I believe I have, and the the only thing to be embarrassed about is that you spelled "embarrassed" wrong. Issues are far less interesting than people.
Beth, you make me feel so much better. Thanks. If I haven't revealed as much of my checkered history as I imagined, I'll keep it to myself.
I'm tired and lonely and distress myself, exactly as written. I need to do better. I'll expand on this some, if I may. I'm not exactly into the idea of 'sin'. (hold a minute, I'll be clear why I bring that up). I do think that if good people allow themselves to fall into despair to the point of futility about the world about them, that is some sort of sin. We need to stay engaged, we need to fight, we need to resist evil in every way we can. ... my two cent's worth. .
Pete.....You really haven’t completed any reputable research. @Dwight Ward, Pete’s one major thrill of his day is to come here and troll anything remotely political. Even when I bring a ton of proof to the table he’ll still do the same thing he always does so this time, since he stuck his nose in the mix, let him do the keyboard work. Thinking better of it: This link is just about as reputable as politifact and Pelosi’s personal staff: http://judiciaryreport.com/nancy_pelosi_loves_her_booze.htm
So if I got this right,There is no proof of anything All news is fake or a lie There is no journalist with integrity You can believe nothing no matter the amount of evidence. Why is legitimate disagreement considered trolling? Do I not have the right to question that which does not seem correct? Do I not reason to question a poster as to the source of his ideas? I know that I come across as rude, but aren't we all adults of every stripe?
Oh, there is but you're seldom going to read it in the Washington Post or hear it on CNN. Today, yeah. Pretty much. But that was a choice that the media made. When they have to choose between telling the truth or advancing a progressive agenda, they'll go with the agenda every time. Most people realize that, which is why trust in the media is about as high as the percentage of people who trust Congress, always under fifty percent and sometimes as low as eleven percent, from what I've seen.
Just think if we did not believe the news media than the USA would have not went to war in Iraq. It was the daily news of weapons of mass destruction that allowed the war. If we did not believe the news after 911 we would not went after the terrorist from Saudi Arabia in Afghanistan. The news has systematic been lying and to use then as fact is insane
Rude is okay with me if you make good points. You do, it seems to me, even though they're counter to some my own opinions..
There are facts in most news reports, but other facts known to the reporter are left out if they don't advance the agenda that the newspaper or broadcast news outlet favors, most of which are progressive, and the whole thing is presented along with a lot of supposition and outright lies. It is very much like what we hear from experts today. Picking out the bits and pieces of truth requires common sense and, in doing so, we are prone to our own influences. If it doesn't make sense or if it contradicts other things that I know to be true, then I don't believe it. Often I am left with the realization that I don't know what to believe, but that I don't believe what I am reading or hearing on television. Then again, the media chose not to be credible. The same is true of the experts whose own credibility is in the hands of political or media sources with an agenda.
"Often I am left with the realization that I don't know what to believe, but that I don't believe what I am reading or hearing on television." My problem also, extended to the internet. It must be so much easier to believe what you're told all the time. I'm envious of those people.
That's not doing our country - or the world - a lot of good, though. It'll never happen but I'd like to bring back a test for voting. Half the people voting for president couldn't tell you who the last president was or be able to reasonably discuss any of the major issues the country faces. Because even the stupidest of people know they can't trust the media, a large number of people don't even bother reading a newspaper or listening to a news report. In fact, a fairly significant number of people would be unable to read a newspaper or anything beyond product labels in a grocery store.
So you disagree that there are a large number of people who buy what they're told, but instead, mostly just ignore the media, out of stupidity or indifference. I think you're right.
They buy into the agenda because they are watching television and spending time on the Internet and it's pervasive. They may not sit down and watch a news show and, if they do, they're surely not going to check up on anything they've heard. They'll either believe it or not. They may realize they can't trust the media but they have no other sources of information. Watching entertainment shows on television or engaging in social media, they are still subjected to the media blurbs, and that's where the propaganda is the heaviest. How often do you come across a headline and a blurb from a news story on Facebook or elsewhere that tells one story while if you actually click into it and read the story or follow up on any of the references, you get a whole different story? Well, most people only see or hear the headlines and the blurbs. Conservative media does the same thing, although most of what people generally think of as conservative media, like Fox News, is actually more neoconservative. It might be considered click-bait but I think its main purpose is deceptive. Knowing that most people will never click on it, they use the headline and blurb to tell a story that is unsupported by the truth.