Musings Of An Old Man

Discussion in 'Personal Diaries' started by Don Alaska, Jul 19, 2024.

  1. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    It is still too wet for a fall tilling, but it is predicted to remain dry for the next few days, so hopefully it will get done. It helps keep the slugs down by killing the eggs among other things.

    More greenhouse cleaning done today and the water tank in the big greenhouse has been drained. I did a door modification that I have been dreading all summer, actually for a few years. A big, heavy door on one side of my tractor (and other equipment) shed moved during the 2018 earthquake, so the doors didn't cleanly close. I had to trim about 1/4 inch from one side of the door to allow it to cleanly close. I did it today and it wasn't as bad as I feared. I have found over the years that jobs I start out thinking are going to be a piece of cake and soon find out otherwise, especially plumbing. This job came off just as I planned, so that was good for a change.

    Our first moose sighting in the yard for the fall season today--a cow and calf. I suspect they were forced out of the higher elevations by the increasing snow. I still have cabbage in one garden, but it is defended by an electric fence so hopefully they will not get in there. The compost pile, however, has a lot of stuff cleaned out of the garden, so they may help themselves to that.

    No snow down here yet, but the temps are predicted to drop next week, so who knows. I think we will soon be below freezing every night, but I hope we will still have a few weeks where the day temps will be above freezing.

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