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Kabul Falls

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Craig Wilson, Aug 15, 2021.

  1. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Amen to that
  2. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    With woke generals and a commander in chief with Altzheimers, I'm not surprised.
    Don Alaska, Jim Brown and Bobby Cole like this.
  3. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    And yet one more screw up that hasn’t gotten a lot of play.

    Under the Trump administration, his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, created the Crisis & Contingency Response Bureau which was initially formed to bring American citizens home from foreign countries during the Covid-19 lockdowns.
    Had it been allowed to do so, it would have been an instrumental agency which could have potentially helped American citizens come home from Afghanistan but; under the Biden administration, his Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, shut it down, dismantled it and said adieu.

    With the pull-out looming on the horizon, why would the Biden administration do such a thing? Even if Biden couldn’t imagine any problems facing our overseas citizens during an evacuation from a hostile country, any 5th grader could have so most certainly a supposedly intelligent man like Blinken should have been able to envision some bumps in the road.

    Now, everyone is scrambling to do the job of what a single bureau was already set up to do but nope, gotta shut down yet another initiative set up by the Trump administration all because it was Donald Trump. It doesn’t matter to them what good can come from something but if Trump had any part of it then the left wing ne’er-do-wells will put a boot in it’s butt and send it packing.
    Then, when the left wing plan fails they blame it on Trump.
    That said, they’ll also probably blame him for the payments we will eventually have to make when the Taliban extortionists / blackmailers start to put a price on the heads of American citizens who are trapped in Afghanistan.

    Note: Of course, if anyone searches the web they’ll find stuff by “Media Matters” (a way left wing hack organization) and others who say that the CCR bureau never existed. It’s just their way of protecting Biden and the very left wing woke way of life.
    The documentation was handed to Congress in October of 2020.
    Ken Anderson and Don Alaska like this.
  4. Silvia Benoit

    Silvia Benoit Veteran Member

    Nov 23, 2020
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    I would like to find out which "ism" is the American cupula seeking for....Globalism, Liberalism, Socialism or full Communism?
  5. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Any ism will do. It’s like a science fiction movie: The aliens promise some hand picked humans that if they will help subdue the rest of humanity then they can become rich and powerful.
    What they (the politicians) do not understand is that they will simply be the last ones who are eaten.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2021
    Don Alaska likes this.
  6. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    First, I can be swayed either way on whether we should have withdrawn from Afghanistan.

    However, given that we have decided to pull out, it seems there's a lot of premature hand-wringing. It may be justified in the end, or maybe something terrible will happen tomorrow morning, but right now I wish the talking heads would wait a little longer before declaring success or failure. The outrage is only making things worse, and causing more division, imo.

    Planning for this evacuation should have started a year ago February, or whenever the Peace agreement with the Taliban was finally approved. I suspect the Defense and State Depts did not take the decision seriously enough, assuming it might change under a new administration. Broadcasting a deadline for withdraw (which everyone said was never a good idea) was moved from May 1, to Sept 11(?), but still not enough time if there was no plan in place.

    Two guys fell off a plane, but I haven't heard about any shootings or other murders. In a city of 4.4 million people in the US, more than 2 people get shot and killed every day. Meanwhile 700 people died in Haiti last week, and probably 10K are starving in Africa.

    I think it's personal with many serving in the military, and the reporters who have almost lived there for 20 years, and made friends with the local people. And it's probably good to keep pushing so awareness does not fall off the radar. But they may be letting their emotions bias their reporting of the overall picture. I know I could be wrong.

    Maybe, just maybe, the people of Afghanistan can work this out. In the years before the Taliban, women had some rights, and the last generation of women did also. Maybe these two generations can work together and make some changes without us interfering. It takes time.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2021
  7. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I have certainly gotten reports of murder and one beheading of a woman. I have no way to verify those reports. The planning WAS done when the agreements with the Taliban were signed, and contingencies were written into the agreements to deal with problems if it "went south", however, as @Bobby Cole said, Biden threw all the agreements and contingencies out the window and abruptly withdrew, throwing out all the thought and planning that initially went into the departure in part because it was Trump's idea and inpart because our president is simply not a bright man even prior to his loss of cognitive function.
  8. James Hintze

    James Hintze Very Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2020
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    We should be concerned about the treatment of females, grown and child, in Afghanistan. Over the past years Saudi Arabia loosened up on the treatment of women somewhat, perhaps because of the pressure from us and the rest of the world. Perhaps the same will happen in Afghanistan after the dust settles.

