Wow, Corie. Two hours to go 7 1/2 miles….that's nuts. If I were you I'd just ride a bike. I'd do that in the pouring rain before I'd sit in gridlocked traffic for 2 hours everyday. Do they have bike lanes? Are those full too? How about retiring to the country in a quaint little village?…far from the city.
Well it rained hard all day here...and very windy too...a right miserable day as they say...and my day as expected was very long and very tiring at work ( Saturdays are a particularly taxing day for various reasons) ..god alone knows how I mange this at racing towards 61 but I run rings around those half my age...and they are all healthy young things..yet they just don't seem to have the same work ethic as we did when we were younger...and which is still instilled in us as seniors. Still, I pay for it when I get home in tonight Hubs prepared me a hot water bottle to ease my aching back ...and I sat in front of the TV with my dinner on a tray and took some brain rest watching something I recorded on tv earlier in the week. Very relaxing.. Off tomorrow, so gonna just stay home and recover before it starts all over again on Monday...
I wondered where this thread went. Yesterday, I spent the entire day on the couch with a cold. I didn't really suffer though, I was well drugged and just slept on and off. Watched TV. I feel guilty now, things didn't get done and now it's back to work.....which I really don't feel up to, but we get in trouble if we take a Monday off!
I also forgot about this thread.... @Ina I. Wonder , how did the visit with your grandson go?? @Ruby Begonia, nothing better than lying around drugged. Hope you get through today somehow.
Yep, @Chrissy Page ,I'm at my desk now, ready to start work in 5 minutes. How was your Sunday? @Ina I. Wonder, yes how did the dinner go? I hope you all had a great time.
My Sunday was the same as all my other days in Fresno, Ruby. I go to the store, do something household chore wise, play on my ipad, play some with Pickles. Today will be the same, just a different chore.
@Chrissy Page , My grandson Seth brought all the fixings and the pots and pans, just so I didn't have to do anything. He wouldn't even let me wash up his cooking utensils. I have never had such a fancy potatoe soup before. Seth is an electrician studying for his engineer's degree, but I wonder if he shouldn't have become a chef. Out of nine grandchildren, he was the one always under my feet in the kitchen. He'll make a great husband if he ever marries. He is 28 now.
Neither one of my kids took an interest in cooking while growing up, but they all turned out to be great cooks.
I hadn't seen this thread before.. So now that I'm here, guess I'll say something. About my day .... I'm usually not good about keeping much food around. The frig has looked like a empty wasteland for a while. Well, today I fixed that! .. bought so much food, the refrigerator is in shock mode! Problem is now for it to get cold quickly, and it's not happening.... I keep looking at the settings and hoping it will get down to under 40 soon. ...hoping... hoping. The last thing I want to do this week is go refrigerator shopping! I've got a big Maytag side by side that's about 8 years old.. is that old?
Hi will take a while for the temp to reduce if you've loaded it up with food and no air is circulating around the food, the trick is to try and not overload the fridge too much.
I bought my fridge when I moved here 13 yrs ago and lately I've been having trouble with it keeping cool so I'm using the fridge I have in the garage which is newer.
Today first thing I had an appointment with my hospital consultant...I was at the hospital for over an hour past my appointment time..I've got to have more CT scans..Joy!! From the hospital we drove over to St Albans which is a tiny historic Cathedral city just about 20 minutes away...intentionally for me to buy some new jeans ..and for hubs to get some new car bits ..but it was a gloriously sunny day so we stayed and had a little wander around and some lunch...and took a few photos, and just enjoyed the beauty of the day.... Here's a couple of pictures from today... This is the Clock tower which is in the centre of town...built between 1403 and 1412, here's more info about it ... .. I have quite a few pictures I was going to show you, but for some reason photobucket and tiny pic won't let me upload them at the moment, so you may have to wait until tomorrow now unless I can get it working in the next few minutes.....
Aside from the hospital part, looks like a lovely day. That's one thing we don't have too much of in the US, very old structures. One reason I love Europe. I wish I had taken more advantage of my 6 yrs in Hungary and visited more of my biggest regrets.
No Bonnie, that's not an old fridge, my goodness mine is going on 15 I think. LOL, keep the door shut it will cool faster that way.
I am very lucky @Chrissy Page to live in a very historic area...and whenever I go abroad I love nothing more than visiting historic sites...and learning all about the places I visit.. I truly believe in the old adage that travel broadens the mind...far more than just learning from a book...