@John Brunner We live in the driest state in Australia so we have rainwater tanks to catch and store some water It’s compulsory to have at least a 5.000 ltr tank , We have 10.000 ltrs . We also have piped river water that comes from 250 km away .which is pretty expensive so we try to use our rainwater for most of our garden. This area has no natural fresh water, unlike the city (Adelaide) which has several reservoirs in-the Adelaide hills.
I'm on a well, and lots of folks here voluntarily capture rainwater to water their vegetable gardens. On the flip side are regions where it is illegal to capture rainwater because the density of population means that the area is covered with non-permeable surfaces (roof tops, asphalt driveways, decks, garages, etc), and the municipal reservoirs need all the groundwater they can get.
I wanted a small medic alert bracelet since I'm not supposed to have any needles or blood pressure readings on my right arm any longer. I found a sterling silver model on Etsy that is custom engraved and has glowing reviews, so I ordered one. It came from a seller in England and arrived yesterday. Very pleased.
Very nice. I had the classic red one when I had bee sting allergies. It's a good thing to have when you need it.
Yeah, I didn't want the giant "men's ID bracelet" look with the red alert. This one has my alert engraved on the back.
That is very beautiful, @Beth Gallagher ! I have one for my pacemaker, but it is just the basic copper bracelet, and I only wear it if I am traveling because it is not all that comfortable. My newest purchases were a phone case for the new iPhone, and also a small phone case/bag that will work when I do not need to carry my whole purse with me, but want the phone and my ID cards. I posted the case in the iPhone thread, but here is the carrying case, and it should go well with the phone case. This can go right inside my backpack when we go to the fitness center, so I do not have to carry the purse and the backpack both.
.A top-of-line dishwasher. I decided to shell out the $1K rather than $300 for repairing the old one now 22 years old. This is the first major appliance I have bought without seeing it.
I have a medic alert bracelet. I can't remember where I ordered it but I could find the papers if I wasn't too lazy to look for them. The settings are heart shaped with rhinestone gems. I haven't taken it off since I got it adjusted and put it on. I can't get a clear picture without tasking if off. I recently ordered Miki a heating pad for her ramp. She loves it. I know it's made by Toozey because that's what it says on the controls.
Pretty bracelet, Shirley. I know what you mean about trying to photograph something that's on your arm! I ended up taking a "mirror pic" in the bathroom. Miki is precious and I know that heating pad must feel wonderful.
e have a eruined dog in there now on her new bed that came in mail today, she won't even look at her old bed.LOL. I miss our cats so much. I always had cats my whole life,but got highly allergic to them about 12 years ago. After my last one passed we didn't get another one.
I've always loved cats, too, @Marie Mallery , but like you, I developed an allergy to them. I wish I could have another one, Hey!!!!!! How about my arm????? Don't I have a pretty arm??????