Today, Saturday will be …………………… HOK.... I know I have some soup leftover, but I will NOT serve the same thing every day.. Perhaps tomorrow..
Steve, I am pretty sure that you got more than 3-4 cans of sunshine, or they were giant sized cans, because we are now FREEZING down here in Alabama ! Next time, please ask @Beth Gallagher ; she is in Houston and will never miss a few cans of sunshine.
Thanks Yvonne... Today it wasn't bad, it was 5c and sunny which is seasonal for up here.. I managed to do almost all of the outdoor work that had to be done.. if it wasn't for your generosity with the cans of sunshine and heat, I couldn't be able to work today.. Again, thanks...
My …… HOK ….. supper turned out not bad after all.. B/S chicken breast (one large) cut in half in the thickness, lightly breaded and pan fried in oil.. Steamed broccoli..
Today is Sunday.... Breakfast:... My homemade pancakes using wheat gluten as the flour, mashed bananas, eggs, liquid, and served with S/F syrup.. I often add some cinnamon as well.. Lunch:... As usual, a BIG hug and kiss as we don't eat lunch.. Perhaps a coffee.. Supper: …. A casserole of some sort using minced chicken or minced turkey with veggies..
NO..... I didn't make a casserole as I planned.... Instead I made a meatloaf with the minced chicken...…… except....... instead of making it in a loaf pan, I made it in a muffin tin so we had mini loaves.. Ended up with 12 mini loaves.. We each had 4 which means I have 4 leftover... Steamed and mashed carrots from our garden..
Today Monday I will use up the soup I made a few days ago and have leftovers that I didn't freeze.. OK... Now what about the main course ??? How about some fish ?? I like to make fish about 3 times a week and I have tons of frozen fillets in the freezer.. A salad always goes nice with fish and my own dressing is very lovely and salt free.. Pudding that I enjoy spiking will be our dessert.. Pot of tea as it is now getting time for our tea after supper..
supper tonight was my homemade pizza.. I took a large wrap, added some pizza sauce, sliced mushrooms, diced pepper, and mozzarella cheese.. Kept it simple this time.. I usually add diced red onion, sliced tomato, and olives... baked in a cookie sheet at 430f till done... truly delicious and homemade..
FISH again tonight... Salmon fillets lightly breaded and pan fried.. Acorn squash baked in the oven and served with butter.. Spiked pudding Pot of tea...
Today it has been raining all day and the temperature was 4c.. Just a lousy day which calls for some comfort food.. Meatloaf made with minced turkey.. steamed broccoli.. Spiked pudding with heavy cream Pot of tea..
Supper tonight was my homemade pasta sauce that was in the freezer that I reheated.. I made the sauce with minced chicken.. Spaghetti squash to go with it and powdered parmesan cheese.. Frozen blueberries with Splenda and heavy cream.. Pot of tea after all that...
Since it has been colder here, it is more of soup weather than salads and cold meals. I have been making the cabbage soup diet and having soup every day. I have lost a few lbs, and have more energy; and I enjoy vegetables and hot soup in the wintertime. Today, we are roasting a chicken and I will have that for our main meal , and then make chicken stir fry with the leftovers tomorrow, with lots of veggies.
About your cold temperature...… Today we woke up to a white lawn, white driveway and a white patio.. Speaking of chicken...…… Tonight I took out a large breast that I will half in the thickness, pound it just a bit, lightly bread them, and pan fry them in oil... I have loads of turnips from our garden that I will peel one, dice it, steam it, and mash it with butter and chives.. I have a large jar of stewed peaches that go very well with heavy cream.. Pot of tea for sure...