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Is There A Conspiracy To Take God And Biblical Principals Out Of America?

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Babs Hunt, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    That's why I replied. I don't see it that way. Yes, there is evil in the world but it's caused by man.

    I never said the Bible wasn't written, Babs, but even as a book about history it isn't accurate. Language was so different and translations are never accurate, not even now. Since I know Hungarian, I see how ridiculous and wrong translations are on Facebook when a Hungarian friend posts something.

    Shakespeare is hard enough and it's English. How do you know God and the bible wasnt invented to control people at the time? People were more gullible back then. The sun was god to many.

    As for prophesies, anything can be twisted to fit after the fact. In any case, somebody will be proven wrong because there are too many different beliefs. Do you believe that only one religion and one God is accurate?

    I was raised Catholic and I tend to believe that version more than these newer religions.
  2. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Yes I do believe in one God @Chrissy Page and that one God is the God of the Bible. I don't believe in religion, I believe in relationship with the Trinity of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and I live my life on Biblical Truths as taught by God and Christ. Religion is man made and is made up of man's traditions and doctrines...with so little Biblical Truth included, especially now days. I would say I believe in Christianity but I can only say that is true to the extent that it is defined by Jesus in the New Testament. The Christianity that exists today is so far removed from true Christianity in most cases that I really don't like that word much at all anymore. One day Christ (and that day is much closer than many think) will return and set up His Kingdom and there will not be all the 'religious confusion'anymore, instead all those who have chosen to become a child of God by the atoning blood of Christ will enter into a Kingdom and relationship with their Father and Savior for eternity. And everyone will know there is only one God and His way will be the only way because it was always the right way. God loves all of us and His greatest desire is for all of us to become His sons and daughters. He offers us that free gift every day of our lives and all we have to do is accept it. Christ in us does the rest for us as He lives within our surrendered hearts.

    It is your opinion that the Bible is not accurate. It is my opinion that it is. And since you have not read or studied the Bible, or even done any real research in the proof that exists of its accuracy... my opinion is that your views here are based on what others say and therefore not valid as true knowledge, but only hearsay of others opinions.

    People can and do commit evil with their free will, but satan is always behind them encouraging them to do so and deceiving them into believing they are right in what they are doing. They make the choice to do that evil, but satan loves planting those seeds of evil in their minds and encourages them in every way to commit that evil. We are seeing more and more of that evil happen today and there is more to come before Christ returns. People ask why these things are happening, but the Bible has foretold all of these things that are happening and that are to come. Satan is out to kill, steal, and destroy as much of what God loves as possible before Christ returns and destroys satan once and for all time.

    You see and hear with the World's eyes and ears in my opinion Chrissy....as so many do. But to know the Truth, you have to see and hear with Spiritual eyes and ears and God is the only one who can gift you with this.

    I believe this is a good time to share this and I hope @Ken Anderson will not mind that I did. A short time ago I asked him if he would be willing to start a Bible Study on the Faith Forum and he has agreed to do so...although I am not sure when it will begin because he is a busy man and will fit this in as he has time. For anyone who want to learns what Biblical Truth and the Bible is all about, Ken will be teaching all about this and it will be open to all.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
  3. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    You're wrong Babs, I was bought up in catholic schools and learned there, I probably had more religious instruction than you. You are assuming too many things, Babs.

    You are seeing things with blinders on, I took mine off. Things are happening because people are hateful and can't accept other peoples beliefs. All I see is hate being taught.

    Others believe that it's their God that is true, not yours, or their religion is the right one. I don't know what your religion is Babs, maybe you mentioned it but I forgot. Because to me it's catholic and then all the other ones I can never remember. I'm not saying this in a mean or derogatory way either Babs, I hope you see that.

    It's the way I see it. You see it your way. Someone else sees it totally differently. Everyone in America can believe what they want, wether it's God, Buddha or Jehovah. Even Allah. We can even worship Satan if we so please and that's our belief.
    You can't make human sacrifices, that's against the law but everything else goes and you have to accept it because that's what America was founded on....freedom of Religion amongst other principles.

