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I've Got A Question

Discussion in 'Faith & Religion' started by Sheldon Scott, Jun 30, 2016.

  1. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    I do not see Chrissy's questions as mocking or entrapment. What if she really wants to learn more about what we believe? Why would we not answer with the calm assurance that we're supposed to have? Jesus would not have turned her and her questions away. What if she's seeking? Reaching out?

    And one more "what if".... what if something we say strikes a chord with her (or anyone... not singling Chrissy out here!)

    Problem here is that I'm not well-versed enough to answer some of the questions or be convincing. I know some of you are, so I'd like to see questions being answered as a Christian serving Our Savior would answer. This is not a private forum... we don't know who could be reading us at any moment and making life decisions based on our responses.

    To see this scenario unfolding time and time again saddens me greatly.
    Bobby Cole and Yvonne Smith like this.
  2. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Then by all means, do so. After spending over an hour on what I believed to be a good answer, it was dismissed in a few words. I don't have time to continue this so, considering that I am quite sure that there no satisfying answers for someone who doesn't want to be satisfied. Have at it if you think you can do any better.
    Ike Willis likes this.
  3. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    1 John 1:9. If we confess our sins *He* is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    Simply put, *He* is God. He forgives, He hears the confession.

    Now if we point to James 5:16 it says to "confess our faults (sins) one to another" which some take as going to a priest and confessing their sins while others interpret it as one person confessing his sin against another and looking for forgiveness of that transgression from the person being sinned against.

    Ya'lls call.............., I prefer to go directly to the Judge without the human middleman. It was His Son after all who was sacrificed for which our sins are able to be forgiven.

    And I guess I will add to a couple of the other posts here. (edit time)

    @Ken Anderson's explanation of the rules governing food throughout the covenants was an excellent one. Dunno why it's misunderstood or maybe that's just the Chef in me.
    I do not believe anyone here is putting down Catholics but to tell the truth there are some things that Protestants do question about the faith in itself. Like: How did eating meat on Friday go from being a Sin to an alright meal just because the Pope said so. Or, what happened to St. Christopher? What did he do that got him un-sainted? In 2000+ years the doctrines have changed so dramatically and so many times depending on the pope at the time that we find it hard to understand, hence the confusion.

    To be perfectly serious here @Chrissy Page, the biggest question we normally have is about Mary herself. It took a Catholic Bishop to explain it to me and I am perfectly satisfied with the answer. The long and the short is that most Protestants and even Some Catholics believe that Mary is considered Deity hence all of the statues, hail Mary's, etc. The good Bishop explained that she is NOT a god, but that she is a type of mediator between man and Jesus Christ. If, just if the pope would come out and explain that to the general Protestant public I think we could all come to a Kumbaya conclusion.
    Namely, if that's our heart is, so be it.

    Uh, another answer to a question is yes, there are heads of each denomination in Protestantism.

    Hope it helps out a bit @Chrissy Page and we can clear the air on some mutual confusion between the two.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2016
    Mari North likes this.
  4. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    As I've said numerous times, I highly doubt that I could "do any better" but I sincerely hope that I will do it with a Christian spirit. Your previous answer was good and informative, yes. Isn't it a bit to early to see who somewhere on this planet of ours will read it (things we say on the Internet never go away... archives, ya know, whether or not we try to delete) will read it and find salvation because of it, even if that's months or years in the future?

    I can't respond to not having time to share the Word for as long as someone wishes to hear it because I hope I would always make time. Thank goodness the people I asked when I was searching had the time to answer my questions... and still do when I have questions or am confused with scripture or doctrine.
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  5. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    The reason I didn't give a long reply to then food answer Ken was because it's a generic reply I see everywhere.

    Sorry Bobby! I disagree about some being anti Catholic on here. It happened awhile ago. Not going to rehash it.

    I'm done with Religion. People get very upset it seems if you don't agree with there explanations. I'm not one for believing things in the bible and this only shows I'm right. All these different meanings and interpretations can only mean something's not right.

    I have Faith, the bible is has problems because there are thousands of religions and all differ on something in the bible.

    I'm done. There's no point to it. We can't agree on Peter and how to get to heaven, I see that as something wrong.

    There should only be one truth and one way. Or there are more Gods is the only other explanation.

    Since Catholics are in the majority, and older than some of today's religions...I would bet on Catholic.

    I don't try to convert anyone, never have and never will. I don't quote the Bible on here for obvious reasons but it seems that I can't even disagree without being accused of being offensive.
  6. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I understand the idea that someone might feel as though they might be beating their head against solid rock when they are trying to explain something to another individual. Maybe that is one of the reasons Jesus chose 12 men to begin with. Whereas one person might not be able to explain something and be understood by using multiple words and phrases another can simply walk up and say a dozen words or so and be totally understood by a questioning individual. The giver and the receiver have to be on the same wave length it would seem, and if they are not then someone else should try the match-up in order to avoid confusion and a headache. ( we all know who the author of confusion is, correct?)

