A "normal" sleep time for me is three hours per night. About twice a month, will sleep for 5 hours. Either way... continuous dreams. Continuous, vivid, real life type dreams. Most commonly myself in a leadership role, solving insoluble problems... many times, life or death. Leading groups of people out of danger, or teaching to a roomful of people and trying to make clear and convince them of lurking dangers. Constant analyzing that continues, sometimes for minutes after I wake up. Less anxiety or fear, but a driving force to "fix". Strangest part... am not anxious, don't worry a lot, and most of the time, happy. Have done sleep centers, medicines, daylight, sleep sounds, cool rooms, total silence, meditation, and most recently red spectrum light. All of these for the past 7 years. I am certain that lack of sleep is substantially to blame for my stage 4 Alzheimers. (aside) ... am totally convinced that there is a difference between temporal memory and the deeper psychological ability to reason, and analyze. Not at all sure of what part dreams come to play in the equation.
Upon waking, a woman said to her husband, "I just dreamt that you gave me a necklace of pearls. What do you think it means?" The man smiled and kissed his wife. "You'll know tonight," he softly whispered. That evening, the man came home with a small package which he gave to his wife. She jumped up and embraced him, and then settled on the couch to slowly and delicately unwrap the package. It contained a book entitled, 'The Meaning of Dreams'.
It is true, Ken, that we all dream every night. Some folks do not remember their dreams at all, or forget them immediately upon waking. Some of my dreams are so vivid that it leads to sleepwalking and that isn't good. Haven't done this in a while, but, hate it when I find out I did.
I have a couple of 8-hour Lucid Dream music from Brainwave Power Music and, while I can't say that it's had a noticeable effect on my dreaming, it is very relaxing music. I can only use it when my wife is elsewhere, however, because she likes to have talk radio on while she sleeps.
Sometimes I remember dreaming of weird situations and I wake up and say 'I had the weirdest dream.' Johnny never asked me what it was about but I tell him about it any way. Sometimes I know that I had a dream and wake up with this eerie feeling, like I should pay extra attention to things/people around me. The feeling nags me until it goes away. Dreams that I haven't forgotten when I was little was walking along and picking up money - coins mostly and waking up looking for it. I used to talk in my sleep while dreaming, says Johnny. Although he couldn't hear what the other person was saying, they were real conversations. He said that I whacked him one time. I wonder what he did.
When I was younger(actually a lot younger) I used to be able to restart dreams the next night. As they say tho "this too shall pass".
Dream every night, have a few dreams. I cant even imagine what it’s like not to dream...that’s never happened to me.
That doesn't bother me, as long as it's not politics. Usually, it's Coast to Coast, so they're talking about UFOs, or Bigfoot, or ghosts. That was a much better show when Art Bell had it, though.
I HATE any kind of noise when I am trying to go to sleep at night, and I hate the incessant drone of a television or radio, at any time. I prefer to read than watch a video or movie , for the most part. Nevertheless, I often listen to a subliminal motivational tape when I go to bed, to try and re-program my mind and increase the functionality of it. I have seen the lucid dreaming apps/music, but never tried playing those at night. The ones I listen to are about 1/2 to an hour long, and I usually fall asleep instantly. I always use head-phones (noise-cancelling ones), and this way, it does not disturb Bobby at all, plus it is supposed to be more beneficial when you use headphones. This might work for you as well, @Ken Anderson , or at least be worth trying ? I have tried both the little in-ear earbuds and regular over the head headphones, and I like the over the head ones better personally. The little earbuds are fine for using, but they are tiny, and I am afraid that I might lose one trying to take them out and put them away, especially if I fall asleep during the message and don’t wake up until sometime during the night.