    Now, haven written that, I reluctantly bring up another female thing practiced in a good part of the world, including countries where we have military presence: Female Gentile Mutilation (FGM). , https://www.huffpost.com/entry/female-genital-mutilation-map_n_57dda1d2e4b04a1497b4e144

    Should we, and the rest of the world, be more involved in stopping this?

    Perhaps I should have posted this horrible thing somewhere else.
    Nancy Hart likes this.
  9. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    I'm glad you and Bobby are privy to all this information. If there were plans under the previous administration, I would think the details would have been classified. I like it how you guys are so sure of everything. I'm not, and admit it. I'm just speculating and giving my opinion.

    Btw, I should have said in the last post (but was trying to avoid starting another name-calling argument):

    "I suspect the Defense and State Depts did not take the decision seriously enough, assuming it might change after the 2020 election (no matter who won)."
  10. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    Here's a link that describes the agreement that Trump had. Notice when it's dated. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/us-sign-historic-deal-taliban-beginning-end-us/story?id=69287465
    Bobby Cole and Don Alaska like this.
  11. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I don't think the Afghan Army " rolled Over " into anything,they never left their religion to begin with. We just gave them better training and weapons to kill each other and other with is all.
    Read the Quran especially Sura 9.30 I think it will tell you alot.
    All these people being inserted into America and Europe are mostly Muslim and they will never leave their religion for any reason only recruit others where they go. Look at G.B. and London, Better yet France, Sweden.most European leaders like us.

    Just wait till they get citizenship and send for their millions of 'relatives' .
    Don Alaska likes this.
  12. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    And why would a crisis and contingency plan be classified? Most certainly if American citizens were to take advantage of it then how would that be done if it was a secret?
    Moreover, Donald Trump had already stated on many occasions of his intentions to bring our troops home if and when the conditions were right to do so. No classified documentation there. It was wide open but unfortunately one wouldn’t hear or read about it if one is only watching left wing media.

    No one knows everything that is going on. No one. Everything about the whole debacle is so departmentalized that one hand definitely doesn’t know what the other is doing.
    That said, when knowledgeable people in each department comes out and speaks, we should listen and then just for kicks, do some research and make sure that the person speaking is really who you should be trusting.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  13. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    It wasn't classified, it just wasn't covered much simply because it was Trump.
    Teresa Levitt and Bobby Cole like this.
  14. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    If you missed Judge Jeanine's show Sat. 08/21/2021, then try to find the video and watch it. I think maybe her best open statement ever. What is happening in Afghanistan is beyond tragic and now our allies are turning against us. We need our generals to form a coup and take out the entire current administration before all hope is lost, maybe forever. The USA is no longer a superpower and I am surprised France hasn't demanded we return the Statue of Liberty. Biden and cronies are guilty of hundreds and soon to be thousands of deaths including women and children. I also include anyone that voted and/or supported Biden and Democrats. Such actions were once treasonous and punishable by death.
  15. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I am of the clique that truly believes, with proof, that the election was totally fixed and for that reason, I really do not blame people for voting the way they wished to vote. Without illegal help, their votes would have been cast for 2nd best.
    Now, the women and men who are behind all the fraud, they should never see the light of day for the rest of their lives.
    As it has already been written numerous times, Biden nor Harris knows anything that has really been going on but their handlers do and the guys who screwed with the voting systems and those who are and were financially behind them know.

    I can’t blame Joe Biden for being mentally incapable of handling the presidency nor Harris for being a 4th rate politician at best, but I CAN blame the eventual deaths of countless women and children on whoever really put them in the Oval Office and is keeping them there..
    In my opinion and without proof, if Soros were to suddenly drown in his bathtub, there’d be a whole lot of things change because the paychecks would cease and everyone would see very quickly whose pockets were being stuffed and who the traitors are.
    Don Alaska likes this.

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