Wellll, it's a little more than 'cells'... http://www.shiningsentinel.com/religion/bioethics/by-the-time-an-unborn-child-is/ (This is not the site I originally found the image on, but I can't seem to upload anything from desktop)
I think that some of the mothers of these 60 million babies do go on to have other children. So these 60 million babies would be the first borns. If a woman wanted 3 children , she would have the first baby instead of an abortion, then 2 more, then get her tubes tied, Instead of aborting the first baby and then getting pregnant 3 more times. So the 60 million babies wouldn’t be added to the ones here now, they would take the place of the ones born later.
I don’t agree with women who say, “My body, my choice” Since when did someone’s body have 2 beating hearts and cells containing someone els’s DNA. And it is Totally unfair to men. If she decides to have the baby, he must pay child support for 18 years, but if he really wants his baby to be born and is willing to take all responsibility for care and custody, she can just decide to kill the baby , which is not just hers, but also his.