Yes I do..... our supermarkets don't supply wipes for cleaning the trolleys' but I carry a pack of wipes in my bag always.. If you went out tonight to a a favourite restaurant what would you choose from the menu for dinner ?
Definitely the country.. We live in the remote country and simply love it.. Do you have cable or satellite dish for your TV ????
Yes.... But only if I want to see otherwise I see nothing.. I don't wear my glasses when I sleep.. That's why my dreams are all blurred...... Do you wear sun glasses ????
Hmm. My dreams (& nightmares) are crystal clear. Yes I wear sunglasses often. Ever run into someone you haven't seen for decades, they recognize you but you have no clue who they are?
All the time.... actually it happens with people I see quite often..... Its called a "Senior Moment" .............. Do you have call display on your house telephone ????????
No, no need. I keep the ringer on my landline turned off. Only use it occasionally for calling out. Do you use any nitelites?
Yes... all over the house especially in the bedroom and bathroom.. Your computer........... a desktop or a laptop
usually about 11:00am if not later... We have slept till after noon.. Depends on what time we go to bed.. Do you have a pet at home ??
NO !!!! We have a dog at present.. A Pomeranian all of 6 pounds that we love.. Never barks at all unless necessary.. I just bought a celery root.. do you know what to do with it ???
No please explain ,there are so very odd looking foods appearing in our supermarkets I wouldn't have a clue what to do with them . Have you eaten dragon fruit
NO... Never tried dragon fruit but I would like to.. Not available in our village... Repeat question:.... What to do with a celery root.....???????????????????? I bought one for a change but I have NO idea how to cook it.. I was going to cube it, steam it, and mash it with butter..