    Peter is called a rock because I believe he would hit you over the head with one in order to be understood and make you believe. Some people need that, while others, not so much.
    Ike Willis likes this.
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I try to restrict myself to what the Bible actually says, and since people have been studying it for a couple of centuries now, I am unlikely to be able to come up with unique new spin on the subject, and I would suggest that those who do are making it up as they go along.

    I knew that, which is why I said that there was no point in my wasting any more time with it. If God establishes a new covenant with His people, you question whether a true God would ever change, but you're okay with it whenever a new Pope changes the rules of Catholicism. I don't get it, and it's certainly not worth arguing. I'll eagerly discuss anyone with anyone who actually cares about the discussion but that's not the sort sort of thing that I want to kill time on.
  8. Sheldon Scott

    Sheldon Scott Supreme Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    My original question and other questions are about me trying to understand why people believe as they do. The bible has been changed numerous times, many books removed, and other parts ignored.

    So many questions and so few answers. It's hard to have a discussion when people get mad because you are questioning their religion.

    I was hoping to get a good discussion going here but I guess I need to stay out of the religion forum.

    My sister is typical of "Christians" I know. If I ask her why she believes this or that she just tells me I'm going to hell and she doesn't want to talk about it.

    She also thinks Obama is the best president we've ever had.
  9. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Unless you are the same religion as the person you're talking to, there's no point in any discussion.

    Each side can quote whatever to prove a point. Since it's all interpretation. No wonder there are atheists and agnostics. Even people who are religious can't agree on the bible.

    Ken could explain the whole bible to me and I still wouldn't see it his way, nor will he see it my way and an atheist can disprove all of it. Just a book on some history facts and some laws to govern and control thrown in. No real proof. You either have faith and believe or you don't.

    Just giving explanations that might be why God said don't eat this or that are just assumptions. You're assuming you know why God did something. I would think it was more the people at that time who thought that.

    I have a drs appt this morning and my BP is rising writing this so that's all I'm going to say.
    Sheldon Scott likes this.
  10. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Nor do I, but there is always someone who will.
  11. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    You are the one that got mad Ken. You're reply shocked me.

    I realize that if you are Catholic on here, don't bother discussing religion.

    Go ahead Sheldon, discuss all you want, I'm not replying anymore just a waste of time looking up bible quotes.
    Sheldon Scott likes this.
  12. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Really? Because I recognized what you have since acknowledged, that anything I could say would be a waste of time, you translate that as being angry? I gave a reasoned reply to a question posed by @Sheldon Scott. You dismissed it out of hand and then pulled your offended Catholic card, and I'm the one who was angry? Incredible.
    Ike Willis likes this.
  13. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    This is getting ridiculous. This is not the way Christians I've known act... I'll go out on a limb and say that I was shocked at a few things I saw here yesterday, too.

    Since when are Catholics not fellow Christians, Ken? Since when do Christians tell someone their questions are not worth the time answering? I can't wrap my head around this, but I'll say it's no damn wonder (oh man, I never cuss, that's how upset I am!) people don't want to be a Christian. Look how "Christians" conduct themselves!

    @Chrissy Page or @Sheldon Scott , (or anyone else) if you have questions about Protestant beliefs, or any beliefs at all, please PM me and I will give you my email address. I can pretty much guarantee that I won't have theological answers off the top of my head, but I'm always willing to look things up and explore the Word together. I truly can't see that interpretation matters that much if we're all believers with faith in Christ.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  14. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Once again, @Mari North, you are perfectly free to answer whatever questions you like. No one is stopping you. The fact that I am administering this forum does not carry with it the obligation to answer every question that is posed here. Rather than answering these questions yourself, you choose instead to attack me for not doing so. As for being shocked, I am not surprised. As I said earlier, perhaps in another thread, there are always people willing to line up to be first in the offended line. If that's what you're into, have at it. I hope it satisfies whatever has gotten into you. I wish you'd at least be honest in your accusations, but honesty is too much to expect from a baseless attack, I suppose.

    Just for fun, I can show you where I have said that I expect to find Catholics in heaven, but I'll bet you can't find anyplace where I've said that they weren't Christians, as you falsely accuse me. You just made that up in your eagerness to gain a place in the offended line. No, I don't expect an apology. I wouldn't want you to lose your place in line.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
  15. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Oh, I don't get offended, I get mad. :mad: I didn't attack you... the only direct question to you was since when Catholics aren't fellow Christians. (If you decide to answer that question, that would be great.) If I'd be offended or "attacking" anyone, I would have listed specifics.

    Uh... wait, I just read that again... I guess I'll need to list specific since you said "baseless attack" and questioned my honesty in accusations. Okey dokey.... here we go... first thing was when @Yvonne Smith shared her Mama's beliefs with us, and stated it's the way she believes, too. You asked what if the disciples had believed that way. To me, that was saying that Yvonne's way was wrong and yours was the only right way.

    Yesterday, you told Chrissy, basically, that her questions were too dumb to use up your time answering. That's when I had to do a double take.

    Then when I said I didn't consider her questions out of line, you said if I can do better, have at it. Maybe you don't consider that a snarky reply. I do.

    Need more? Now tell me again who's been attacked? My ONE question to you was why you don't consider Catholics fellow Christians.

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