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I Q, What Happened ?

Discussion in 'Education & Learning' started by Martin Alonzo, Nov 17, 2018.

  1. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    There are those who would add lead to our diets so they can make us all equal.

    Also consider that we grew up in a different world. We only had books, used our imaginations and "did things." Not only did we not have internet/cable/satellite TV, but the TV we had was limited in both selection and transmission hours. I grew up reading books, magazines, etc. I was reading Fleming, Kipling, Aesop and Ellery Queen from a very early age (not because I am smart, but because there were few other options.) My alphabet book said "X is or Xerxes."

    I was not shuttled from "Pre-K" to "After Care" to home for a quick meal and bedtime, only to have the same toddler rat race the next day. I had lots of time at home, in my own house, in my own room, with my own things to entertain myself...time to "just be." I think that type of time and lifestyle are as restorative to the mind as sleep is known to be, and was destroyed in part by the "Being a homemaker is demeaning" movement.

    For at least one generation (maybe longer) things have been passive. Minds do not get exercised, unless it's done via video games, and those do not fully exercise the entire mind (in my humble opinion.)

    I remember the Sci Fi I grew up with predicting we would have no use of our bodies in the future. Apparently [and sadly] we have no use of our minds, either. And that's intentional. I think government is moving more and more towards lording over us with "experts." We're moving from being self-governing and self-reliant to being told that "experts" know better. (Perhaps that's an extension of/enabled by our service economy. We got therapists and Lifestyle Consultants.)

    Try to even engage a conversation over current events and what we're being told versus what we see with our own eyes, and many times the response is "You're not an expert." Yeh, well, I'm not a meteorologist, either, but I know rain when I see it. At least for now I'm permitted that opinion.
    Last edited: May 31, 2020

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