I know what you mean. I really would rather have Trump as our President than any of the other ones that ran...but he sure comes down with "foot in mouth" disease quite often. On the other hand we have a bunch of "2 year olds" running our Government and they all get this disease quite often. They all need to be put in "time out" and taught how to "zip their lips up!"
Maybe that was what George HW Bush, Sr. was doing....grabbing his 15 seconds of butt. To bad he was grabbing the ones that weren't his.
@Babs Hunt ...here is an interesting article...maybe this is what Bush Senior is going through. He may not but for those that do have this I think it's a valid excuse. http://dontsayawordbook.com/blog/diagnosing-the-dirty-old-man/
That's a good explanation @Chrissy Cross...and maybe even true in Bush's case...but whether it is true or not...the women were right to come forward and were owed an apology. Which he gave them and if no more women come forward from years ago when he could not have had the condition in the article...then I will give him the benefit of the doubt.
This a can of worms isn't it? It is also- at least in my country ,very much a one-way street. I believe as many seem to over here that there is an element of bandwagon jumping and media-generated hysteria regarding accusations of one-way sexual harrassment. And that creates a problem for the genuine victims. All it takes is for one accusation to be proven wrong and all accusers can be accused of making false accusations. Understand one thing, I know there is sexual harrassment of women at work - I have seen and heard it , and taken the sides of the women involved, but most of my male colleagues do not regard their behaviour as being in any way " wrong ".So , i do accept that there is often a case to answer.Equally so in regard to LGBT, having been a silent victim of it myself. What does, however, create great suspicion in the minds of many of the public is where there is an organised " stand up and be counted " program, often after the event. Ok, so sometimes - as in the case of Jimmy saville, there is validity -, but in many other cases there is neither evidence nor substance to such group accusations, but the smear won't die just because the accused is dead, and the only people who are hurt in these situations are the accused Wife, Children & Grandchildren. Is that justified? Accusing someone of sexual assault and abuse is a lot easier than proving the accusations to be false, but when the victims of such accusations are the living members of the deceased person's family I think the accusers have as much to explain as the accused. What intrigues and disturbs many, however is when successful individuals make #metoo accusations ten/twenty+ years after the event despite the fact that the media has been investigating and successfully exposing for much longer. For example, are we really to believe that a women claiming to be a victim of the casting-couch - culture decades after it has been effectively exposed genuinely believed herself to be alone among women-victims until she became successful? In the fifties,sixties and seventies I could accept such an argument but in the 21'st century i do not. Why ( and how ) would they continue to pursue a career in such circumstances if they were genuinely distraught? Where there is genuine abuse surely individual court cases would follow ? Could it be the case that where such individual cases may have occurred it appears to me that a certain street-smart manipulation may have been used to take advantage of a situation where individual women may themselves have permitted certain liberties knowing it would aid in their personal ambitions? Admitting that, however, would be letting the side down would it not? Solidarity in such cases should be seen in perspective and not automatically be presented as the whole truth. As a child growing to maturity I studied the era of the original Witchcraft Persecutions and discovered some interesting facts. 1. The majority of people accused of Witchcraft and murdered in medieval Britain were actually men and not as feminists would have it the other way around. 2. Matthew Hopkins, England's Witchfinder General was actually in the employ of Oliver Cromwell. 3.A substantial minority of the accused were indeed involved in the Occult. Does anyone see where I am going with this? In plain english, the vast majority of people - of both sexes - accused of Witchcraft during the persecutions were Royalists and Royalist sympathisers. What will history show fifty years from now regarding todays Wtch-hunt of the rich and powerful? In the context of time who will be revealed as the real victims? Yes, I accept there is still a lot of this going on and it is a genuine problem, but where #metoo accusations are concerned I believe there is more harm being done than good, for the longer these accusations continue to be made where there is no evidence presented either way the quicker Society is more likely to dismiss class- accusations entirely. It is happening throughout Corporate Business in other areas of malpractice and I have no doubt it will not be long till it extends to the socio-political sphere also. At the end of the day ,politically ,it will be seen in a financial context, for when all is said and done it is invariably the tax-payer who picks up the tab of the compensation lawsuits that may well result. And will we ever get anywhere near to the real truth?
Many people have spoken up in the past for the wrong that was done to them...but nobody did anything about it or even seemed to care. Now things are different and wrongs are being righted. There's a lot of people who have been waiting for this day to see justice prevail or at least to hear someone say to them that what was done to them was not right. For some this is going to bring an end to the pain they have carried for so long...and that is a good thing as far as I'm concerned. There may be those who will be "crying wolf" when there really was no wolf...but for most of these people there was a wolf...and they want him caught in the trap he caught them in.
Think about it. Had any of you ever heard of this Heather Lind person before she, "Went Public?" Now she is world famous. Probably on all the morning talk shows. Pretty good payoff for "Going public" ,huh?
Who's next? Seeems like Hollywood is imploding...every day a new story of sexual harassment. This time it's Kevin Spacey. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5032947/House-Cards-cancelled-Kevin-Spacey-attack.html
I personally don't agree with the concept of justice. It's just my own view for a lot of complicated reasons. But one person speaking up is often powerless and has the potential for some kind of repercussion. And that is why people may never speak up. Once things come out and they know they are not totally and helplessly alone, then they may feel empowered. Many people suffer in silence from all kinds of wrongs.
In my line of work, I counsel a lot of victims of sexual harassment, assault, etc. Many keep silent for decades before coming to see me. Shame, fear of violent retaliation, fear of being dismissed, blamed for their own victim hood, very powerful reasons to keep silent even without the threat of loss of career/income. I long for the day when women ( and sometimes male victims) are not held accountable for the abuses they suffer at the hands of others. As for trusting the courts to provide you with justice, the saying amongst most therapists is, good luck unless you are beaten bloody and can't walk. The few who cry wolf are lost in the wilderness of the many who are bullied into silence.