Love Abounds!

Discussion in 'Happy Talk' started by Bobby Cole, Jun 11, 2018.

  1. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    My uncle and I are only 10 months apart in age so that makes him 69 years old at this time. When we were much younger, we were pretty much raised as brothers but that's about as far as any comparative study goes betwixt the two of us.
    I went to war, then got married and later went to college whilst he went to college and got married. I have been married 3 times and he shared a fantastic ministry with his wife for 47 years.
    Sadly, his wife died about 3 years ago and Vernon retired from ministry. A totally sad state of affairs. The only times I heard from him was on FB and it was always about his late wife and how much he missed her.

    Today, I got a FB message saying that he had gotten married again! He had said about 4 months ago that he had gotten engaged but that was the end of the conversation until, Surprise!
    Goes to show folks that no matter the age, love does indeed find a way of healing the worst of pains and finding a good mate has no age restrictions.
    Congratulations Vernon! May your blessings be many and mighty indeed!!
    Babs Hunt and Yvonne Smith like this.
  2. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Bobby Cole And I thought I was too young an uncle at 5! My nephew & I did indeed grow up together, cared for by my Mother while my sister worked.

    Her re-marrying kind of stifled the closeness, but not too much. Sadly, the last 17 years have thrust a serious breech between us: his 2nd., conniving, devious wife. We saw through her facade early on; of course I could only hint to him. He has become a changed man, totally, as though emasculated, as my wife puts it (she uses street words). His wife has led them into a bankruptcy, something he allowed to happen, and totally out of character for this ex-Marine who never took gaff from anyone.
  3. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    And may they live happily ever after! :)
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  4. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    .....And may they love, happily ever after!;)

    Bobby Cole likes this.

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