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Discussion in 'In the News' started by Don Alaska, Oct 19, 2021.

  1. Janice Lynne

    Janice Lynne Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2021
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    This just underscores the unfixable brokenness of our current political and social systems. I really can't see what good Trump did for minorities, or for the economy that was recovering quite well when he came into office. I really can't see how he's improved the lives of anyone, even those who fervently support him without question. I just don't get it!
  2. Janice Lynne

    Janice Lynne Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2021
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    Exactly! None of us 'ground-level' folks have any power! If the US had been subjected for a century to endless proxy wars and the toxic economic manipulations of more powerful nations, we'd all be living in cardboard boxes too.
  3. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    The thing is, I CAN prove that the allegations against Trump were false and if you didn’t hate Trump so much you could too.

    Do you perhaps suffer from the same problem that effected many and the reason Biden is in office now?
    However Biden wound up in office, instead of looking at what Trump accomplished, the Trump haters would have gladly voted for a trained monkey no matter what it did to this country which is why we’re in the position we’re in.

    You and the anti-Trumpers can blame him all you want but the real facts are in front of you and in the headlines every day as to what the last election has really cost the United States.
    And as far as lies go, whilst in the oval office, there isn’t a time when Biden has spoken yet that doesn’t have some major and provable blatant lie attached to it.
  4. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I didn't vote for how ever long it was since Bush sent my son to Iraq on his fake weapon's of mass destruction BS and killed all those innocent people both ours and theirs.But when Biden's circus crew came to town and infiltrated the Outhouse I had to vote against that,not that it did any good so I'll never vote again for anything that enters that damn house of ill repute. They have told us to all eat cake.
  5. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I have to agree with most of this.
  6. Janice Lynne

    Janice Lynne Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2021
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    Exactly! It's something to do.

    But not as entertaining as, say, a discussion of The Planet Niburu and its Annunaki denizens, who are due back any moment to see how their eon-long experiments in genetic tinkering are working out. They'll ever be very annoyed or very amused by our all-too-human antics. Or else they'll not care one way or the other, and just roast us all up for dinner.

    Really, all anyone's got left at this point is their sense of humor.
    Bobby Cole and Marie Mallery like this.
  7. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    But most of our founders were men who loved education and freedom and it seemed so many others want what they created and thats why we are imploding.
    American capitalism is so bad yet it made us the most powerful empire since the Roman one and land of plenty because of great greedy people like our industrialist and mean of learning like our engineers and inventers. Its not the cuacasians fault that all other non caucasian nations are hellholes.It wasn't always like this ya know ,remember Egypt,Eome, Astec? What happend?
    No somebody fropped the ball someplace is all I can say.One thing is that destroyed most was the false religious who make out like bandits off their ignorance.
    No sitting around under their hats in the shade having cestas for them .It was greed driven produce produce produce gotta love that greed that built the nation all indigents risk life to come to,huh Janice?
  8. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Yea or the Watchers?Who knows surely not me.:confused:
  9. Janice Lynne

    Janice Lynne Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2021
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    I'm very sad that your son was caught up in that bogus was. Bush and his neocons were, as Trump has said --- on many occasions, and about many other things --- "A total disaster."

    I admit that I'm not sure what you mean by 'Biden's circus crew' having 'infiltrated the Outhouse.' Are you referring to Biden's election, or does it go back to Obama? The hatred directed toward Obama by the Right seems to have smoldered into the election of Trump, and has now burst into flame with the return of Biden.

    While the Right has congealed into an apparently solid mass of NO, the Left is currently all over the place. To see them as a demonic force pushing this country into 'communism' is misguided. To me it makes good 'business' sense to 'invest' in the children of the poor with no-strings nutrition and health care and education. Sure, many of the adults will surely take advantage of expanded social programs. But that's not the kids' fault. Their potential is being wasted!

    Of course if the climate science is to be believed, all of that will be moot in a short time. Personally I think the science is actually underestimating the severity of the problem, and the speed with which it's all happening. The fossil fuel industry will clomp along like an alien robot until it's the only monster left on the planet.

