LOL! Not when it comes to being transgender without having the operation because in effect, the very first 4 letters of the word analog is also considered to be binary that is, if ya get my drift.
Just on principle this infuriates me. But realistically, I can't believe there are that many people who will follow through and have their bodies mutilated...although the costs leading up to this can be considerable. Ad the rest of us don't get elective surgery paid for...
The Pentagon Is Paying For A Transgender Soldier's Sex Reassignment Surgery For The First Time
We even have unisex toilets everywhere we go now days to cater for all “the genders” I don’t use public toilets even if I’m away from home for a day I’ll wait till I get home in-the rare event I have to use one, I use hand sanitiser on the toilet door handle / seat or Ive always go wet disinfectant wipes in a snap lock bag it’s also costing schools $$$ to alter toilets because it’s seen as discrimination if they don’t accept or cater for “ different genders” So wonder when we are permitted to have a celebration for normal people it wouldn’t happen in Australia cause the organisers would be sued for discrimination
We can't even get treated for a respiratory virus in most places with KNOWN, EFFECTIVE therapies no matter how much money we have.
My ex husband got his all the way to the motel..Surprise ..laughed off my tiny tush off - at the time on that one
I have stated this on different threads here, but since it has came up again : Short version - just because you got drunk one night and slept with a person of same sex, does not mean your gay. it means you were a drunk idiot , and you best hope your mama don't find out. If you dress the opposite of the sex you are, please make sure you can pull it off with little doubt. Hence if dressed like a female, with female mannerisms then you will be addressed as such. You are not a They,or a Them and etc. As for children, I think what someone I know ,told hers is befitting-- when her 7 year old son wanted to wear dresses instead of pants. My house my rules, your a boy, no dresses. Once you move out on your own you can wear whatever the hell you want.P.S. he is raised in the country and home schooled - go figure. On a more serious note - we all may not like it or accept it, and we should not have to. We can sympathize with the situation, without being accepting. It would be easier to be sympathetic if this was not crammed down our throats like trying to force feed a two year old mushed carrots. It does burn me to know we are paying for sex changes, yet my daughter can not get a life saving surgery .
We are bombarded with transgenderism and alphabet soup initials every day so why do they need a special week? I think we need a neutral week with no awareness of anything.