Had A Urodynamics Procedure Today

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by John Brunner, Mar 25, 2021.

  1. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    -My UVA GP is great at reviewing the results of any lab work I have done and putting commentary on the Patient Portal. I ALWAYS know he has looked that the stuff (even the routine tests) and if there's anything that needs attention. I gotta thank him next time I see him.

    -MY UVA Nephrologist talks about test results at the next 6 month appointment, even when I send in a note about an out-of-range number...there is no response. I'm gonna talk to him about this next time. I suspect this is UVA Nephrology Center issues and not the individual doctor.

    -The urologist yesterday ran some blood work. I got the results through my LabCorp account. There are numbers that are out of range by huge amounts, and as of now there is no physician comment or analysis. Perhaps it's due to the infection, but I do not know for sure. This is real critical organ survival stuff and I got no feedback. I'm going to send in a note tonight.
    Janine Coral likes this.
  2. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    What values are out of range by huge amounts? Do you think your life or kidneys are in danger?
    Mary Stetler and John Brunner like this.
  3. Janine Coral

    Janine Coral Very Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2023
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  4. Janine Coral

    Janine Coral Very Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2023
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    It is stressful, and very much so, with so much of this type thing.
    As with many medical conditions, goes on and on, back
    and forth, around the loop of what is, and what might be.
    Waiting, then repeat, new developments, so more frustrations.
    Hey I feel you on this @John and feeling worried is absolutely
    normal, this I know myself with stuff of mine. I continue to stay
    interested in your specific journey, sending you encouragement
    and only good thoughts. I'll be back and forth checking in on
    your thread here.
    John Brunner likes this.
  5. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    If I talk about it, I'll probably end up at the ER tonight demanding to be hooked up to dialysis.

    But here goes:

    VA Uro Lab Corp Apr 2024.jpg

    My eGFR is still fine (93), even though urine production is low.

    The email with the report hit my Inbox 4:30PM yesterday. Still no call or analysis from the doctor. To the extent a CT Scan means anything, there was nothing of note on the one yesterday.

    I'm also adapting to my "new normal" body temp, which used to be 98.2°F. I don't feel hot, but my temp is 99.8°F. It's better than 100.8°F but I've not been over 99°F for longer than I can recall. Drugs.com says the antibiotics can take 48 hours to start working. I started them about 24 hours ago...but I did get a shot to kick them off.
    Don Alaska and Janine Coral like this.
  6. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Thanks, Janine. You need to teach doctors how to communicate.
    Janine Coral likes this.
  7. Janine Coral

    Janine Coral Very Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2023
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    Thank You, well I try @John

    My current Urologist and myself are presently not communicating well,
    I press on with some frustrations and continued efforts, hoping to find a compatible
    way of listening better to one another. I though am the better listener ...
  8. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Urologists are the very worst of all the medical practitioners. I have one who the nurses love because he still has his humanity, and I am careful to not burn the guy out (but I don't have to be firm with him.) Such is the downside to compassion in such a field.
  9. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    Are you familiar with what those values mean @John Brunner? In case you don't, the neutrophils indicate an infection, and the monocytes are the body's scavengers--dead bacteria, dead tissue, etc. The low albumin can mean a lot of different things, but if you are on therapy, it looks like nothing to be really concerned about. If you check them again in a few days, the neutrophils should be down, the monocytes may be up. The albumin would need to be dealt with with additional testing if it stays low. Other proteins okay though?
    John Brunner likes this.
  10. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I did not look up what those measured elements mean. I reached a point where internet information has diminishing returns for my psyche. I should (and will) at least get definitions for those things that are on standard panels...that should not be too much "opinion."

    The albumin has been good on prior tests. My urine creatine was low on one test (at my nephrologist) while my blood creatine has always been within range...the cath might influence all things urine. There are no other numbers out of range except--of course--the WBC count.

    Thanks for the response. It sounds like those measurements are "as expected." It's funny, I've either adapted to my elevated temperature or the meds are working on other levels, because I "feel OK" (except my kidney aches a little), even though I'm still pushing 100°F. I'm also curious to see how I feel this time tomorrow when I've crossed the 48 hour threshold for the meds (cefuroxime.) I got no idea what they shot in my butt. I asked but don't recall what they told me it was.
  11. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Things seem to be on the upswing. Urine production is way up. Started overnight and continues throughout the day. This is a major relief. I guess Drugs.com was right about cefuroxime taking 48 hours to kick in, even with the primer butt-shot. I very rarely have peeing or bowel movement problems, so I really freak when they happen.

    My kidney is aching more frequently now, but I slept weird[ly] last night. The degree of kidney discomfort is highly positional. I start on my back and it aches after about 15 minutes. It hurts if I roll to either side unless I cram a pillow there to lean against, and then the pain subsides for a while. Now it's aching while I'm sitting, which is new. I guess the antibiotics have its behaviour shifting a little bit. Hopefully this will be over soon.
  12. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    Did they give you anything for pain when they removed the stent?
    Janine Coral and John Brunner like this.
  13. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    No. After surgery I got a dozen (2-3 day's worth @ every 4 hours) of 5mg hydrocodone/325mg acetaminophen pills. I cut them in half and did not take them as frequently as prescribed. I have 2 halves left. But there was nothing for the stent removal...including post-removal care instructions (I asked.) Other than the creepy discomfort of having something drug through the entire length of my urethra, it was a non-event. The nurse removed it, not the doctor. I have a few oxy from a prior procedure (maybe from my ER kidney stone visit), but I've not taken them. I've not needed anything for the stent removal, my kidney pain is (I think) mostly infection-caused. Things were fine the first few days after removal until the fever started.

    Maybe I should pop half a hydrocodone or an oxy before bed tonight. I've continued to take 500mg acetaminophen every 4 hours since Saturday for 2,00mg/day...maybe 2,500mg/day once or twice if I pop an extra before bed.
    Janine Coral and Don Alaska like this.
  14. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    Oxy or hydro would be fine before bed. Just be aware they also have acetaminophen in them, so don't OD on Tylenol. D/C the acetaminophen if you take the oxy or the hydro. Which do you prefer, oxy or hydro?
    Janine Coral and John Brunner like this.
  15. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I take small doses of acetaminophen and stay 1,500mg-2,000mg under the daily max. Since I cut the narcotics in half, I'm not too worried about their acetaminophen contribution. Half of a hydrocodone only has 160mg of acetaminophen. Once the fever is gone I'll stop taking it, but I've been trying to stay under that magic 101.5°F number.

    I don't like taking narcotics at all, since I've struggled with alcohol. And it's rare that I've even been prescribed them. I had cervical disc surgery (with the bone harvesting of my hip) 30 years ago, and I only took pain meds when I needed to sleep. The only reason I took the hydro this time is that I read you need to get ahead of the pain or you're not gonna get relief...and I figured my kidney was gonna hurt. Even then I was cutting the tablets in half, and taking those less often that the recommended schedule for a full dose. The oxy I got from the ER visit when these stones acted up still sits unopened.

    I appreciated the help. I don't know why it did not occur to me to take the remaining drugs to help quell the post-stent kidney discomfort. I guess several days running of pushing 101°F temps and spending most of the time in bed sleeping & sweating takes the edge off the ability to think. What a nightmare! I didn't expect complications from this surgery, but given its intrusive nature I'm not surprised.

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