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President Trump’s Legal Team To Uncover The Election Fraud

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Yvonne Smith, Nov 21, 2020.

  1. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    All the criminals fear their exposure and eventual arrest for taking foreign money from our enemies, next comes playing the stock market illegally. Piglosi making 5 million in one month alone on investments. All beforehand knowledge of bills being passed which made her and the others millions. Poor ole Martha Steward going to prison for 50.,000 dollars profit and all those congressmen and senators making millions on insider trading. If a civil war ever gets cranked up I sure wouldn't want to be one of those people who have laughed at us while nesting in our government for a half a century all the while stuffing their pockets with money and real estate. We all know who they are !
  2. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Yes we do, and even now we aren't stopping the gathering of evidence but they will only do us good if we can get rid of enough, crooked "bought" judges.
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.
  3. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Crooked hitlary was caught red handed in an active coup de tat, and she should have already been hung if Constitutional Laws had been honored and upheld. From the highest people in our so called justice department had actually performed their jobs that would have happened. Although it is a slippery slope since a coup de tat is not an offense that should be handled by elected officials, it is they that are involved so per the statutes our Military should have stepped in and taken the authority to arrest her and all the people that helped including those FBI turncoats who sold their office to a political hack. In the end she would have been shot and the rest in a legal firing squad. It is a death sentence for a coup de tat of our government and also spying as example the man and wife Rosenberg at the end of WW II , they were hung for spying. There is no prison sentence for a coup simply because it would inspire more morons and idiots to perform another coup attempt it the person or persons were allowed to live in a prison for the rest of their lives. That is the reasoning behind coup punishment. You will not find a politician today in our government that would lawfully do their duty and see that punishment was carried out. By the way Milly should have the same punishment calling our enemy and telling him he would inform him of anything . I sure as hell would not serve under a person like him. That's what I like about being a veteran, my oath never expires and I serve no man only my country and the constitution which we live by. All those that are now saying our constitution is outdated should be the first for the hangman. It is people like them that will destroy us.
  4. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Fundamentally I have to agree with much that you have offered but there’s a catch and that catch is indeed us, the American citizenry.
    It is true that the majority of Americans do favor Capital Punishment but there’s the overwhelming number of that majority who will capitulate to the minority even if it only stands for 1-2% of the adult population of the U.S.
    If every one of the people involved in the coup, have trampled upon our Flag and torn up the Constitution were taken out and shot I would not weep for one of them but I would indeed weep for a country that has allowed things to go so far as having to do such a thing.

    Too many citizens are filled with fear and are still hiding out and hoping that the wolf at the door doesn’t break it down instead of opening the door and shooting the wolf and then eating it.
    So much apathy, so much fear and so much anxiety has inundated our free society to the point that few are really ready for any kind of confrontation whether it be mental or physical.
    The saddest part is that even if we the people could really make a difference in the way things are there would still be a vast number who would still sit on their hands and do nothing as long as they think that it isn’t going to be their door where the wolf stands awaiting a share of the meat.

    Politicians aren’t happy unless they are politking and making their pockets full and until the American population gets tired of paying them their ransom for an adulterous job then it will be as it is.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2022
    Thomas Stillhere and Ed Wilson like this.
  5. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I don't understand, one thing I know people like me are afraid of is our own military turning against us if we try and get the scum of the top of the pool. In my mind I wondered if our military would stand up for truth, and work "for the people" along with those that are brave enough to take up arms. Any war, or over-powering a government never has, or ever will include everyone @Bobby Cole. But like biden being able to tell the military what to do, how do we deal with that? It probably is over half the US, maybe way more than that, that wants the scum takin out. Maybe it's not though, now we have millions of illegals living in the country, and we'd be smart to be damned afraid of a lot of them. A lot of Amercan's that didn't have guns, have them now, but so do the lawless.

