I got another coupon from Kitchenaid, so in my typical fashion I had to use it ASAP. Ordered this glass bowl and attachments for the bowl-lift mixer... I am now officially maxed out on mixer bowls.
I want one of those paddle blades with the squeegee on the side. How did you get hooked up with these coupons...did you order direct from KA???
Yes; I ordered direct from KA. They have deals on their website and if you sign up to be on the email list they usually send a percent-off coupon. (I have registered 4 email addys including my husband's. ) Around holidays they usually have sales, and they have a Refurb section that is hit or miss with availability but has really good prices. When I bought my last 2 mixers I used "Rakuten" and got 15% rebate on both of them (mine and my daughter's), plus they were on sale for $100 off and I used a coupon..."practically free!!"
Hey, you gotta work the coupon game. (Pro Tip: once you use the coupon, "unsubscribe" the email addy from the website. Later you can sign up again. )
Ya know Shiela was a Aussie slang word for a female way back in in the 1960’s my neighbour still uses the word @Faye Fox This word first appeared in Australian English in 1832 with the spelling shelah. It was initially used in Australia to refer to a woman of Irish origin, but from the late 19th century onwards it became a general term for a woman or girl.
Now so I don’t get into the poo for taking the thread off topic …what did I buy this week ….I bought a small piece of cork fabric to make bookmarks on my embroidery machine for our swap on the crafty forum. This is what I intend making The colourful addition is just normal fabric
I was commenting on my recent Tractor Supply experiences. The woman at the store could not find my Frequent Buyer's Account so signed my up again (a second account with the same last name and same phone number.) I got an offer to sign up for their credit card and get a $50 credit for future purchases. Hell, ya! I'm surprised that Kitchen Aid falls for that. I'll have to try it. I just need a bigger house before I buy more stuff.
I know, but around here it is used to mean a girly girl or a diva, generally a female that doesn't like to get her hands dirty.
I had to exchange my hat as they sent the wrong color. I like this one better with the lighter color and the smaller hatband. It sheds off rain like a duck's back and breaths like a racehorse. All ready for my daily rural walk on another unseasonably rainy cool day.
This stuff arrived today and it's already packaged to return. That glass bowl weighs almost 8 pounds empty. Very sturdy, but I'd have trouble handling it safely, plus the Flex Edge beater seems like it was striking the bowl too hard. Just an all around disappointment.
That sucks. I've wanted to get a larger bowl, as well as one with a cover so flour doesn't go flying. Does that Flex Edge put drag on the motor, or does it slap the bowl like a rented mule?
The stainless bowls are definitely the way to go; lightweight and sturdy. This Flex Edge doesn't seem to be the right fit for the thick glass, even though it is specifically made for it. It seems to hit the sides too forcefully which made me uncomfortable. No drag on the motor whatsoever. The other beaters were fine and operated as designed. I have the Flex Edge for my stainless bowls and it works fine; it touches the sides enough to "sweep", but doesn't slam the bowl.
My Breville pizza stone is totally scary looking and stained, plus it has started smoking up the oven when I preheat it. I read online that some people clean their pizza stones by putting them in a self-cleaning oven and letting it cycle. Hmmm. I guess I'll try that but it will have to be on a day when I can open the windows to air things out. In the meantime, I see that Amazon has the Breville stone on sale for $28.49 so I ordered a new one. I'm going to try to use parchment paper on the new stone so that maybe it won't absorb so much "pizza residue."