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Dems Consider Replacing Clinton

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Gary Ridenour, Sep 12, 2016.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    The DNC could appoint anyone they wanted, and there would be pluses and minuses to whatever choice they made. Given the large amount of support that Bernie got in the primary, his supporters (whoever they might be supporting now) will be furious if anyone other than Bernie were chosen, I think. On the other hand, Bernie isn't as likely to pick up the disaffected Republican voters, and some of the independents might be hesitant to vote for a self-proclaims socialist. But given a choice between Bernie and Trump, the Hillary supporters would vote for Bernie.

    On the other hand, if they chose someone like Joe Biden, they'd be able to pick up the NeverTrump Republican neocons as well as the Hillary group, but I think they'd lose a lot of Bernie's supporters. I don't know how that works out numerically.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  2. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I hate to see it blamed on Trump that "supposedly" some racists/white suppermicists seem to be voting for Trump. I think they'll be disappointed to realize he is not a racist, not imo. I've said things I didn't mean at all, but it was said, and it's sort of like saying you hope that bunch eliminated but you have no wish for them to be killed. Trump, I don't know, he just needs to think more before he shoots it out his mouth. Because the "left" is there and ready to pounce.

    Hillary just lies, over and over, and over. I think she believes that folks are going to believe her no matter what. I think she's right:(
  3. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    The truth is that it doesn't matter what he says or how he says it, the press will find a way to spin it negatively. As a case in point, his recent comment about disarming the Secret Service who are protecting Hillary. The press is spinning that as threatening violence against Hillary when it was actually a very good way to illustrate the hypocrisy behind her support for banning guns. Most of us don't have armed Secret Service people around to keep us safe, nor can we afford to hire armed security, yet she would prevent us from being able to defend ourselves in the only way that is affordable, which is to own our own weapons. When you listen to what he actually said, it's quite clear what he meant by it. So no, I no longer blame him for any of it because it really doesn't matter what he says. If people are going to let the media make up their minds for them, then we'll lose.

    By the way, Jesse Jackson praised Trump for a lifetime of service to the black community in 1999, and no one accused him of being a racist until he ran against Hillary.


    Don't expect the media to point that out you, nor will they make much of Hillary's admiration for former Klan leader Robert Byrd, whom she eulogized as her mentor and friend, as they have connected David Duke with Donald Trump, this despite the fact that Duke hasn't been a member of the Klan for more than forty years, and that Trump has disavowed him several times as far back as 1999, which is probably the first time he had heard of him. I don't think wealthy New Yorkers come across Klansmen on a regular basis.

    This is Hillary's close friend and mentor, Robert Byrd, who was still in sheets after David Duke had hung his up. In the event you don't remember Robert Byrd, he was still throwing the N-word around the Senate chambers up until a few days of his death in 2010. You won't find any photos of Donald Trump kissing David Duke, but there is a photo of Hillary kissing Robert Byrd; although, to her credit, she doesn't look like she was enjoying it. Nevertheless, Hillary spoke at Byrd's funeral, and I doubt that Trump would be attending Duke's funeral.

    Also don't expect to hear much from the media about the Klan groups supporting Hillary's candidacy, or that she has been endorsed by the American Communist Party. It has been reported in the media, and you can find it, but it's not repeated over and over again as has the Trump-Duke connection which never was. Trump has no way of controlling who makes statements in support of him.

    Duke was supporting him, not the other way around and, for that matter, I doubt that he was really supporting Trump. David Duke might be a racist but he's not a moron, and surely he is aware that a statement of support from a former Klan leader for a Republican candidate will not help elect that candidate.

    Hillary isn't using the same campaign imagery that her husband used when he ran for president, either. I'm not sure why.

    Last edited: Sep 17, 2016
    Yvonne Smith and Denise Evans like this.
  4. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    No, seems the most watched media is against Trump. We know he's not perfect, but we also know the truth about Hillary, the facts are still the facts. but I've been talking with some Hillary lovers, and I should say, Trump-haters more so. Every argument they have is against Trump, not for Hillary. One thing I read listed this whole thing about what hillary has done for America that is so wonderful. I wondered what the source was for that because I've read the complete opposite.

