As far as people leaving NYC, like Los Angeles, not enough to even notice. Just look at the AM and PM traffic in both cities. There would those that dislike NYC a whole lot, but because of their job salary, won't leave. Same goes for Los Angeles. My SIL has told me, "many, many people are leaving the L.A. area" and when I asked "so, the traffic is better now?", she said "well, not really at all." As far as "defending yourself", apparently within the law, there are some fine lines of print about doing this.
Oh, I don't know. These folks seem to have noticed. They may have interpreted it differently, as is to be expected from the Democrat news media, but they have surely noticed the population decline. Times Union Yahoo News NBC New York Spectrum News 1 The City Empire City New York Post New York Times WKBW 7 Buffalo CBS News
But complaints are coming in from NY about a few bus loads of illegal aliens deposited there and elsewhere.
They are finding them hotel rooms and giving them cell phones while disabled American vets live on the streets. Shameful.
Michael Savage is the only person who is calling for a mass deportation like Ike did. Take them back down to bottom of South America a drop them off. Instead of Operation Wetback it would be Operation WorldBack.