There are people who have had NDE experiences who see a light or whatever but no mention of heaven or God or hell for that matter.
You are a perfect example of what I was trying to say, Chrissy ! There are a lot of good-hearted people who are caring and actually live the kind of life that God asks us to live, even though they do not go to church, or maybe not even believe in God; but they have his teachings in their hearts, and they have a kind and loving heart. Then there are other people who have gone to church all of their life, studied the Bible, and have the appearance of living a godly life; but they do not truly have that love in their hearts. (And they are sometimes downright mean ! ) The Bible talks about people like this who say that they have done great things in his name, and he says that he never knew them. Another story is about a father that asks his sons to help him in the field. One son promises to help, but never shows up, and the second son (who didn’t promise to be there) goes and helps his father. The Bible also says that God looks at a person’s heart, and it is my opinion that this is what is important to him, and not how many times we said our prayers or how well we can quote scripture.
I'm sure there is @Chrissy Cross. Maybe they weren't in their NDE long enough to experience anything more than seeing a light. I really don't know because I haven't read enough about a NDE like that. But I probably will since I am going to read as many books on this topic as I can find just because it is very interesting to me.
That's how I feel @Yvonne Smith. God knows what's in my heart, mind and soul. I'm not perfect and I make mistakes but I believe God knows that deep down I try my best to be a good person.
If there is a God and a's the same for all mankind. So does that mean it will be like the Muslims believe...that there will be virgins there for their enjoyment? They are actually willing to commit suicide...that's a pretty strong belief!! Other religions believe in reincarnation.... There can't be that many different heavens or things happening after we's gotta be one or none in my opinion.
There are a lot of teachings (in just about every religion) that have come from what men thought or taught, or even from not understanding what the Bible was actually trying to tell us. Muslims and Jews both believe in the first few Books of the Old Testament, and as far as I know, there is nothing in there that even remotely says that there will be virgins for each man in heaven. The Old Testament doesn’t even have as many references to people going to heaven as the New Testament does, I don’t think; so this belief of the Muslims has to come from the Quran or some other teaching that they are given. There are so many different ideas and translations of what heaven entails, how and when we get there, and even about God himself; that it seems to me like we are all probably wrong in at least some parts of it, and won’t know until we actually get there. Even in just the Christian denominations, there are squabbles about which ones are right, and who will go to heaven. I also believe that there is just one God, one heaven, and we all just have learned different things that we accept as the truth.
No matter how good we are...we will never be good enough to get to Heaven on our own. God made a way for us all to be eligible for Heaven and eternal life. His name is Jesus Christ and there is no other way to enter into Heaven accept through Him.
But that's only one belief .."there are many others, that's my point. I just can't believe that a good person will be shunned by God...and it doesn't make sense that only a few with very specific beliefs will enter heaven.
It's the way God made for us all Chrissy. So He isn't shunning anyone. If they believe in God but not what He says...then they are making the choice to shun God's truth.
If you believe in the God of the Bible Chrissy...that is exactly what He says and will do. It isn't like He doesn't give everyone a choice....
I believe in a God that is the creator of the universe @Babs Hunt can he be giving people a choice when not all people ever even see the Bible you are referring to?
Getting back to the NDE's...I am just now reading about the NDE's where some say they went to Hell instead of Heaven. The book explains how there are more people who share their NDE's about going to Heaven because those who have the experience of going to hell are often so tramatized by this NDE that they bury those memories deep within their subconscious, or feel to ashamed, etc. to share it with others. Yet there are those who do share their NDE in hell to let others know that it is a very real place just like Heaven. Honestly it's hard to read the parts about going to Hell but at least those who had the NDE and went there have another chance not to go back there.