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Ilegals Being Separated From Their Children And Its All Blamed On Trump

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Babs Hunt, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Actually, he would be caving in to Democrat propaganda, circulated by the media, and accepted as fact by gullible Americans.
  2. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Send me also...…...I totally believe in what Ken says.
  3. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    Let's quit mickey mousing around. Let's close the borders. We can call in the military, station armed soldiers on the southern border with orders "no one gets through," with live ammunition, while we build a fence and electrify it; enough voltage to kill, post periodic signs that fence is electrified and will kill if touched. Shoot to kill. Wounding someone causes too much pain and suffering both on the victims part or to any family who might be traveling with them. Some few will want to test the fence. No need to retrieve bodies. Mexican officials can do that or leave for animals. Just inside the fence, maybe inside Mexico at high traffic areas we can install mine fields but we'd want good records of exact placment of mines in case we want to take them out sme day or add a larger field.

    While we've got the kids separated we might advertise we plan to put them up for adoption ( US residence not qualified ) just to rattle the cage a bit.. They don't think we mean business yet.
    Ken Anderson and Don Alaska like this.
  4. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Actually, I think he's caving into his wife's feelings more then the Democrats propaganda Ken. And it is my opinion that Trump listens to us Americans and does his best to do what is best for America. Because Trump is just a human being I know he can't undo all the corruption and wrong doing that others before him have and are still trying to do in America, but I do believe he is a man of his word and he is trying to restore some of what America has lost.

    We are talking about not separating these families while they are waiting to see what is decided about them and in my opinion that is the right thing to do. There's no need to build separate housing for each family, they can put the families together and the single men and women in separate quarters too. We are all human beings and whether they came in illegally or not...they still deserve to be treated as such. I'm not talking about the real criminals, etc....but many of these families are not criminals but human beings trying to make a better life for their families...just like everyone else.

    No, we can't let everyone in and it is important to come in the right way...but evidently if it was easy to come in the right way...these families would not be coming in the wrong way. That's where the laws need some some changing instead of ignoring to me.

    We need to remember that we don't own America...and the One who does own it wants us to extend grace and mercy to others just as He has extended it to us. We don't have room for any more evil in America...but we still have plenty of room for good.

  5. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Name a country whose borders you could cross illegally, with your children, and be able to live with your children at the expense of the taxpayers whose border you ignored.

    Mexico? No, certainly not.
    Canada? No, not there either, as reported by CBC News through MSN News.
    Don Alaska and Yvonne Smith like this.
  6. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    As I said earlier, you are their target audience, and they hit the target. That doesn't mean that it's sound policy. In fact, policies enacted under pressure through emotional appeals seldom are. Good luck on waiting on the congressional action that he talks about. Why would they make it their problem after Trump has agreed to take it on for himself? Now he owns it, and that was a bad idea. He played into their hand.
  7. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I know what you're saying Ken but then if you were in the position these families are in maybe you would understand how they felt they at least had to try. We are blessed that we are not in that position and all this just makes me pray that much harder for those who are.
  8. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I understand it, but that doesn't mean we can afford it. There are plenty of poor people right here in Millinocket who I'd like to be able to help but I don't have that kind of money. Neither does our country. We are way overextended as it is and we are going to regret inviting the whole world to move here at our expense, as that is much easier for them than staying home and fixing the problems in their own country. It's easy to be generous when someone else is paying for it. It doesn't help that most of these people are going to give our country nothing but hate for our efforts, and will soon be voting as a majority against our interests. It's suicidal, and not unlike inviting a vampire to feed.
  9. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I'm their target audience because I have compassion for people who only want a chance to better their lives. Then so be it and I hope I never change. I'd stand up in a minute and target evil for what it is...but this is not evil...and it can be solved and even more important...it should be.

    Even if Trump did play into their hands...at least he cares enough to try to bring those changes. And I think he's smart enough to get right back out of their hands too.
  10. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    We are not inviting the whole world to come live here Ken. We are only asking that these children not be separated from their families while they are here. If the Government decides to send them right back to their Countries then so be it. But at least treat them like human beings while they are here. And I am not talking about the "bad guys" who are coming in here.

    These people have no say so in their countries and I think you know that as well as I do.

    Patsy Faye likes this.
  11. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    This is definitely a hot button topic and there are no easy answers any way you look at the whole issue. But when you look at the issue of whether just let the children that are already here stay with their parents until a decision is made on their case...to me the right thing to do is leave them together. And evidently many Americans feel this same way.

    And in my opinion there is room in America for more good Americans. Maybe we could just swap some of our bad ones for the good. We can start with all the bad Politicians...and move on from there. :)
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  12. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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  13. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    If they were good people, they would do what good people do, and not begin by intentionally violating our laws and demanding we give them a special pass. With a start like that, it doesn't get better.
  14. Sheldon Scott

    Sheldon Scott Supreme Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    Every time a mother or father in our military service is deployed to fight for our freedom they are separated from their children.
    Do you think those crossing our border illegally deserve better treatment than our military?
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  15. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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