That's right - I'm not lazy like what you am And - the health implications too No - I've never had a microwave - I did once have a perm though
Some people just aren't mechanically inclined ( your roomie ), but people who own homes need to learn to do as much as possible for themselves. Look in the phone book under handyman and you might find someone to do the job at a reasonable price. I hired one once for some electrical work because I needed someone in the attic and someone in the kitchen and as good as I am I couldn't be in both places at the same time.
I see people post about things like this all of the time in my neighborhood group. People here seem to keep extras of things. I do have extras of a few things, but I swear, it's as if some have stores full of things. Most of the homes here are relatively small, and garages aren't common here, so I have no idea where they keep these things. I see people asking if someone has an extra coffee machine they can borrow (I did have that, but I sold it), a particular sort of device, even an extra cell phone. Some here are quite chummy. There are only a few I'd borrow from or loan to, but if there's someone you're close to in your neighborhood/church, etc., maybe you could just borrow one. In the past, I've obtained free items like that, including a washing machine, on Freecycle. I've also donated items via Freecycle/TrashNothing, and it's a great way to get something you need without spending money. If you did that, and ultimately installed the stainless one, you could turn around and donate the one you'd received back via Freecycle/TrashNothing, and someone else could benefit.
I rarely use a microwave. I've mentioned before that I don't even like being near a microwave when it is operating because I feel as if I can feel it doing things to me inside. Yeah, I know. That sounds silly after having undergone radiation treatment for cancer, but I still feel that way. When I do use a microwave, it is to heat up something like frozen corn that comes packaged for microwaving, and I get out of the room immediately until it's done. My wife uses it more often than I do, but I think we could easily survive without a microwave.
I definitely use my stove and toaster more than the microwave, but I do like having it available for nuking up potatoes or corn on the cob. I also heat leftovers using the microwave, but only for about a minute at a time. The potatoes and corn usually take about 4 minutes apiece, and I'm rarely in front of the microwave. My kitchen's so small that the microwave's outside of it, in the hall between the kitchen and dining area, with a wall in between. I figure that gives me some protection, but that's probably just wishful thinking.
We have always had microwave ovens passed over to us. Each one lasted several years before receiving a replacement better than the last and always smaller with more features than before. I've never been apprehensive about having one but I will say that I would miss not being able to used the popcorn feature.
@Von Jones Any device which reduces the bake time of a potato from 1 hour down to 2 to 3 minutes, is on my "definitely good" list! Frank
Yes, it certainly does but I haven't had a baked potato in years, plus here in Fresno it would cost me too much To bake a potato in the oven in the not worth it. It's just a potato. I do eat sweet potatoes on occasion and microwave those.
@Ken Anderson Here we part company as far as agreeing with each other! I could concede that it's my lack of working taste buds at fault, but still, red potatoes taste superior to me to most other varieties, so that's not it. Now, the positively, absolutely, best-tasting potato I ever ate was made by my sister. I think she baked them, then scooped the "meat" out of the skins, mashed it perfectly smooth with some kind of cheese mixed in, then spooned the mix back into the skins, and baked a bit until slightly brown on top. I know there is a name for that preparation, but it escapes me. Frank
@Chrissy Page A fine thought! Wonder why I've never had them baked that way? My Mother boiled them, skinned them, cut them up, slathered them with butter and brown sugar. Delicious, but not especially nutritionally-fit! Frank