It is hard to balance work and free time. Jobs that require you to work hours that wear you out can be very challenging. I had a job that I thought I wanted because I thought my experience would help people. The job required I work 8.5 hours a day. lunch was a eat at your desk situation. When the company held conventions the employees were required to be there. The pay was so low I had to work 60 hours a week to get a half way decent check to pay my bills. The office had rats in it and the people I worked with were really rude. I did not work there a full year because I could not take it. I only worked and slept, when I got home I would fall out in my bed with my clothes on and go to sleep. I finally decided it was a choice of my health or that job. The building had bad air which was causing me to be sick most of the time I was there from the allergens in the air. I walked out it was not worth it.