Same here ,but when we are out dancing at the little hall in the middle of nowhere with only one other couple ,I will sing if I like the music hubs puts on ...he is always amazed I know the words to most of the tunes If an old song comes on the radio do you still remember the words
Sorry, Holly, if I tell y'all what my most treasured memory is, Ken might ban me. Kate, if it's an old country song, I most like will remember the words. Do you listen to the radio on your car?
Only if we are taking a long ride, other wise no.. Do you still hang clothes or sheets outside on a clothes line?
Rarely...only in the summer when I wash duvets and pillows... I always listen to the radio in the car...absolutely always... Anyone else want to answer 'what's your most treasured memory '' question..?
No. I keep thinking I will but it's just so much easier to toss them in the dryer. Do you have a cloths line?
Sorry @Holly Saunders ..I will leave that question about memory to someone else ... Yes I have two clothes lines Have you ever personally met any members of a forum you have been a member of
No but we exchange holiday cards, sometimes gifts, (Like the outfit that Louise made for Miki) and frequently emails. Have you?
yes I have, 3 people I have met on forums ... one girl from Colorado and one from Pennsyvania and one from Michigan oh and one other lady , forget her name now. I did not know here that well but her and hubby were going to Maine and so we met up with them and told them the nice places to go to eat Lobster.. .lol... and one man and his son that drove him to Maine..( he was an old minister) and has just passed away not that long ago.. ) I would hope to meet all of you some day too, but im so happy to be right here with everyone too even if we never met in person,,. and my question is for Shirley . will she share the wealth,,(Candy)?
Yes/ No but I'd love to meet some if I get the nerve to go on the US trip next year ..I've exchanged cards / little birthday gifts with one member .. You still like to get an occasional snail mail letter / card
I remember all of them, Louise. Nice people. Of course, I'll share. Y'all come right on over. I'll even buy some diet drinks to go with the candy so we won't get fat. Are people you exchange emails with pen pals? If so, I do. Do you drink diet drinks?
no , I only drink 7-up. sometimes and I like iced sweet tea and just water for me, thank you.. Do you like to Play games ? lol duh!! well its all I could think of, LOL..