Good post! One other thing that these same "celebrities" (also on "the view") is that they are saying that they can immediately start proceedings for an impeachment the moment Trump raises his hand and says "yup". It might get a rise from those who simply believe what they hear and read but does absolutely nada for those who have even a minimal amount of constitutional education. Nope, doesn't even make for good cardio by even one extra heart beat. lizard boy is still a better read.
I was just reading all these posts in politics and it's a fact we only have a few members with liberal views but none seem to share them. Maybe we should be called the "Conservative SENIORSonlyCLUB. Sorry for going off track @Martin Alonzo but it just seemed to jump out at me.
Perhaps there is a lot of validity within your statement @Chrissy Cross and so much that it marks a serious prospect that we are lumping individual thoughts and news into catagories rather than looking at the actual purveyor of bad news. I am very guilty of categorizing the media and others of being left, right, conservative, dem and rep that an individual guilty of wrongfully placed news is no longer the culprit but rather the whole club they might or might not belong to. Maybe if each individual was given the distinction of having a mind of their own and everyone respecting that singularity of thought with pre-studied critique instead of blaming a whole section of political and media rivalry we might all speak our piece without threats of retribution by a whole clan. Incorrect and misleading news is wrong news no matter the political, religious and socioeconomic status of the individual creating it. Catagorically, I suppose I am a conservative but in reality my own thoughts and beliefs bridge over an entire spectrum with each part in a catagory unto itself and cannot necessarily be placed in a grouped folder. Personally, I am impressed with intelligent and well studied opposition from individuals but not so much if someone simply says, "as a liberal or conservative I believe that.......". I wish it were different but if wishes were flowers we'd all be sitting hip deep in posies.
I don't think anyone in our age group doesn't know about this word, and how we all felt about it, we hated it because we knew there was evil behind it. Some believed it, just like today, and some fought against it, just like today. They say if we don't learn from history, we are sure to repeat it (something like that). Propaganda is "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view").
I just think that different people have different agendas, or their own reasons to believe as they do. But at the center of it all, all Americans, and I mean ALL, need to have some well-wishes for all other Americans, no matter their opinions. I can't help but think about the phrase "divided we fall". I can't believe all liberals truly want America to fall, or all conservatives. I'm just being logical again, but if America falls because of being divided, doesn't anyone see how ALL lose? It's almost as if we are doomed to be divided, and I think it's time for those Aliens from outer space to attack like in War of the Worlds, and Independence Day. Laugh about it but you gotta admit, it may take something like that to ever bring people together again. And while they're at is, if everyone lost everything they owned, no more technology, phone, nothing, and watch people start working together to rebuild. Yeah, I think we've got it too easy, many of us, spoiled, lazy, and self-centered.
Having said this, I see a nice grabable conservative guy on the other forum...62...SINGLE. Username boaterboi.
I got this in an email "forward" from my sis this a.m. @Martin Alonzo and thought "bologna" right away! Hah, like Facebook cares anything about us knowing the truth. Zuckerburger or whatever his name is was down on the "right" all through the campaign. Here's the email if anyone wants to see that as well (link that was in the email that is):
I just spent most of the afternoon with people (all seniors) about 7 or 8 of us talking (and about the same amount of people that were milling around listening) down in the rec area. Funny how they are NOW all talking openly about how glad they are Trump won. These same people I don't even know if they voted, but wow, no one, and I mean employees, other tenants said a word against Trump. All against Hillary and so glad she didn't win. I know at least half of those people were against Trump, or for Hillary. I think they are Americans that are finally paying attention!! Yeeeeeeeeehaw!! Man we had a good yack! They brought up things that blew me away, I mean, I didn't think they knew anything because no one was talking before Trump got elected!! PS THEY brought up the Fake-news thing tooooooooo!! LOL!!
Oh wow, I love this. Just talked to a guy on the phone that lives across the way, pure democrat right He told me that he's been democrat all his life, and I told him I was growing up. Then he told me that when this campaign started he was talking to a lot of people that he knew were smart people, but they all wanted Trump So he got to thinking that if they all wanted Trump, and not Hillary, he should dig a bit instead of just going with his typical "inherited" democrat party. There's a true example of what has happened a lot in our country. Same goes for some that always voted Rep. but hey, as long as America is awake, paying attention, and making an educated vote, I say that's good news!!
FAKE NEWS FALLOUT: NEW YORK TIMES VACATES 8 FLOORS IN MANHATTAN HEADQUARTERS AS REVENUES PLUMMET The retrenchment effort comes a month after the New York Times announced a 95.7 percent fall in quarterly profit, something which they attributed to restructuring changes related to headcount reductions. by Geoffrey GriderDecember 17, 2016 THE NEW YORK TIMES IS PLANNING TO VACATE “AT LEAST EIGHT FLOORS” IN ITS MANHATTAN HEADQUARTERS AS PART OF A PLAN TO CUT COSTS, GENERATE RENTAL INCOME, AND REDESIGN OFFICE SPACE, ACCORDING TO AN INTERNAL MEMO. In a message to company employees, CEO Mark Thompson said that the company had “made the decision to consolidate our footprint across the building to create a more dynamic, modern and open workplace, one that is better suited to the moment.” “We’re planning significant investments in a redesign of our existing space in order to facilitate more cross-departmental collaboration. We expect a substantial financial benefit as well. All told, we will vacate at least eight floors, allowing us to generate significant rental income,” he continued. NEW YORK TIMES APOLOGIZES FOR FALSE AND MISLEADING ELECTION COVERAGE: The memo also confirmed that the near 400 employees currently stationed in the floors soon to be vacated will be moved to a temporary location until the end of 2017, when the redesign will be completed. The retrenchment effort comes a month after the New York Times announced a 95.7 percent fall in quarterly profit, something which they attributed to restructuring changes related to headcount reductions. Last week, when delivering a speech on the perceived problem of “fake news,” Thompson made a pitch for new subscribers, claiming that “if you want real journalism, you as a consumer will have to pay for it. So subscribe. Subscribe to your local paper, or The New York Times.” source
Maybe if the NY Times would start publishing news rather than propaganda, they could come out of it but that doesn't seem likely. Weeks after the election, they're still campaigning against Trump.
But the more the NY Times and everyone else gets hit where it hurts them most....which is the money that goes into their pockets...the less they are going to want to keep campaigning against what is costing them dearly money wise. Some have unlimited money resources but those that don't will "bite the dust" sooner than later.
Now the EU is demanding that Face book and Twitter to start banning fake news. Orwell’s 1984 are getting closer every day. Who is the EU a bunch of appointed elites who are not elected to tell anyone anything. Chinese communist have this type of censorship and it is coming to the EU followed by the United States. The United States already gave away control of the internet thanks to Obama. The UN will be the next group of unelected elites to get into this. Hopefully Trump will put an end to this once and for all.