Well, when you come back from your fancy pancy cruise, don't come asking me for some of my winnings. OK, maybe we can spend some of my winnings and go explore the Amazon. What do y'all say?
You two gals are showing some cleavage.. Kate is joining us. A good Aussie gal. Ok I am on the job of finding us a reputable guide. This is Carlos from Equador. He accepted the fee I offered him so will be our guide.
Fee?? or offered something else ? have to say he looks very muscular and healthy to me!! hubba hubba..
So we have our guide. We will set out from Belém, Brazil. This should be interesting. I wonder if we will meet headhunters?
Shirley I intend keeping my head. Y'all gals wanna change your mind. A cruise is much safer .. perhaps one or two card sharks at the casino.. certainly no headhunters or Piranah.
Hi Mrs Klaus. Have you sacked Santa? Shirley can you do me in a Santa suit without beard for my avatar.. pretty please.
I'll try, Craig Wait, though! You'll have to send me your pictures. I lost the others. Hey, we are going on a cruise! Up the Amazon. Maybe we'll discover a tribe who have never been found before. Well. It could happen!!!!!!
Ok so can we take this instead of a small boat? I dont fancy being dinner for a pack of Piranah. Then midway thru the cruise we go ashore with our guide and hopefully find a lost Indian tribe.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of us. Craig, I thought I remembered you had posted some pictures of you in this thread so I looked back through them. I found them but I just about busted a gut laughing while I was looking. This has been fun!