We have people here that care for some of the feral cats, and I think that they also try to trap and neuter them. Our laws for rentals have gotten stricter and more people are moving and leaving pets behind, both dogs and cats. I belong to one of the Facebook groups for lost and found pets, and there are always pictures of starving animals that have been either dumped or abandoned. The bird picture that you posted is beautiful, @Honey Gee , and I bet when they have their crest lifted, they are even more interesting to look at. It is sad that the feral cats are killing and eating them, but you can't blame the cats for hunting them, either. Some cites have huge problems with feral animals now. I think that Detroit is supposed to be one of the worst. So many people moved and left pets, dogs in particular, and the dogs formed packs, and sometimes even mixed with coyotes, and now the resulting offspring are dogs which have never been anything except feral dogs that lived and hunted in packs. (Sorry I am off-topic on your thread, Holly. I will refrain now. )
It's OK Yvonne...Perhaps we could start a new thread about it, it's a subject close to my heart too. In Spain dogs and cats are routinely left behind when people move, not because of rental problems but simply because the Spanish although own dogs and cats, have very little empathy for them, so if they get bored or move..they just leave them or they dump them in the streets or mountains, ...so yes might be an idea for you to start a new thread about this if you want
Holly is right @Holly Saunders. I volunteer for cat trapping. Here are some lovely links to our animal charities here http://saraprotectora.org http://www.9liveslanzarote.com And last but not least my good friend Freddy https://www.google.es/url?sa=t&sour...63zXBT3FfxPyh22Jw&sig2=x_MpyAtQ23G-fhf4mRv40A
A couple of photos from the bedroom window here in St.Petersburg which I just took after some fresh overnight snow.. This one I took a few days ago
Hi @Terry Page , it's good to see you again. You always have a way of drawing us into the many places you visit, and you pictures give those of us that will never be able to go to such wonderful places a chance to visualize some of your adventures. I look forward to seeing more of your travels as well as some of your shenanigans.
I just looked back through the pictures. They are all fabulous. The ones of architecture and scenery are impressive but my favorites are the ones with people. Not necessarily the ones of family (Although I love them) but just people going about their lives. For instance, the one Terry posted of the man on the train engine just above. Holly posted one somewhere of a young couple sitting on a bench, under a tree, on a beach. It was one of the best pictures I have ever seen. It tells a story of young love with a bright future. Or maybe a few stolen moments of bittersweet love. The picture of Lisa through the curtains was among the best, too.
Photos of Pink Flamingos in Slimbridge a wetlands park about 50 miles from my home, which we visited on a grey damp day in May 2004, it was created by Sir Peter Scott, a famous ornithologist, conservationist, painter and Naval Officer, he died in 1989....