    One thing I see is that it will be decided (and I hope fairly) which will go to the Whitehouse. I'll never understand the "left's" thinking, I just can't begin to figure it out. They don't seem to realize that most of what they say to support Hillary, is exactly what the right is saying to support Trump. But they think they are right, and I have to say we think we are. I'm confused right now, not on who I'll vote for, it will be Trump. But that's because I've heard with my own ears Hillary lie, stammer, and downright deny her crimes. Can't vote for that, not matter what!
  5. Gary Ridenour

    Gary Ridenour Veteran Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    it now appears she has a crash truck in the motorcade


    you'll it see it near the end

  6. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    It would indeed appear that this is becoming a strong possibility.
    Worrisome ! Extremely worrisome ! !
    Basically, this would of course subject us to another 4-8 years of Obama in the White House.
    Roger Stone was discussing this possibility on Alex Jones show, and he said that she is the most likely candidate, and went on to explain why.
    Since Michelle is another woman, she would still keep all of the women voters who are backing Hillary simply for that reason. ( I am not going to even get into the possibility that she is actually a transvestite, and would also get that vote from the lgbt community; but that is also whispered around a lot. I am not sure if @Martin Alonzo spelled her name that way on purpose or not. )
    She is also black, and would probably carry a lot of the black votes that Hillary might not even get.
    She is popular, and Joe Biden is not popular, especially with women voters, according to Roger Stone.

    Also, here is an odd appearance that Michelle made on television, where she plainly states, "I'll be back, 2017" several times. Obviously she is not referring to the CVS pharmacy where the episode was shot, so what message is Michelle trying to give to America about her intentions, do you think ?

  7. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I really don't know what to say anymore. It's frightening to see this country falling further and further into a combat zone. I still believe the Truth will win out in the end, but the things I'm afraid of like more terrorism, and just, more immorality. It's just getting to look like some of those futuristic movies where it's each man/woman for themselves against a corrupt establishment.

    Trump has been like a beacon of hope for me, but the other "side" is so intent on destroying him, I just wonder if they may manage to keep the corrupt in power. What will that mean for the rest of us? I'm afraid to ask.
  8. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Here is Roger Stone talking on the Alex Jones Show, and he goes over why he thinks that the Democrats will choose Michelle Obama when Hillary has to drop out because of her poor health. There are still a lot of people wondering if she is even still alive, or if we are just being fed video that seems to show that she is still running her campaign.
    As @Joe Riley mentioned in one of his posts, this is terribly reminiscent of the movie, "Dave", where the president was replaced by an actor when he had a heart attack and could not function.

    Joe Riley and Denise Evans like this.
  9. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Yvonne, thank you for this video:) I hear intelligent people confronting the "propaganda" and I feel so much better. Even if we lose, it is so good to know we have so many good, intelligent people that truly know what is going on. Some stuff like the guy mentioning the shirt "look" being bad, is silly to me, but I am listening to the information.

    I think my place is on my knees right now, that God intervenes, and maybe we can get back on our feet as a country. I don't believe everything in the world is headed in the right direction, but I do believe some folks are, counting on God is the right direction. I feel He is our true hope. At least at this moment I do. It's hard not to lose faith when I get afraid of crazy people managing to stay in the Whitehouse. I need to keep listening to uplifting things about our campaign, our candidate. I think both Rush and Alex are right about (one of them said) that the "left" is desperate and that is dangerous. I hope that the voting can be protected (no "fixed" machines), a fair vote. It's beyond my imagination that America would ever allow people like what we are seeing in the Whitehouse now, above the law, and some folks in America supporting this travesty.

    Ok, time for some prayer, hugs Yvonne, and thank you again:)
    Yvonne Smith and Joe Riley like this.
  10. Gary Ridenour

    Gary Ridenour Veteran Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    it's been discovered Clinton is wearing a hearing aid. I can't find anything that claims she's hearing impaired. it appears she's is being coaxed into what to say and how to say it. which is cheating

    Hillary Clinton was sporting a mini earbud wired to receive stealth communications from her campaign handlers during Wednesday’s Commander-in-Chief Forum carried live on NBC from New York City, True Pundit has learned.

    While Clinton was fielding questions from NBC’s Matt Lauer and the public Wednesday night on live television, a quiet buzz started circulating in New York law enforcement circles about Hillary’s left ear. NYPD sources involved with the NBC forum’s security detail confirm Clinton was wearing an ‘inductive earpiece,” the same technology employed by almost all lead Broadway actors to receive forgotten lines and stealth off-stage cues from directors. The flesh-colored earbud is easily concealed. There are no wires running directly to the ear like you see with the units employed by Secret Service protection detail personnel.



    wonder if the the Trump people know about this ??
  11. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    They will know about it if we do Gary. So she really is a full-blown puppet now. People holding her up, and feeding her words, geesh. I'm afraid to ask what's next. The only thing worse than her being elected is more of the obamas:(
    Gary Ridenour likes this.
  12. Gary Ridenour

    Gary Ridenour Veteran Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    the claim is she'll be worse than Obama and finish the destruction of the country
  13. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I can't agree more with that, I'm sorry she may be out due to health, but I think she's chosen the "wrong" path all her life. And she isn't going to help America no matter what some people think. The obamas are planning to stay in government, or be part of, that makes me sick too. I would love to see them put down, way down for all the damage they've done.
    Gary Ridenour likes this.

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