    A coup by definition is illegal, but @Thomas Stillhere mentions "the military" should have stepped in. I am trying to figure out how our military can legally step in, and is that even possible that they would disobey the CIC, and I use that term as light as possible with the current so-called president :mad: Why isn't anyone talking about our military? Who would they stand with and protect? Looks like biden to me. I just feel so stupid, probably because I am, I just feel even worse now. Just another reason we couldnt take our country back if we wanted to:(
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.
  6. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    True, did you know during the Revolutionary War only 7000 men were actually in our Continental Army. The colonies had approximately 4 million and beyond, men and fighting age boys. Just a little backwards viewing and looking into a mirror 250 years ago. The way I figure it half of the US will show up when it starts this time. It infuriates me hearing that shrew hillary talking about next election. We really do have a double standard justice system now and I hope to live to a hundred to see all these people gone and the Nation once again one Nation, not a split one manufactured by some political hack drunken with the quest for title and power. To hear her beg for money for a campaign shows how corrupt the thief is. If she really wants to run she can cough up a few million from her stolen treasury. She would need a full time staff to clean her up after unloading on herself in July. We think slo joe is weak she is worse than he is, but let there be no doubt she does not care about Americans, she wants to get her ugly daughter all pumped up with more stolen loot knowing she "hillary" doesn't have long, thank God !
    Denise Evans and Bobby Cole like this.
  7. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    In essence, the military is supposed to protect the Commander in Chief and at the time, the Commander in Chief was D. Trump. That said, as @Thomas Stillhere mentioned, those in power, the political hacks that are supposed to run the military were the one’s who incited the coup.
    Yvonne Smith and Denise Evans like this.
  8. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    You are not stupid!
    Denise Evans likes this.
  9. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    I would say 1/3rd would use force, the other 2/3rds would make quick dog meat from those idiots. I know for a fact our military colleges like say West Point are graduating practicing communist. I don't know how many but they are there. They no longer follow traditional appointment for West Point, probably money plays a role now in being accepted. I am not impressed with our top leaders we now have in our military and they have been corrupted already. Don't be concerned because every state has a militia and if you notice not one has said one word during all this pass turmoil the past 13 years. They are out there and have a chain of command so should it ever become a fighting situation the militias would be major leaders. It is not like we have no leadership, it is there, you just don't see it. It is there because our constitution allows it. The signers knew what the future would bring and we are witnessing the very beginnings or a major change. I think we are getting far too many foreigners in thru the backdoor and eventually we would be overran by the worst you could imagine. biden should be held accountable for breaking the law and poisoning America with what they think are new voters. It would be ironic if one got him and a bunch of those around him. When they start allowing Syrians and others in without any vetting it can happen.
  10. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I'm sad and worried. Yes, we did it to ourselves, at least a lot of us just didn't pay attention. But there just has to be a way of bringing them down. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens since I sure don't have any ideas. I think good folks do though and they're out there right now doing battle. If we aren't at war, could have fooled me. What they want is the rich and the poor, and the poor easy to control.
  11. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I know I'm not, I sure feel stupid though, and it's just because there's so much I don't know about it all works. I just want it to work for Americas good, even for the few years I have left, yes, but especially for the kids growing up in this mess ;( That video of @Don Alaska about those doctors not knowing a little boy, 10 years old, was having a heart-attack from the vaccine given the day before ;(
    Yvonne Smith and Don Alaska like this.
  12. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    America has a very small standing Army. The reason it is small is due to them the politicians tearing down our military so they can use the money to buy more votes and in most cases when it comes to the selling of what was once a 90 year old US Army Base "Fort Ord Ca". Now who do you think in our government probably got their beak wet just in that one post destruction. We closed just about every major military base in the US. Just imagine what could have been done to use some of them as emergency housing for storm victims and other uses. I said 10 years ago that if we should ever get into another shooting war, we would have to house our men and women in our own homes just like the British did in WW II. I think we have the worst leaders in all of our history. They have all surrendered to the money and corruption. That was one thing Donald Trump already knew because he lived and worked surrounded by some of the worst morons in New York. It has always been a power struggle and you are able to see it real time now with all these silly subpoenas coming from that lawless bunch trying to still take down Donald Trump. Donald lives in their heads and it would so nice to see him President again and this time get a damned Attorney General not afraid to imprison a bunch of the worst. Republicans are too soft and don't have what it takes to stand up to tyranny, or a big War. Can you imagine having a Chinese bought and paid for President while we're fighting them, event the Russians have paid him and his crack headed boy. NO Republican leader could escape the press or Justice system if they were guilty of the same things that old zombie is guilty of.
    Denise Evans likes this.
  13. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    We should probably discuss this part in the conspiracy section, @Denise Happyfeet ; so I will just say a little bit about the military and why I think that they will protect us, the people, when it comes to that.
    Assuming (for the sake of discussion) that the election was not a true election, and Biden was placed into position by cheating, making him NOT the true president; then President Trump is still actually the commander-in-chief of our military.
    It would be hard for the military to just step in and take over this country without starting some sort of civil war, or at least some kind of violent response.
    We have to wait until enough people actually wake up and see what is happening, so the people can be behind the military and whatever has to be done to keep our country safe and protect us .
    Otherwise people, innocent (but deceived) people will end up being hurt, and I know that President Trump is trying to avoid it coming to that, even if we have to wait, and go slow at rescuing the country and reversing the election.
  14. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    That's so helpful in understanding, both you and @Bobby Cole , @Thomas Stillhere talk about things I've never, ever heard before, I just know that I believe in those people that are Right Wing, and hear so many lies from the Left. What I'll never understand is why so many of "we the people" are so ignorant of the slow, but sure, breaking down of America and they continue to vote for those that are so obvious in their lies, and the lining of their pockets with our dollars, and the companies we've worked for, or the businesses we've owned.

    It really does add up to people "buying into the lie" that is the liberal/democrat/left. Maybe it is the majority of humans in America that don't want to work, or participate in helping our country, or anyone but themselves. As long as they have theirs, who cares. They'll be the ones with a rude awakening though when that snake crawls up and bites them after they've been so good and supportive. The Left is the snake:mad: and that's one thing the Right will always know and be aware of, we won't be the one's fooled.
  15. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I really don't care Yvonne, I doubt there are few here that care either, seeing as how it's only been @Bobby Cole, @Thomas Stillhere and myself. Put it where you want it. One more thing, it's not a conspiracy "theory" it's truth no matter how many fools don't believe it.

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