to one of those fancy dress balls we intend raiding at a later time said Flasher as the three stashed the evenings bounty in the secret room. The three merry thieves toasted their good fortune with a drop of the finest French cognac, a crate of which Flasher also kept in his secret room.
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  3. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    "Isn't Cognac French, Reverend Flasher?
    I heard they eat frogs and are pushing against our Colonies in the the New World they call America, I think.

    Still, this a mighty fine drop of liquor Flash and a very, very fine way to celebrate. Burp.

    I'm good wearing Fancey's wig to another robbery. It's a bit tight but it'll do. I'll stretch it out just a little and cut my locks. I reckon that wig could fetch up to three guineas in London so I'll take good care of it. I don't want to hold it so could you put it in your treasure room Reverend? Thank you.
    I'm concerned we don't leave any trail back to us and advise such caution dear fiends.
    Our German born protestant King George II would have us swinging from the gallows if we be caught. I have a big family and Reverend Flasher has a bigger flock.
    Also, Fancey if he finds his courage to pursue us. Let's see I say. I don't want to cut throats but will if needs be.
    God don't let me sin so.

    Jake staggered home and fell asleep in his stable with his horses.
    His wife Rose brought a blanket and joined him. The home would wake soon at first light.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2023
    Jessica Morgan and Craig Wilson like this.
  4. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    well done on your information about the Madam soon coming to and trough Romley. Your many eyes serve you well.
    What's your take on this Madam coming to or through Rowley? Even be they sinners, do they deserve our ire?
    Jessica Morgan likes this.
  5. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    They are sinners and will be punished said Flasher after all he was a clergyman and prostitution and the propagating of it was denounced by the Christian church. Molly tells me the madam and her girls are French and those froggies are not welcome in this land with what is happening in our North American colonies.
    Jessica Morgan and Terence Eames like this.
  6. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    Fair enough Reverend, especially if they're scarlet French women.
    They could be spies too!
    Craig Wilson and Jessica Morgan like this.
  7. Jessica Morgan

    Jessica Morgan Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2022
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    Molly was pleased that she got the information about the madam and her girls riding through these parts, she just hoped that Flasher and Jake don't get any ideas of seducing these girls, she knew they couldn't resist a pretty face but if she caught either of them eyeing any of them up then she would wallop them senseless.

    Molly had always fancied going to a Ball, she'd love to dress up in all her stolen finery and attend a Ball on the arm of a handsome young man, but that was just dreams, she was the leader of a gang of highway robbers and nothing more.
    Terence Eames and Craig Wilson like this.
  8. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Piece of cake Molly. We pretend we are toffs, get an invite to a ball, wearing our best masks we leave the dance and help ourselves to any valuables in the house, then quietly leave. We dont have to threaten our exposure by robbing the guests.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2023
    Terence Eames and Jessica Morgan like this.
  9. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    I'm a happily married man with children Molly and assure you no French Trollop could tempt me.
    My wife would Rose would be furious and murder me if I committed adultery.
    Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
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  10. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    News of the Fancey holdup was spreading around the County of Romley after a local farmer witnessed the entire incident, culminating in the embarrassed Runners Chief Desmond Fancey scuttling off down the road like a giant scared rooster. Shortly after a carriage pulled up driven by a young lady who he later discovered was the daughter of Desmond Fancey. Inside was his seething wife holding a piece of paper in her hand and yelling "where is that conniving adultrous husband of mine".....
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2023
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  11. Jessica Morgan

    Jessica Morgan Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2022
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    Molly was hellbent on causing more trouble for Fancey, she put the word out that he was hiding in a barn on an abandoned farm out in the sticks, she wanted his wife to find him and punish him for his actions.

    Meanwhile Molly called her guys to a meeting at the spot where they held up Fanceys carriage, this was the exact same route that the madam and her women would be taking, they would again hide in the bushes and surprise the occupants of the stagecoach, Molly would keep some of the womens clothes for herself incase they did go to the Ball as guests, she was certain she could obtain some dodgy invites.
    Terence Eames and Craig Wilson like this.
  12. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    I think we all know a great forger Molly, Rev and I. He's called Godfrey Drinkwater, Romley's local Scribe. A quiet man with a fiery wife and seven daughters.
    If we need invitations to a Ball I reckon he could do a good rendition. His penmanship is excellent. He does all your Certificates of Baptism, Marriages, Deaths, ...etc Reverend Flasher, and lots of letters for those able to pay by Godfrey's mail bags.

    He's a lapsed Cathoiic our good Godfrey is. I look after his old horse and his wife Lily Drinkwater is a good Protestant attending our Reverend Flasher's church services every Sunday with her seven God fearing children. We three all know Godfrey as our local scribe for sending and receiving letters to be read, and more. Many say he can write his letters in many different languages, and tones like musical styles, to suit the occasion. Poetry?
    Godfrey Drinkwater waits outside your Sermons as we all know Reverend Flasher, and listens politely from just outside the church's threshold. He doffs his hat to all his neighbours (and customers), as he waits for his stern Wife Lily and their seven children, whom he follows behind dutifully herding his younger ones along and carrying the two youngest, exiting your hallowed grounds and Church Reverend Flasher, and our Champion of the Just Molly tidying up after like helping out chatting non-stop to the flock handing out hot cups of sweet tea, sympathy, honey biscuits, and the odd sshhh coin I suspect. Jesus would approve.

    Old George wants me to repair his leaky thatched roof with some familiar looking Silver coins which I happily accept with a promise to do a great job.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2023
    Jessica Morgan likes this.
  13. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Chief of Police Fancey was now in disgrace having been absent without leave from his job for a week and with his wife spreading accusations of his adulterous trysts with a prostitute. Members of his own police department found him hiding in the barn at the abandoned farm about which Molly had been discretely spreading rumors. There were remnants of food which no doubt he stole while he was hiding. He was then manacled and returned to his own headquarters where he was to face the County Police Commissioner...
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2023
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  14. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    Reverend Flasher, who do you think will be appointed to replace Fancey as Chief Constable in Romley?
    What about Molly's friend Sgt Dawson who gave her the information about Fancey's return?
    You could write Dawson a glowing reference.
    Jessica Morgan likes this.
  15. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    First we have to hope the Commissioner does not believe Fancey was held up then went into hiding when his wife heard of his adultery. He has already gotten away with rape, dont want it to happen again. This Commissioner is no fool. Perhaps we may have to go into hiding for a time till things calm down. Up to Molly if first we go ahead with the ambush on the froggie madam and her harlots.
    Jessica Morgan likes this.

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