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Don Jr For President

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Joy Martin, Jun 17, 2022.

  1. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Arnold can’t run for the presidency due to the fact that he nor his parents were born in the U.S.
    Of course, if he were lessor known he could have done an Obama had some records phonied up but it’s too late for that.
    Joy Martin, Tony Page and Ed Wilson like this.
  2. Ed Wilson

    Ed Wilson Veteran Member

    Dec 6, 2019
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    The Trumps have been trashed up one side and down the other so why shouldn't Don Jr. run? What more is left to say? The Bushes had a dynasty going so why not the Trumps? Then there is Trump's youngest son.
    Tony Page likes this.
  3. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Don Jr. should forget about trying to please Daddy and get a real job. That is one dysfunctional family, imo.

    We have a Republican here in Georgia who I hope has a future in the national Republican party. Jeff Duncan, current Lieutenant Governor. He refused to buy into The Big Lie, so didn't even bother running for re-election in the primary here. I would have voted for him.

    He is very handsome, to boot. ;)

    I crossed over to the Republican primary just to vote for Brad Raffensperger for Sec of State. Also Gov. Kemp, because his opponent's answer to everything was just "Stop the Steal!" Run-off elections are unpredictable here, because often only the die hard party line voters show up. And I figure Georgia will likely swing back Republican in November, for several reasons.

    Any public official who pretends to buy into The Big Lie is not fit for office, imo. Let them become lawyers or used car salesmen instead.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  4. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I'll just say that I admired John McCain greatly and I believe he'd have made a great president. People who put their lives on the line for this country are patriots in my world. If he hadn't chosen that ridiculous Sarah Palin as his running mate he very likely would have been president. Happy that she's still keeping an eye on Russia from her porch, though. :p

    I also admire Dan Crenshaw very much. He wears an eye patch because he lost an eye in service to this country while Don Jr. sat at the country club on daddy's dime. Plus... he's as handsome as Nancy's candidate. Who wouldn't want a swashbuckling president??

    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
    Nancy Hart likes this.
  5. John West

    John West Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2021
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    I have a number of problems with Trump. One, he is terrible at picking people. Two, he not only failed to drain the swamp but ended up filling it up some more. Three, his insults, denigrating people and unnecessarily creating enemies was (and still is) really stupid. Four, he has trouble speaking to the issues without injecting himself into it (i.e., too much "I, Me" and not enough "We, You). Five, he lost hundreds of congressional seats in the midterms. Six, he lost to the worst candidate in this country's history. Any reasonable candidate should have beaten Biden so bad that no amount of cheating would have mattered. Seven, Trump doesn't seem to have learned from his mistakes. Eight, Trump's legal problems are not abating. If Trump should find himself up against a semi-reasonable, more centrist, and more polished dem candidate in 2024, he is likely to lose again. Trump might have a chance against Biden, should Biden run again, but that's not saying much.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  6. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    @John West -- so many Trump supporters couldn't care less about his personality, but IMO the leader of the free world should demonstrate a bit more decorum. I want a president who is "presidential." I know they all have huge egos, but it's nice when it's not on display.
    Nancy Hart likes this.
  7. John West

    John West Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2021
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    For me, it's not about his personality. It is about his competence, ability to select and work with others to get things done, the ability learn and grow on the job and act more the leader and less the narcissist. who's busy assuaging his ego.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  8. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Some commentators are saying that if the Dems lose as badly as the polls indicate, a third party may form in the middle, with the Lindsay Grahams and Chuck Schumers in the middle, and the squad and their followers to the left. Third parties don't seem to last long in our system, but who knows?
  9. John West

    John West Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2021
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    Real leaders, IMHO keep their ego in check and not on constant display. They are also quick to point out the contributions that others have made and make them the focus of attention.
  10. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I think that is what the Biden voters thought they were getting...and that worked out so well. Anyone who wants to be President has to have a huge ego to even make the effort, but the professional politicians are better at hiding their true selves.
    Ken Anderson and Bobby Cole like this.
  11. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I can’t imagine when following in one’s father’s footsteps became a bad thing and in Jr.’s case, why would he not?

    So far as looking Presidential, Biden looks presidential, Obama was quite well versed on decorum to the tune of bowing before every major leader in the world, Carter looked and acted like a president, Clinton was handsome and knew how to turn a phrase (just ask Monica) and the list goes on of ne-er do wells who looked and acted like presidents but didn’t really do diddly for the country except look Presidential and had decorum.
    And of course we have the Bush’s who knew every aspect of government and how to “look” presidential and we wound up with more taxes and a war.

    If a man or woman isn’t a great speaker nor has the world’s royal protocols in their back pocket nor follows the political rules but commands either respect or fear from every major leader in the world and can bring the U.S. back into an economic spectrum of success then that’s the person I’ll vote for.

    I don’t know enough about Don Jr to even give a brief synopsis of what I might know but before election time I will know everything I need to know and don’t need to know about every player who throws his or her name in the hat.
    No guess work, no choosing because of a person’s religion or looks or who their favorite rock star is or what social media they frequent but who I know can do the best job serving the country as a whole whilst enduring whatever truths or falsehoods that are being thrown by his or her opposition.

    As it stands, if the vote were to happen today and knowing what I already know, I’d vote for Donald James Trump in a second over any other person the DNC wants to throw in the ring.
    If it were Don Jr., I don’t know if he could stand up under the same pressures that his dad endured for his entire tenure as President so I’ll have to study more on that issue in particular.
  12. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I believe the biggest boost for Biden was that he wasn't Trump. The voters didn't care who was running against Trump; the Dems could have offered up Charles Manson and the Trump haters would have voted for him.
    Yvonne Smith and Bobby Cole like this.
  13. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    We all can offer our opinions and that said, I disagree. Biden does not look presidential; he looks like a pitiful senile old man. If not for the "Obama Boost" he would have been a footnote to history.

    During the Clinton era I was a huge supporter of Bill Clinton; the country did very well during those years and yes, Clinton was "presidential." (I couldn't have cared less about Monica; if it was alright with Hillary it was alright with me.)

    One Bush was "presidential;" the other was a total bozo.

    Obama was an ineffective president and I disagreed with a lot of his policies, but I don't buy in to all the conspiracy theories that surround him.

    I don't remember anything about Carter's presidency except for the hostage mess. I believe Jimmy Carter is a good man but was not suited for the office.
    Trevalius Guyus likes this.
  14. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    Personally I would do all in my power to keep my son out of wars and my
    brother worked to keep out of wars and he achieved his goal. Most of my
    uncles etc did not go to wars as did not my father, nor x husband nor my daughter's x husband.

    There are a lot of pacifists out here.

    Our streets are loaded with war vets...:mad::eek:

    And those who say, war is the answer,,,,,far from it.

    Old men sending young boys to fight their messes..

    And during the Obama/McCain election I was still very very Dem and liked the "smooth" Obama and he is smart, but would have been fine with McCain but the country was read for a big change....the election was close as I recall.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
  15. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    Does anyone here have any proof or strong opinions as to whether Don Jr has
    drug issues? I mentioned this on another forum and some blasted Don Jr and said he
    is a druggie.
    Tony Page likes this.

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