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Now It Appears That Baghdad May Fall

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Don Alaska, Aug 30, 2022.

  1. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I doubt we will recover from this in our lifetime if at all. They not only invited in non-assimilating invading hordes of invaders that will join forces to keep the free stuff but Obama replaced top bras leaders of our military with no telling what. He fired 197 top brass, this is very scary.
  2. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Actually most of the general officers retired rather than serve under the pretender. He couldn't have fired anyone without a reason. He started replacing them with his arse kissers which had no effect on them since most were already past the normal retiring 20 years and were more than happy to make it known how they felt about the pretender. No need to take my word for saying he was not a US Citizen, simply watch the more than one video of him stating himself to his college assembly that he was in fact born in Kenya !!! He was proud of it and never attempted to hide it. Strangely enough when he first came to America to go to school his entire immediate family came and lived on our dime for over 20 years, each of which were here illegally. It shows the level of criminality of the democrat party, they all knew he was not a citizen. His so called birth certificate from Hawaii was proven to be fake as it was not the certificate design or printed during his time of birth. His father was a card carrying communist. Not only those facts but his true birth certificate was found in the British archives which contained birth certificates of all new born Kenyans while they ruled Kenya. It was not released because even tho they had the certificate they could not say with 100 percent certainty that it was him, however it was the only such name in the registry and it was at exactly the same birth date and time. An awful lot of similarities and circumstances just ignored because they were in power. Now we all know how evil they truly are after continuing this coup de tat of Donald Trump with no letup until we the people put a stop to it. All these people responsible like hillary and the rest have made 100s of millions of dollars and they have every reason to risk it simply because they could all be hung for high treason if we just had a real justice department who has no friends in government. We are led by true tyrants and they make a fine photo of what it takes to destroy a nation. They still don't understand that they fool no one and every know tyrant over the millennium has paid with their lives sooner or later.
    Don Alaska likes this.

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