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Let’s Talk About Socialism

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Hal Pollner, Mar 7, 2019.

  1. Teresa Levitt

    Teresa Levitt Veteran Member

    Oct 22, 2019
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    if ...Socialist....or ...socialist governments are so great....
    why are they not the largest and most powerful economic power in the world???

    people just wanting free everything..
    somebody pays
    Lois Winters and Sheldon Scott like this.
  2. Ed Wilson

    Ed Wilson Veteran Member

    Dec 6, 2019
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    The U.S. has a capitalist system with a social safety net for those who need it so we are already a mix of both. There is food stamps, public housing, social security for the retired and SSI for some disabled, medicare, etc. You can probably think of more. We don't need anymore. I don't think we need to benefit the lazy. I think the problem with the high cost of college is the student loan program. The federal government has deep pockets so colleges can charge what they want and a graduate is stuck to pay it back. Don't give a young person a credit card. If there are any problems with our current system it was caused by career politicians like Bernie and Biden who now want to fix things. Where the hell were they in the last 30 years? Lobbyists have done their job well. This takes me to Trump and why the establishment hates him. He is a billionaire and can't be bought so he does what's right for the country, aka, you and me. For instance, transparency in medical billing has been mandated to begin in the near future so competition should drive down prices. Give the guy time to do more. You can't fix what's wrong overnight what politicians had decades to screw up. Obama once said to Putin that he can be more flexible if re-elected.The Trumpster isn't done.
    Beth Gallagher and Lois Winters like this.
  3. Peter Renfro

    Peter Renfro Veteran Member

    Sep 13, 2018
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    Sorry, I disagree with you guys. You are not going to change my mind and I am just as convinced that my thoughts are correct as you are. I guess that I am just a kinder gentler person who does not want to see his fellow citizens suffer. We are paying for the downtrodden and useless no matter how you cut it. Unless we come up with some program requiring euthanasia for the lesser value citizens,this is a problem that is not going away,no matter what random neuron fires in trumps demented brain.
    No he did not cause the problem,but his stingy solutions sure are worsening it.
    We are already paying for poor decisions,but instead of doing it in an organized logical fashion, we are ad hoc throwing money in all directions.
    We have the most expensive Health Care on the globe with not so stellar outcomes. For God's sake, even health care is Cuba is heads and shoulders above us in positive outcome. Why are we the only Western industrialized nation that infant mortality,is rising and life expectancy is dropping.
    We are swarming with uneducated,unqualified people, low education jobs are not coming back. Yet the commerce department is still aiding and abetting the wholesale exporting of low skill jobs.
    Back when we were coming up, one person with a high school diploma or less, could hold a fulltime with benefits,supporting a family in a decent matter. Not today, I don't know what kind of relationship you have with you children or grands, but my SIL makes $20.00 per hour and my daughter makes 23. They still while not struggle have to watch every penny. My wife and I did that on justa portion of that wage.
    The balance has tipped way to far in the capitalists favor and must be brought back into balance! Remember the phrase, "FOR THE COMMON GOOD"
    Y'all are being idealist in a world where a more pragmatic solution is called for, (lower case s) socialism has the answer to some of it.

    You can rail denigrate me and talk poop all you want but remain a patriot and a socialist!
  4. Peter Renfro

    Peter Renfro Veteran Member

    Sep 13, 2018
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    Ken every instance you cite is a symptom of Socialism,having nothing to do with socialism, but then you already know that, but thanks for playing
  5. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    Three tiers of healthcare is superior??? tier 1 for wealthy or travelers. Tier 2 for govt officials Tier 3 for jose sixpack?
  6. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    And Ken had socialist in small letters. He's got socialism defined the way you want with a small "s".
  7. Peter Renfro

    Peter Renfro Veteran Member

    Sep 13, 2018
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    And another case of willful ignorance! (I was jumped on as being rude for using the word stupid last time) unless you seriously are unable to understand the difference.
    Please educate yourself on the nuances, your view is extremism.
    Ken was trolling me with the full knowledge that his example were conjecture misinformation or just plain lies.
  8. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Yes, your posts show exactly how kind and gentle you are.

    Just hand over your life savings (that you meant for your grandchildren); there are some people sneaking across the border that need you to provide a better life for them.
  9. Peter Renfro

    Peter Renfro Veteran Member

    Sep 13, 2018
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    Extremism once again. Have you written your representative to make sure that every law pertaining to hiring an illegal is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law? Have you lobbied your Reps to legislate a requirement that every visa holder report their whereabouts to a government office every thirty days. Or to require that every employer, university, or college ensure that their students and employees are in full compliance with the conditions of their visa? No you haven't? Why not? If protecting our borders is that important to you, surely you realize that far more illegals arrive by plane,than arrive in a false compartment in a truck don't you?

    You may think my post are rude,and coarse. I prefer frank, to the point and devoid of Kumbaya feel good bullshit!

    Sorry I am not your cup of tea. I am sure that we both will continue our lives secure in our convictions.

    So here stands Pete, ready for the next round of "Let's trigger the snowflake!"
  10. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    I don't need to educate myself. My view is not in the extreme. You are the extremist.
    And you didn't address my statement about Cuban health care. You apparently believe anything that socialists put out in press releases.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2020
    Beth Gallagher and Tom Galty like this.
  11. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Symptoms are important, particularly when they are ones that can be expected to result. In fact, it might be more accurate to view them as the consequences of socialism. Bernie admired the Soviet Union, praised Castro, and wished that we could be Venezuela, so I think we know what to expect from him.
    Lois Winters likes this.
  12. Shirley Martin

    Shirley Martin Supreme Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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    When someone is honest enough to tell you that they are not going to change their minds, there is no use carrying on a conversation with them, Save your time and energy.
    Tom Galty and Beth Gallagher like this.
  13. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Socialism is why thousands of Americans have gotten onto boats, rafts, and un-seaworthy vessels in order to make their way to the paradise known as Cuba, and why thousands more are walking across deserts, and through dangerous terrain, hoping to gain sanctuary in Venezuela.

    Meanwhile, government healthcare is why the parking lots of Maine's hospitals and medical facilities have almost as many cars with Canadian plates as with Maine license plates.
  14. Peter Renfro

    Peter Renfro Veteran Member

    Sep 13, 2018
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    Once again beating my head against a brick wall!!!!!!! socialism/Socialism, learn the difference!
  15. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Other than capitalization, the difference is in your head, Peter, and you keep beating that against a brick wall.

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