    OK, I'm way off topic, and need to stop!
  10. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Most people didn't like Obama because of his politics not his color. Like me that last person I wrote in was in 2012 I think it ws was Alan Keys aka Uncle Tom by the left. But he like all the rest changed too.
    Janice we don't really have a choice imo they just play musicle chairs every 8 years.
    And yes I call it the Outhouse because they are all full of it far as I can see. It makes me sick to see them keep begging for an answer from the smucks who want to be promoted or assigned to judicial seats.
    And if the dems aren't clowns they sure missed a good chance at the circus.Cowns of horror though not funny.
    Why would anyone want the total destruction of their own society and loss of their freedoms is beyond me.I agree with Michael Savage " liberalism is a mental disorder". The commies said they would taake us over many years ago and they have. Now it will be nothing for everyone.And noone will be happy about it either.The WOKE needs to wake up.
    Like I said my opinion is just that an opnion.
  11. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Son made it out ok but so many didn't and thats sad.18 marines didn't make it back son said not a dry eye on the ship they lost was a mine sweeping dolphin for a little while but it came back.War is hell for sure more so for some than others.
    Janice Lynne likes this.
  12. Janice Lynne

    Janice Lynne Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2021
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    When England took away India's traditional textile industry and left them with only the agricultural part, literally as 'cotton-pickers,' the Brits were able to do so because of their 'comparative advantage,' aka military and economic might. European caucasians had a pretty rough time of it early on in their cramped and cold land, and soon exhausted many of the resources there. So you've got England and Belgium and Spain and France colonizing and exploiting the more 'lush' regions and kingdoms near and far.

    It was a very unequal relationship, and one that prevented non-caucasian populations from advancing in their own way and at their own rate. So yeah, caucasians fueled economic growth and built civilization as we know it today. But it was an accident of location and timing, not through any inherent superiority of Europeans in general.
  13. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Ihave to disagree about the superirity at least in culture that is.What happend to the cultures of the minoity's I can't say but most inventions were not created by minority's. Its a historicle fact but I don't think it is IQ but as I said culture. They don't use their heads.Look how they still act once they have opporunity they still devolve into poverty. You can't keep blaming the white man for all that befalls the rest of the world. That claim alone is making the minority look weak and stupid which they are not.They sem to just put their strenth into non productive crap that keeps them down.There are billions more of them than the caucasians.
    We may not have to worry about this soon anyway but it kills time discussing it.
  14. Janice Lynne

    Janice Lynne Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2021
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    I don't see much benefit in the influence of people like Michael Savage, or Ann Coulter, who was saying the same things decades ago. The public terror of 'socialism' that's ramped up by this sort of rhetoric is misguided.

    For a country to 'Invest' in its citizens isn't a slippery slope into Communism. In fact Communism is intrinsically opposed to socialism in the true sense. Communism is a sort of totalitarian government, inimical to human needs and well-being.

    Socialism, on the other hand, is a social construct that in general aims to get everyone fed, so that individuals can rise to their full intellectual and creative potential.

    Democracy works well with a moderate form of socialism, as seen in countries like Norway. There's actually not any 'socialism' currently in China, which has combined the worst and most oppressive aspects of both Communism and Capitalism into one horrible package.

    I can see how the apparent antics of the progressive Left can be framed as alarming and even demonic by corporate shills like Savage and Coulter and endless others. There's no remedy for that! The more of that content people read and believe, the worse it is for everyone on both ends of the Right/Left Spectrum.
  15. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Well I quoted you and it say socialism all the way"Communism is a sort of totalitarian government, inimical to human needs and well-being.".
    Far as those nations you named like Norway,Polland ,etc, they would all be in trouble if they didn't have us 'Capitalist' protecting them. China and others.That socialism didn't do them any favors in WW11 did it? They were promised a " chicken in every pot" but horribly ended up being the chicken.
    I also think rhat too much power corrupts and thats whats happened to America combined with apathy and complacency.Even if it wan't the end of life on the planet as we know i it still would have been the end of America.

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