We had storms yesterday evening and again today. Power was off to 300,000 people again but this time we were spared... so far. At least it is cooler today.
Clear and down to freezing this morning. We don't have anything in the ground yet, but the greenhouses are full and we have lots out hardening and some yet for sale. I don't believe we lost anything though.
I have weather sites saved on family and keeping track. The weather here so far is nothing compared to family and friends in Texas . BFF has been without power since 6 am Monday ,and may be next week now before power restored. Weather every where has gone bongers.
Was just talking about the Carrington Effect from sun storms around 100 years ago when we were not so dependent on electricity and technology.
Next Thursday it will be 110 here! Heading up north on the 8th of June and they are 10 to 15 degrees cooler up there. Can't wait to get out of here! Just way too many "don't like" here. But, it did take us living here to figure those out. We are definitely not a "desert couple".
Oh goody. It will be raining this week. At least the new sump pump is in and I can replace all the carpet. I have been drying it outside and in the garage all week after the last storm. I think I am too old for this. Dehumidifiers and fans going. Still finding wet stuff.
Ugh, I feel for you, Mary. It's overcast and threatening rain today but at least it's a few degrees cooler. The humidity is relentless.
Oh my! What is that? It is the SUN! After all the rain, it is very windy today. Very windy. But the skies are a blue I have not seen in years. No chem trails. Just huge white fluffy clouds on clear blue skies. I think I like this climate change back to a few decades ago. It is cooler than normal and I'll take it. I was pulling thistles and trying to plant a few bushes but the bushes get caught by the wind so I'll wait till tomorrow. Waiting till tomorrow is my favorite sport.
Oh goody, It's raining again. I was preparing the garden yesterday by hand for planting some seed and my cane tip kept pulling off in the wet dirt. Yuk.
It is supposed to be our first day above 70 F. today. It was 48 when I got up, so we'll see. Most of the garden and all the greenhouses are planted, and we fly to see our newest grandchild in a few days. We have a house sitter who is a great homestead-raised girl who will care for things while we are gone.