A fellow country man used to talk wonders about Cuba. Finally he and his wife went to Cuba for a week. The second day in the country he left his wife shopping in the "for tourist area" of Havana and visited the surrounding areas. He lost his papers and was robed of his dollars. Went to the police and DIDN'T GET THE CHANCE TO CALL HIS WIFE AT THE HOTEL. Four days later he was released and had to walk to the hotel where he found out his wife was forced to leave the country. This fellow country man -who originally resided in Miami- had to work in all kinds of jobs FIVE MONTHS to be able to leave Cuba. He is a witness to Cuban moral decay. He, now, is against Castro as much as he was for him before this experience. Nothing like experiencing life on your own skin.
I was referring to a diversity in systems and the choices it provides. That is what they wish to kill. I probably should have said "choices."
I am not sure how the term “diversity” fits into socialism either except for that all groupings would be affected within the dynamics of socialism (or any agenda meant for the masses) Granted, social diversity is a long winded subject that volumes have been written about but it simply means “difference”. In the socio-political world, those differences are used as a manipulative tactic which when applied is made to make each grouping feel somehow “special” and catered to. Note: From the most researched grouping to the least those groups are: Gender, Race, Disability, weight, religion, social class, elderly / seniors and lastly, gay / lesbian It’s a given that each grouping might have a few perks that mimic socialism like free contraceptives for women, AIDS prevention for gays, affirmative action based on race and so on but on some level someone, by producing those products or programs are still in the arena of capitalism. If anything else, socialism Negates diversity and doesn’t recognize any difference on any social construct since we’re all technically the same under socialism. To say that the government can provide goods to each according to his or her own needs is by far the most anti-capitalistic statement ever made.
Thanks for the responses. You all have given me food for thought, and with your comments, together with my own thoughts, I can when the occasion arises, continue the dissicution. Appreciate it. On another level, @John Brunner, and with apologies to both you and @Silvia Benoit , I was trying to draw out Silvia a bit to see where she stood on the issue of socialism. From her previous comments I could not determine with certainy or I could have overlooked some of Silvia's thoughts she put down. Again, thanks to all who particpated and responded to my own comment.
I have been to Cuba three times. Two times were on Scuba diving trips where you stay at the a tourist hotel so you never see the real world but what they want you to see. I also visited a local hospital and was very disappointed on the backward equipment I see after that I have trouble believing all the hip put out by the media. The last trip was on my sail boat that lets you see the real world and it was surprising I would never go back to Cuba for many reasons.
My problem with Socialism is that it stifles initiative and self sufficiency, just the opposite of what has made the U.S. great.
You only had to read the verb "to suffer" in my comment to know my position on this social cancer. Next time I will be more explicit.
I will never visit Cuba until I could drink a Cuba Libre (Free Cuba), on Cuban soil, with my friend Rebecca whom as soon somebody mentions Castro or the Che Guevara she starts to shake.......Yes, even after 55 years in USA.
Bill Boggs, Anytime you wish I can translate for you just about the most repulsive paragraphs of Castro's letter to Hugo Chávez.
@Silvia Benoit I was excited when Castro launched his effort to over throw Batista. I was recruited to go to Nicaragua with a for e gathered in New Orleans to help Castro if it appeared he might be successful. We were were playing both ends against the middle. I didn’t go but was recruited by an Officer I had served with in Korea. No, I don’t need a translation. It doesn’t matter what the letter says. Cubans are against socialism. I’m not sure about Mexicans or Spaniards (sp). But, I have found much of academia are liberal and I realize liberalism is not socialism. I was merely responding to your question. I will continue my discussion with my friend when wecan get together again. And, I look forward to hearing more from you on many subjects.
I guess you hear the word "dictatorship" and feel is something horrendous...Ask a Cuban about Castro's or an Argentinian about Videla's ; I don't doubt the very different answers will blow your brains. Ciao.