Was not and would not be my choice in a leader, but I darn sure will not do the daily rant on a person as we see, I respect the rank not the person holding it. I do not have a good feeling of what is to come from this administration.
That's gross. It's beneath you, a Southern 'lady'!!!! to speak like this. It's vicious. It's a reason why I can't get involved here---I don't want to be angry with anyone, and that happens when I come here and see shit like this. Clean up your act why don't you?
Hi, @Lulu Moppet ! It's great to see you. OK. if you think it's viscous, can you recommend a more polite word for a woman who sells sex? Thanks in advance.
You are assuming she deliberately sold herself to advance. She had a affair with a mayor who later advanced her career. That's a far different scenario that what you painted.