So very true.. ..and I agree but I still usually say passed away only because some are sensitive to the word died but when I am speaking about my personal family and friends I say they died
I always say 'passed over' - its what I believe has happened We've just shed our skin and emerged as a butterfly, although in some cases - a hornet
Patsy, I think passed over is a nice expression and more along my beliefs too..I just have never heard people use that. Dead is not comforting and passed away is rather weird as it begs the question away to where?....
Lois were you a doctor or nurse? Expired is interesting, I have heard of that expression but never heard it used... lol I have heard bought the farm and finally googled for the origin ..Military.. .as I understand it was used when pilots crash and die but expressing a desire by pilots to stop flying, return home and buy a farm and live in peace.
When I was a student nurse, we were taught to chart that a patient, ceased to breathe, when he/she expired. Then it was changed to, apparently expired.
haha - it does Right from a very young child I've used 'passed over' - I was a very psychic child, well up to my 50s then it waned a bit
"Passed over" sounds like someone didn't get that promotion. You can get that kind of "passed over" more than once. I was also gonna make a Jewish holiday joke, but I think that would be "pass overed." I just couldn't make it work.