    We still have that right, so I don't see a conspiracy to take it out. You can go to any church you please, you can pray all you want at home, silently in school or the supermarket, while driving, etc.

    Public places are different. You can always go to a catholic school or Christian school. The choice is there.

    You can understand that some people don't like religion shoved down their throats even if they themselves are religious. I keep religion to myself, I'm really not interested in yours or anybody else's.

    You can call it a conspiracy but it's just the way things are progressing in our country and what are country was founded on....freedom of religion. I don't think there was a list made of what those religions were.
  4. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    @Chrissy Page I am not assuming anymore than you are as I also grew up in the Catholic religion, taught Cathecism, have an Aunt that is a Nun, my Paran almost became a Priest and most of my relatives are still Catholic... and this is one thing I know for sure. You did not learn the Bible while there, you learned what the Nuns, Priests, etc. wanted you to know...and most of that was not from the Bible but from the Catholic church's traditions and doctrines.

    You do not even understand that God is not a religion but a relationship Chrissy. A relationship of love between two people..love given and love received. A love of a Father (the way a father's love is supposed to be) between his child and Him. In my spirit I go and sit on my Father's lap and tell Him everything that concerns me, and He listens and I receive from Him everything I need. In my spirit I walk beside Jesus, or sit at His feet while He teaches me just like He taught His Disciples. When I open my Bible and read it, my spiritual eyes and ears see and hear Truth.

    I am not of any religious denomination anymore and I will never be again. I am a Biblical Christian and my Church consists of all my brothers and sisters who are Biblical Christians and followers of Christ too. So I may worship God in a man made building at times, sometimes at home, sometimes outside, sometimes at a fellow sister or brother's home...and sometimes even in my car or the store. I found an excellent place to spend time with God and worship Him is while I am on the train even.

    Chrissy, I know that you are mourning the loss of your mom right now, and I am trying my best to remember this when I respond to you. But I will always be honest when someone asks me a question...even if my honest answer is that I'm not going to answer that question because it's personal to me. My relationship with God is personal but God is not just my Father...He is everyone's who wants Him to be. So I am sharing Him with you. If you do not want to hear about Him, you have the choice of not asking me questions that will lead to discussion of my beliefs and relationship with Him.
    Yvonne Smith and Ken Anderson like this.
  5. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    That's fine, Babs. I believe what I was taught and that's the only version of God I will consider and if I stray from that, I won't be looking for another version is what I'm trying to say. Maybe because it doesn't focus so much on the bible is why I lean towards it.

    Now, I have to go out. See ya later. :)
  6. Actually, Jewish tradition teaches that we have no way of knowing if there's anything after death- so the life we're given on this earth is what's important.
  7. Texas Beth

    Texas Beth Veteran Member

    May 28, 2016
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    In the US, I think secularism is on the rise. And I believe in another generation or two America will be a secular country. The same is predicted of England. I think it is sad. I do believe that there are some absolute right and wrongs and I believe that God brings hope.
    Babs Hunt likes this.
  8. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    This is true because most of the Jews do not believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah that they are waiting for. He is still to come and only then will His Kingdom be established for eternity. There are Jewish people who do and are believing Jesus is the Messiah though. According to the Bible those that don't believe will finally recognize that they have been wrong when Christ returns to earth. And yet some of them will still turn their backs on Him.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
  9. I don't believe there's a conspiracy- from what I've seen over the years, it's a matter of more and more people refusing to acknowledge as legitimate anything that includes rules, laws, standards of behavior. In other words, they want their own way, and are against anything that stands in their way, be it religion or laws from the government.
  10. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    This is very true @Texas Beth. I believe the Bible would call it the spirit of antichrist at work here in America and elsewhere. The Bible says in the end days (which I believe we are definitely in) satan will deceive the whole world and he is really doing a great job of this right now. But Christians (true) are not of this World, their citizenship is in heaven...so those who are true children of God's by repentance and faith in Christ...know the Truth and will not depart from it no matter what the rest of America or the World decides to do. Many of us will suffer greatly for this as we are starting to here in America now and as have many for a long time in other Countries. Some who did not make a true commitment to Christ, will also turn away and follow the World...but this is prophesied Biblically too.

