Tucker said he would be showing the broadcast on his X account, as well as his YT account, and probably also on his website. I think it starts around 6 ET, but not sure of that part. I saw several others who said they would be covering the election on X or on Rumble, and encouraging people to watch from elsewhere than the mainstream media, so they can’t brag about the coverage, which makes sense to me.
Thank Yvonne, I can watch it on my big tv on Youtube! I'm a lot more excited than I thought I was going to be this a.m. But folk's posts/replies on SOC have really encouraged me, and like I said, I don't feel alone at all!! This is historical for sure!
Oh boy, here comes Fox News with Final Predictions, I shouldn't even watch it but I will I'm feeling confident thanks to comments here I'll share the video here:
I think this is one of the best summations I've ever heard come out of Gutfield's mouth If you don't want to watch the whole video, and just hear what Gutfield said, start at 9:48 timestamp. I absolutely loved what he says about the elites/stars supporting Harris, it's so true but I finally heard someone put it into words!
I was just watching some Youtube videos of the MSM hysteria on election night 2016. Man, that was a great time to be alive. I hope we have a replay of that tonight.
If I remember right, didn’t Hillary have to send someone out to concede and then she came back the next day to make a speech? Something about her being too blitzed and throwing a temper tantrum the night of the defeat. (I think)
She left all her supporters where they were all going to meet up she left them there deserted them and went home and pouted evidently that's that showed us how much she cares about other people.
Tucker is supposed to be starting soon. I am seeing that they are calling several states for Trump already. West Virginia, Kentucky, and I think South Carolina, and he is doing well in several others. I know Trump said Fox is not on his side, and to ignore any of their polls, but I do not watch any of the news media polls anyway, just watching on X until Tucker comes on.
First time I saw this one from today, poll watchers were turned away from these "counties", if it's true (copy and pasted from X): Michael Whatley @ChairmanWhatley PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION INTEGRITY: Early this morning we learned that Republican poll watchers in Philadelphia, York, Westmoreland, Allegheny, Lehigh, Cambria, Wyoming, and Lackawanna Counties were being turned away. We deployed our roving attorneys, engaged with local officials, and can now report that all Republican poll watchers have been let into the building. We will keep fighting, keep winning, and keep sharing updates. 4:42 AM · Nov 5, 2024 · 5.4M Views
Yes, Tucker is talking with that blonde that's so outspoken, and glad she's on our team,LOL He's on Youtube now.
For the first time in a long time, I cannot watch tv coverage of an election. No one who I respect is broadcasting. Here is a link to AP's Election Map, that refreshes every few minutes. The refresh time is at the lower left-hand corner. This screenshot is as of 8:16PM.
Virginia is still in play. The AP map has it leaning Trump, but it's real close, and (like nearly every other state) we got pockets of heavily populated Dem voters.