Events Being Planned For Spring And Summer 2021

Discussion in 'Not Sure Where it Goes' started by Cody Fousnaugh, Dec 14, 2020.

  1. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Yes, it is true, there are events being planned, and in-part paid for, for Spring and Summer of 2021.

    One event is Cheyenne Frontier Days in Cheyenne, Wyoming. This is a huge western event, which includes a professional rodeo, parades, pancake breakfast, Indian Village, etc. that brings in lots and lots of money for the city.

    Another event is a large concert, set to be done at our local concert place here. Country singer, Toby Keith is the performer. His concert series, beginning in April 2021, is already set up and tickets are now on sale.

    Guess promoters figure all of the virus stuff/restrictions will be over by then.
  2. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Hummmmm, nobody thinks anything about this?

    Anyway, looks like this whole Pandemic thing will be over by April.
  3. Ron Simpson

    Ron Simpson Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2019
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    "whole pandemic thing over by April" ? Not the political manipulation part of it, I'll bet. A large part of the political "force" in America is using it to establish greater control of the people and eliminate freedoms. They fervently believe they know better how things "should" be than "We the people" and We let them use fear, anger, hate, threats, and destruction of small businesses to do it. These political elite will keep pushing to expand the control they have already established.

    The American people and nation have always heretofore believed in We Can Do It ! approach to our threats and problems., not the meek following to such things as over 200 Edicts issued so far by a state governor and rules forced upon us by un-elected bureaucratic "officials" . Fear and anger are NOT American ideals. Let's get that message out so that the LOSS OF LIBERTY IS HALTED by April.
  4. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Well, Beth and you may believe what you are saying here, but wife and I don't. And, there are plenty of other Americans that wouldn't believe it either. "Loss of Liberty", just plain safety.

    Let me put it this way, if you had a family member that got the Covid 19 and died from it, with or without any existing health problems, you'd think differently.

    No matter what is being planned, concert tours or any other large event, if this virus isn't brought under control, all of these plans will come to a screeching halt and refunding of tickets done immediately. But, obviously, all Americans HOPE that won't happen and we can get back to a more "normal" lifestyle.
    Nancy Hart likes this.
  5. Hugh Manely

    Hugh Manely Very Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    After about a year of staying at home and obeying the voices of the medical community to flatten the curve, I, like others am hesitant to jump into crowds, but I do plan on getting back to attending church, and a couple of Christian groups I meet with, some weekly, some monthly.

    Now that theCOVID-19 vaccine is in place, people are not so skittish of being around other people as much as before, but I will probably not be shaking as many hands, or standing in close proximity and sharing surfaces, such as handouts at meetings, etc. It seems that the pandemic has had a lasting impact on all these things – such aseating out, going to concerts and operas, testing new products, shopping at new places and so forth.

    Its not a matter of living in fear, its just that we’ve been conditioned to thinking more about the possibility of catching germs from others. And I don’t think others will be offended by a “stand-offish” demeanor, because all will understand it now.

    I believe the lingering economic impacts of the pandemic will be paramount in our mindset for years to come, and organizers of events need to consider the increased cost of things like extra cleaning measures and food preparation, which could add to the budget of planning an event and reduce revenue for many conferences. We should brace ourselves for more networking and participation in online virtual events in the coming months.

    In short, our lives have changed forever. (I know, the anti-vaxers will jump all over this)
    Hoot Crawford likes this.
  6. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I guess you are so used to arguing with me that you automatically address your responses that way. Sorry, but I have not posted in this thread so no need to drag me into it.
  7. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Well, Beth, you did do a "like" to Ron Simpson's post, so, in a matter of speaking, you did post.

    Anyway, Beth, I don't necessarily argue with folks, I simply state what I think and either that's not liked or I don't like what I'm told.

    Not to change my thread, Beth, but, since I don't get along and argue with a friend of ours, I've "Unfriended" him from my Facebook page and taken his phone number out of my phone. My wife completely understands. Have no intentions of calling him again, unless absolutely necessary, and I seriously doubt if he will contact us. My wife have know him and his deceased wife for many, many years.
    Mary Robi likes this.
  8. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    If you want to argue with me, then don't quote someone else who then thinks you are responding to them. And I really couldn't care less who you unfriend on Facebook.
  9. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Beth, YOU "liked" what they said, so I was responding to both of you. Don't care who I unfriended on Facebook...........well, "oh well". LOL

    Gotta love the attitude!
  10. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    No matter what Dr. Fauci says, I'm reading about more and more things being scheduled for Spring/Summer 2021.

    Our Governor has just informed us that he is approving Seniors of 70 and older, teachers and grocery store workers to be able to get the vaccine in a week or soon. Much, much faster than what was originally expected.
  11. Ron Simpson

    Ron Simpson Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2019
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    What is anti-vaxer? Your post sounds to me like living in fear. There is much, much more to what is going on than just the medical part of what we are going thru.
    There is a determined attempt to control the American people (sheeple?) by politicians (our elected leaders, who aren't leading in any positive fashion), using fear hate anger and control and shutting down small businesses. Fear hate and anger were used in Germany in the 1930s, and in Russia in the1900 to early 1920s to advance totalitarianism over the people. Communism can't stand individual citizen small businesses, so one political party in America is using the "pandemic" handed to them by their Chinese Communist "brothers" to advance their control. Yes the degree of success they have will change our lives forever. And then you won't dare go meet your church brethern under their new rules. After ALL the US Constitution will THEN be an outmoded document. WAKE UP.
    Ken Anderson and Yvonne Smith like this.
  12. Ron Simpson

    Ron Simpson Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2019
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    What was originally expected? By whom? "in a week or soon"? I haven't received orders to go stand in line for the vaccine.Did you notice your "esteemed?" Governor just announced there is a new variation of " the" virus? How long will it be before he issues a new executive order (in addition to the more than 2000 he has already issued in violation of existing state constitution) to therefor extend his control for ? many more months? BTW do you question the gospel issued by unelected bureaucrat Dr. Fauci? HERESAY !!
  13. Ron Simpson

    Ron Simpson Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2019
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  14. Ron Simpson

    Ron Simpson Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2019
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    April what year? It is now January 2021, 7 or 8 months later.
  15. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Well, you choose to "think" and/or "follow" what you want to and we will do the same. We believe in Dr. Fauci and all of the restrictions that our governor and other governors have laid down.

    IOW, we aren't being any more controlled by politicians any more than we are at any other time. Just part of living in the U.S.. Heck, there are how many countries in the world that are controlled by their governments..........even more than the U.S.

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