    Everything that is happening in the World today, is prophesied in the Bible. This World is leading up to the antichrist taking over the whole World for a short period of years. Many will think he is their savior...but in the end he will only be leading them to the same destruction that awaits him. I did not think I would live to see most of the end days unfold before my eyes....but it is...and if I did not know the outcome I would be frightened indeed.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  11. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    From the moment satan and the one third of angels that rebelled against God were thrown out of heaven, satan and those same angels (now known as demons) have conspired to "overthrow" God and all His children. They will continue this Conspiracy until Christ returns to earth and first "binds them up" for a thousand years in which Christ will be King over every kingdom and nation on earth. And their next stop will be the lake of fire where they will be destroyed forever along with everyone who chose them over Christ and God. Many think there is no truth to any of this, but everything that happened before, now, and to come has been Biblically prophesied and to much of it has already come true for me to ever doubt its truth. People who once recognized evil...are now doing just what Jesus said would happen..."evil is being called good and good evil". Evil will increase on this earth...until Christ comes back and destroys it once and for all time and many of us will live through alot of this. ALL of us will see the final outcome no matter what our destination is.
  12. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Just like you truly believe what you are saying, I'm sure those Jews you are condemning to not going to heaven see it their way.

    Since Jesus was a Jew, the odds are they would know the truth more than a Christian. It's only logical.

    Just like you, I am going to heaven if there is one. If there isn't then so be it, I won't know.

    I'm not afraid of dying at all. I don't believe in a devil, just an excuse people use or a scare tactic.

    If there was one he would get rid of all Christians and any other religions who worship God. Even Satan worshipper can't conjure him up.

    I can see a world ending scenario but not because of God or the devil but the hate I see happening everywhere you look. I'm talking right here in the USA.
  13. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I have not condemned anyone @Chrissy Page. They have done this to theirselves. Jesus was Jewish and He is the Messiah the Jewish people were waiting for but even though He walked the earth with many of them and they knew the Truth...they refused to believe it. They refused to believe it Chrissy, because they thought Jesus was going to be their King right then and there and knock down all those Governments that were persecuting them. Instead Jesus came to redeem them from their sins first by dying on the Cross and shedding His blood as the everylasting sacrifice for their sins. There would be no more need for animal sacrifice for sins such as was done in the Old Testament. Jesus was God in human form laying down His life for His children so that they could have eternal life with Him one day. But His own people did not recognize Him because He wasn't dressed like a King nor did He act like one and in their minds this was how they thought He should be. But He hadn't come to set up and rule His eternal Kingdom at that time... instead He had come to prepare His people for the coming of it. In their sin filled state they would have not been allowed in the Kingdom. They needed to be made pure (or without sin) like God is. God is pure and impurity can not exist with God. Jesus' blood cleanses us from all impurity if we allow it to do this.

    It is actually a blessing that the Jewish people didn't accept Him as their Messiah. Because of this God opened the door of salvation and eternal life to the Gentiles (which is you and me) ...everyone that wasn't His Covenant people. So their unbelief actually gave us the right be called children of God by Christ's atoning blood too. Because of the Jewish people's unbelief every one of us can be redeemed from our sins and have eternal life too. This is a free gift to all of us from God, but it is a gift we have to belief in and want. And God tells us clearly how we can have this free gift in His Word. And He also tells us that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and eternal life.
  14. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Well, I'm sorry Babs but I don't see it. It's the way for you and that's fine and I'm really happy for you. I'll go my way.
  15. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I know you don't @Chrissy Page. But that doesn't mean it isn't true. And I pray that God will show you His Truth in a way that you can believe it one day soon.

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